[影视氛围人声音景音源]Sonora Cinematic Aria Vocalscapes v1.1.2 [KONTAKT](917.70Mb)

P2P | 23 August 2024 | 917.70 MB

介绍 Aria:Vocalscapes,其中环境、电影和实验人声汇聚在一个鼓舞人心且易于使用的乐器中,可为您的音乐添加美妙的人声纹理、氛围或垫底。

以受过古典训练的女高音 Emma May Price 的歌声为特色,您可以毫不费力地用充满令人难以忘怀的紧张、恐惧和期待的音景,或以其美丽和优雅迷人的空灵旋律唤起无数情感。

Aria:Vocalscapes 的核心是我们为 Kontakt Player 量身定制的全新 Aria 引擎,它充满了调制可能性和富有表现力的效果,以及处理您自己的样本的方法!

首先浏览从传统的“Aah”和“Mmh”到经过大量处理的人声的各种发音方法,为两个可用插槽中各选择一个,然后使用直观的集成 XY 垫创建不断发展的基于人声的音景。

通过分层或交叉淡入淡出发音,添加两个独立的滤波器并分配任何参数以由 X 或 Y 轴控制,从而更进一步:限制在于您的创造力。

尽管界面简洁流畅,但创意选项并不止于此!Aria:Vocalscapes 为滤波器提供了两个步进音序器,每层都有 LFO,从而为您提供了额外的深度,让您可以将节奏运动和调制注入到您的作品中。

用 FX 进行实验
使用三个效果插槽和一个令人印象深刻的 FX 面板进一步塑造您的音频,该面板可根据所选效果进行调整 – 尝试不同的组合并轻松微调您的声音。

通过录制您自己的 XY 动作来捕捉您独特的艺术表现形式,将它们存储为预设并调整其播放速度。此外,您甚至可以导入自己的样本以实现无限创造力!观看下面的视频了解如何……

如果您被 Aria Libera 的魔力所吸引,那么准备好被 Aria Vocalscapes 迷住吧。

Aria Vocalscapes v1.1 中的新功能(2024 年 5 月发布)

– 改进了用户样本导入体验,具有丢弃样本的自动音高检测功能,以及让用户样本循环或单次播放的新选项。

– 如果激活,运动控制器现在仅在实际播放音符时运行。

– 新的每层 LFO 到 PAN 调制可用。

– 20 个新快照。

– 所有非音高发音现在都是单声道的,以避免在使用这些发音演奏和弦时偶尔发生的相位问题。

– 小错误修复和小 GUI 改进。


需要 Native Instruments Kontakt Player 或 Kontakt FULL v7.7.2 及更高版本!

Breathtaking Vocal Vistas
Introducing Aria: Vocalscapes where ambient, cinematic, and experimental vocals converge in an inspiring and easy to use instrument for adding beautiful vocal textures, atmospheres or pads to your music.

Featuring vocals by classically trained soprano Emma May Price, you can effortlessly evoke a myriad of emotions with soundscapes laden with haunting tension, trepidation, and anticipation, or ethereal melodies that captivate with their beauty and grace.

A Brand New Engine
At the heart of Aria: Vocalscapes lies our brand new bespoke Aria Engine for Kontakt Player which is full of modulation possibilities and expressive effects as well as ways to mangle your own samples!

Get started by browsing a diverse array of articulations from traditional “Aah” and “Mmh” to heavily processed vocals, pick one for each of the two available slots and create ever evolving vocal-based soundscapes using the intuitive integrated XY pad.

Go further by layering or crossfading articulations, add two independent filters and assign any parameter to be controlled by either the X or Y axis: the limit is your creativity.

Make It Move…
Despite the sleek and simple interface, the creative options don’t end there! Aria: Vocalscapes offers additional depth with two step sequencers for the filters and per-layer LFOs empowering you to infuse rhythmic movement and modulation into your compositions.

Experiment With FX
Shape your audio further with three effects slots and an impressive FX panel which adjusts according to the effect selected – experiment with different combinations and fine-tune your sounds with ease.

Import Your Own Sounds
Capture your unique artistic expression by recording your own XY motions, store them as presets and adjust their playback speed. What’s more, you can even import your own samples for limitless creativity! Check out the video below to see how…

If you were captivated by the magic of Aria Libera, prepare to be mesmerised by Aria Vocalscapes.

New in Aria Vocalscapes v1.1 (Released May 2024)

– Improved user sample import experience, with automatic pitch detection of the sample dropped and a new option to have the user sample either looped or one-shot.

– If activated, the motion controller is now running only when a note is actually being played.

– New per-layer LFO to PAN modulation available.

– 20 new snapshots.

– All non-pitched articulation are now monophonic to avoid the phasing issues that could occasionally happen when playing chords with those articulations.

– Minor bug fix and minor GUI improvements.

NOTE: the new features means that sessions saved with the older version of the engine might sound slightly different if opened after the update. For this reason we recommend existing users finish their project before updating, or render to audio the parts in question.

Requires Native Instruments Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v7.7.2 and higher!

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