[死亡金属硬核金属音色库]Soundiron Voices Of Rage v2 [KONTAKT](7.42Gb)

P2P | 24 August 2024 | 7.42 GB

Voices Of Rage 是一个激进的死亡金属、硬核和金属核人声库,融合了出色的人声表演、强大的歌词和歌词构建系统、节奏同步的短语步进排序功能、多种麦克风类型、机架多重效果以及大量尖端内容和功能。它探索了死亡金属以其咆哮、尖叫、嘶嘶声和尖锐声而闻名的原始、野蛮和粗犷的人声风格。

我们录制了歌手 Evan “Severed” Seidlitz、Alecia “Mixi” Demner (Stitched Up Heart)、Jason Kocol (Impaled)、Aaron Boynton (The Sky We Scrape) 和 Redouane Aouameur 的歌曲。每位歌手都提供自己独特的风格和技巧,让您可以选择与各种金属子流派合作。我们将他们推向绝对的物理极限,以构建大量完全可播放的歌词。庞大的 Wordmaster 词典包含 100 个单词,涵盖各种名词、代词、动词和形容词。每个单词都经过精心挑选,以创建一个有效的抒情工具箱,具有持续和断奏变体 – 既有喉音死亡音调,也有酸性尖叫音调。我们还录制了数百个现场微短语,可以使用我们的短语步进音序器将它们组合成您自己的歌曲,并以各种方式进行节奏同步、拉伸、分层和混合。

五位歌手中的每一位都在干燥的录音室环境中用多个麦克风进行录制,以捕捉表演的每一个细微差别,同时提供独特的声音风格。我们使用动圈舞台麦克风(Shure SM58)来获得舞台表演的所有冲击力和坚韧度。我们还使用大振膜录音室电容麦克风(Neumann TLM 103)进行录制,以获得纯净、清脆的全音域清晰度和完美的保真度。然后,我们精心准备和编辑每个样本,并手工编程每个元素,使其成为一个无与伦比的性能界面,可提供效率和控制。


– 2 个麦克风选择(舞台和工作室),带独立混音和启用/旁路控制。
– 100 个断音词,带 2X 循环,可在独立死亡和尖叫模式之间即时切换。
– 100 个持续的 Marcato Words,带有循环维持和释放样本,可在独立死亡和尖叫模式之间即时切换。
– 大量长维持和短动态死亡声音效果,包括咆哮、尖叫、尖叫、嘶嘶声、耳语、咆哮、呼吸等。
– 现场表演短语,带有音高转调、即时模式排序、连奏混合、节奏同步/时间拉伸、塑形等。
– Mixi 提供的完整女性摇滚声乐维持选择,包括元音 Ah、Ay、Ee、Oh、Hmmm 和 Oo 的多个动态级别和攻击变体。
– 抒情乐句包括数百首原创的免版税歌词,分为 9 首歌曲,每首歌曲都有大量独特的即兴变体和重新诠释。Phrase Master 系统允许您随意切割、切片、排序、重新组合和调制每句歌词,从而实现无限多的新可能性。-
额外的人声氛围、氛围和其他自定义旋律 FX 乐器。-
完整的多 FX 机架面板,带有合唱、压缩、失真、放大器和驾驶室模拟、均衡器、延迟和混响。-
我们的混响机架单元包括 25 个独特的创意 FX 卷积和 45 个出色的现场房间、工作室、室内、大教堂、大厅和其他真实环境,具有灵活的音调、大小和混音控制。-
完全自动化,具有可自定义的按键开关和 GUI 控件。

该库包括我们的 Wordmaster 界面,其中有 100 个单词可用于构建您自己的歌词,每个单词都有死亡和尖叫模式。尖叫和死亡层可以独立混合、平移和在持续和断奏版本之间切换。还有大量的现场抒情短语,具有节奏同步、步进排序、歌曲切换和数十种其他自定义控制功能。我们还提供了全面的 FX Rack 面板,具有多重效果、压缩、均衡器、放大器/扬声器模拟和卷积混响,具有数十个我们最受欢迎的自定义录制房间、大厅、大教堂和超凡脱俗的 fx 脉冲,可通过界面轻松获得。最后,我们将源录音扭曲成各种氛围、嗡嗡声、气氛和特殊 FX 乐器。Voices Of Rage 结合了卓越的编程和出色的性能质量,提供了一个独特而灵活的库,具有您在其他任何地方都找不到的功能和可玩性。

埃文·塞德利茨(又名埃文·塞弗雷德)是 Invidia 乐队的主唱,曾是 Vyces、Thrown Into Exile 和 Grimace 乐队的主唱。埃文来自好莱坞,从强烈、恶魔般扭曲的尖叫风格到喉音般的毁灭之声,风格各异。Mixi

