[多功能效果工具]Sugar Bytes Turnado v1.7.0 for iPad [iOS](57.3MB)

iPad iOS | 25 August 2024 | 57.3 MB

Turnado 是一款革命性的多功能效果工具,特别为大规模实时音频操控而设计。它结合了独特而动态的效果与最直观、即时的控制。只需开启并调节即可。

带上它走上舞台,释放 Turnado 的真正威力。凭借即时访问八个效果以及对关键参数的即时控制,Turnado 保证会让舞池翻天覆地,将节奏切碎并扭曲到疯狂的程度。

• 音频单元 v3 插件 & 独立应用
• 4 个 XY 垫来同时控制 2 个效果(X,Y)
• 集成播放器(音乐库、出厂循环)
• 集成录音机(选项:开始/停止/同步/长度)
• 实时模式(输入/输出可选)
• Auria 插件
• AudioCopy/AudioShare 导入
• AudioCopy/AudioShare/Soundcloud/Dropbox 导出
• 完整的 MIDI 支持(虚拟、网络、外部)
• MIDI 时钟同步


凭借即时的一旋钮、多参数调制功能,Turnado 将摧毁音频景观。赋予您粉碎、切割、扭曲、混合和提升音乐至新高度的能力,Turnado 将让您创造出令人震惊的新声音,震撼任何观众。

解锁 MIDI 控制器的力量,每个效果只需要一个旋钮来控制。在这简单背后隐藏着一个效果参数矩阵和调制引擎,所有这些都由主旋钮控制。这个控制矩阵为插件提供了严肃的深度,并让您有能力创建原创且真正独一无二的效果程序。

如果一旋钮的操作仍然无法打动您,那么“独裁者”模式将会击沉您的战舰。它允许您动画化所有的主旋钮,并仅用一个推子来运行该动画。那是一个推子,控制多达 8 个不同的效果,潜在地改变数百个参数!

Turnado 的主要焦点在于节奏操控,所以您会发现许多循环器、切片器和粒度工具。除了这些节奏粉碎效果之外,还有一系列失真和滤波器以及一流的延时和混响。通过广泛的调制可能性,每个效果都可以产生数百万种难以置信的变化,每次调节那些旋钮时都可以将它们塑造成全新的东西。
Turnado 将不断激发您,每次都能带来完全不同的声音和节奏变化,那么您还在等待什么呢……开启吧。

变更日志:v1.7.0 2024 年 8 月 23 日
• Ableton Link 开始/停止同步
兼容性:iPad iOS 13.0 或更高版本

Turnado is a revolutionary multi-effect tool, crafted especially for massive real-time audio manipulation. It combines unique and dynamic effects with the most intuitive and immediate control you can imagine. Just turn it on and crank it up.

Take it to the stage and unleash Turnado’s true power. With instant access to eight effects and immediate control over key parameters, Turnado is guaranteed to cause devastation on the dance floor, shredding beats and crunking breaks to insane proportions.

Features at a Glance:
• Audio Unit v3 Plugin & Standalone App
• 4 XY-Pads to control 2 Effects simultaneously (X,Y)
• Integrated Player (Music Library, Factory Loops)
• Integrated Recorder (options: Start/Stop/Sync/Length)
• Live Modus (Inputs & Outputs selectable)
• Auria Plug-In
• AudioCopy / AudioShare import
• AudioCopy / AudioShare / Soundcoud / Dropbox export
• Full Midi Support (Virtual, Network, Extern)
• Midi Clock Sync

The idea is simple:
Turn a knob and the effect is on.
Turn the knob further to adjust effect parameters and apply modulations.
Turn the knob down and the effect is off.

With its instantaneous, one-knob, multi-parameter modulation features, Turnado will lay waste to the audio landscape. Giving you the power to crunch, chop, twist, mash and elevate your music to new levels, Turnado will have you creating wicked new sounds that will blow any crowd away.

Unlocking the power of your MIDI controller each effect requires only one knob to control it. Underneath this simplicity lies a matrix of effect parameters and modulation engines, all controlled by the main knob. This control matrix provides serious depth to the plugin and gives you the ability to create original and truly unique effect programs.

If the power of one-knob action still doesn’t rock your boat, the awesome “Dictator” mode will sink your battleship. It allows you to animate all the main knobs and run that animation with just one fader. That’s one fader, controlling up to 8 different effects, with potentially hundreds of parameter changes!

Turnado’s primary focus is on beat manipulation, so you will find lots of loopers, slicers and grain tools in the rack. Alongside these beat-mashing effects are an arsenal of distortions and filters as well as first-class delays and reverbs. With extensive modulation possibilities each effect can produce millions of unbelievable variations that can be morphed and twisted into something new every time you tweak those knobs.
Turnado will inspire you again and again, delivering completely new variations of your original sounds and grooves every time, so what are you waiting for…turn it on.

Changelog: v1.7.0 Aug 23, 2024
• Ableton Link Start/Stop Sync
Ongoing improvements and bug-fixes.
Compatibility: iPad iOS 13.0 or later

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