阿莱西亚·德姆纳(又名 Mixi)是来自加州好莱坞的 Stitched Up Heart 乐队的主唱。她的声音从烟熏柔和的音调到激烈的尖叫。她是 2008 年 Fuse 电视节目“救赎之歌”的获胜者。

Aaron Boynton 是来自芝加哥郊区的歌手兼多乐器演奏家。他的声音带有朋克和激流金属的影响,听起来像直截了当的硬核呐喊。他是金属乐队 Internal Empires 的歌手兼主要词曲作者,该乐队于 2012 年自行发行了首张专辑《Corruption Of Reason》。他目前还是旋律朋克摇滚乐队 The Sky We Scrape 的贝斯手,该乐队于 2013 年在 Paper + Plastick Records 上发行了首张专辑《Divides》。这两支乐队的新专辑将于 2014 年中夏发行,今年将在美国和欧洲巡回演出。Jason

Jason Kocol 是奥克兰死亡金属乐队 Impaled 的吉他手兼歌手,也是 Ubisoft 的 Rocksmith 游戏的音符跟踪师。他的声音停留在死亡金属和碾核的经典泥泞深处,从刺耳的咆哮上升到低沉、严肃的咆哮。作为一名乐器演奏家、作曲家、录音工程师和表演者,他的音乐兴趣和作品范围广泛,从现代管弦乐到死亡金属,从电子音乐到探戈,从噪音到合成流行乐。Redouane
Redouane Aouameur 是阿尔及利亚历史最悠久、最著名的金属音乐家之一,他因与著名死亡金属乐队 Metal Age Productions 录音艺术家 Lelahell 合作的作品而被世界各地的极端金属乐迷所熟知。在加入 Lelahall 之前,Redouane 曾加入过 Carnavage、Litham 等乐队,这些乐队都为阿尔及利亚金属音乐界的发展做出了贡献。Redouane 富有魅力和强大的嗓音使他成为受欢迎的客座歌手或伴唱歌手,Death Throne、Silent Obsession、Aash 等乐队都需要他多样而动感的音色。


– 五位来自不同金属流派的歌手,分布在两个麦克风位置
– 现场表演乐句、词曲创作、人声 FX、氛围
– 15 个强大的 Kontakt Player .nki 乐器预设
– 28,600 个立体声样本,锁定 .ncw 格式
– 已安装 7.4 GB
– 灵活直观的多层用户界面控件,带有 LFO、滤波器、滑音和琶音器
– 带有卷积混响的全 FX 机架,带有自定义房间、大厅、室内和 FX 环境

Voices Of Rage is an aggressive death metal, hardcore and metalcore vocal library that combines awesome vocal performances, powerful word and lyric building systems, tempo-synched phrase step sequencing features, multiple mic types, rack multi-FX and tons of cutting edge content and capabilities. It explores the raw, brutal and guttural vocal style that death metal is known for, in all of its roaring, screaming, hissing and screeching glory.

We recorded vocalists Evan “Severed” Seidlitz, Alecia “Mixi” Demner (Stitched Up Heart), Jason Kocol (Impaled) Aaron Boynton (The Sky We Scrape), and Redouane Aouameur. Each singer offers their own unique style and technique, giving you options to work with a broad range of metal sub-genres. We pushed them to their absolute physical limits to build a massive array of fully playable lyrics. The huge Wordmaster dictionary includes 100 words, covering a variety of nouns, pronouns, verbs and adjectives. Each word was chosen to create an effective lyrical toolbox, with sustaining and staccato variants – in both guttural death and acidic screaming tones. We also recorded hundreds of live micro-phrases that can be assembled into your own songs using our phrase step-sequencer and tempo-synched, stretched, layered and blended in all manner of ways.

Each of the five vocalists was captured in a dry studio environment with multiple microphones to capture every subtle nuance of the performance, while providing to distinct sonic flavors. We used a dynamic stage mic (Shure SM58) to get all of the punch and grit of a stage performance. We also recorded with a large diaphragm studio condenser mic (Neumann TLM 103) for pure, crisp full range clarity and perfect fidelity. We then carefully prepared and edited each sample and hand-programmed each element into an unrivaled performance interface that delivers both efficiency and control.


– 2 microphone choices (stage & studio) w/independent mix and enable/bypass control.
– 100 Staccato Words with 2X round-robin, with instant switching between independent death and scream modes.
– 100 Sustaining Marcato Words with looping sustain and release samples, and instant switching between independent death and scream modes.
– Tons and tons of long sustaining and short dynamic death vocal effects, including roars, screams, screeches, hissing, whispers, growls, breaths and more.
– Live performance phrases with pitch transposition, instant pattern sequencing, legato blending, tempo-synching/time-stretching, shaping and more.
– A full selection of female rock vocal sustains by Mixi, including multiple dynamic levels and attack variants for the vowels Ah, Ay, Ee, Oh, Hmmm and Oo.
– Lyrical phrases includes hundreds of original royalty free lines, categorized into 9 songs, each with a wide selection of unique improvised variants and re-interpretations. The Phrase Master system lets you chop, slice, sequence, recombine and modulate each line however you like, for an essentially infinite number of new possibilities.
– Convenient real-time visual wave-form display in every preset.
– Bonus vocal Ambiences, Atmospheres and other custom melodic FX instruments.
– Swell, Attack, Release, Offset, Attenuation and Humanization controls allow for real-time dynamic performance shaping.
– Full Multi-FX rack panel with Chorus, Compression, Distortion, Amp and Cab simulation, EQ, Delay and Reverb.
– Our Reverb rack unit includes 25 unique creative FX convolutions and 45 excellent live rooms, studios, chambers, cathedrals, halls and other real-world environments, with flexible tone, size and mix controls.
– Fully automatable, with customizable key switch and GUI controls.

The library includes our Wordmaster interface with 100 words to build your own lyrics with, with death and scream modes for each word. The Scream and Death layers can be mixed, panned and switched between sustaining and staccato versions independently of one another. There’s also a huge collection of live lyrical phrases with tempo-synching, step sequencing, song switching and dozens of other custom control features. We’ve also included our comprehensive FX Rack panel, with multi-effects, compression, EQ, amp/speaker simulation and convolution reverb, featuring dozens of our most popular custom recorded rooms, halls, cathedrals and otherworldly fx impulses easily available right through the interface. Finally, we contorted the source recordings into a broad selection of ambiences, drones, atmospheres and special FX instruments. Voices Of Rage combines superior programming and excellent performance quality to deliver a unique and flexible library with features and playability you won’t find anywhere else.

Evan Seidlitz
Evan Seidlitz – aka Evan Severed – is the lead singer of Invidia and former lead singer of Vyces, Thrown Into Exile and Grimace. Based in Hollywood, Evan ranges from an intense, demonic and twiusted screaming style to guttural doom vocals.

Mixi Demner
Alecia Demner – aka Mixi – is the lead vocalist for Stitched Up Heart out of Hollywood, CA. Her voice ranges from a smokey and soft tone to an agressive scream. She was a winner on the Fuse TV show “Redemption Song” in 2008.

Aaron Boynton
Aaron Boynton is a vocalist and multi-instrumentalist from the Chicago suburbs. His voice offers a straight-ahead hardcore yell with punk and thrash influences. He is the vocalist and primary song-writer for the metal outfit Internal Empires, who self-released their debut album Corruption Of Reason in 2012. He also currently plays bass for the melodic punk rock band The Sky We Scrape, who released their debut album Divides on Paper + Plastick Records in 2013. Both bands have new releases due out in mid-Summer 2014, and will be seen touring the US and Europe this year.

Jason Kokol
Jason Kocol is a guitarist and vocalist for Oakland-based death metal band Impaled and a notetracker for Ubisoft’s Rocksmith games. His voice dwells in the classic sludgy depths of death metal and grindcore, rising up from raspy growl to a bassy, gravely roar. As an instrumentalist, composer, recording engineer and performer, his musical interests and offerings range from modern day orchestral music to death metal, electronic music to tango, noise to synth pop.
Redouane Aouameur
Redouane Aouameur is one of Algeria’s longest-standing and most celebrated metal musicians, known to extreme metal fans worldwide for his work with the acclaimed death metal band, Metal Age Productions recording artists, Lelahell. Before the advent of Lelahall Redouane was part of bands like Carnavage, Litham, and more, all of whom assisted in the growth of the Algerian metal scene. Redouane’s charismatic and powerful vocals have made him in demand as a guest or session vocalist, with the likes of Death Throne, Silent Obsession, Aash and many more calling upon his diverse and dynamic tones.
Product Specs

– Five vocalists from various metal genres in two microphone positions
– Live performance phrases, wordmaster, vocal FX, ambiences
– 15 Powerful Kontakt Player .nki instrument presets
– 28,600 stereo samples in locked .ncw format
– 7.4 GB Installed
– Flexible and intuitive multi-layer user interface controls, with LFO, filter, glide, and arpeggiator
– Full FX rack with convolution reverb with custom rooms, halls, chambers & FX environments


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