[苹果音频路由跳线软件]Rogue Amoeba Loopback 2.4.3 [MacOSX](32Mb)

Team: TNT | Aug 2024 | 32 MB

Loopback 可让您轻松地在 Mac 上的应用程序之间传递音频。创建虚拟音频设备以从应用程序和音频输入设备获取声音,然后将其发送到音频处理应用程序。Loopback 让您在计算机内部拥有高端录音室混音板的强大功能!

– 向所有播客嘉宾播放音频- 将您的麦克风与 iTunes 或 QuickTime Player 等音频源结合,然后在 Skype 中选择您的 Loopback 设备作为源。瞧!您的所有嘉宾都会听到您的声音和音频附加组件。-
录制游戏视频- 制作具有出色音频的游戏视频通常非常困难。如果您使用像 Elgato 的游戏捕捉硬件这样的设备,并且想要同时录制您的麦克风和游戏的音频,Loopback 可以提供帮助!
– 组合硬件设备- GarageBand、Logic 和 Ableton Live 等应用程序一次只能从一个音频设备录制。值得庆幸的是,它们提供从多个频道录制的功能。使用 Loopback,您可以将多个输入设备组合成一个虚拟设备以便于录制。
– 创建一流的屏幕录像 – 屏幕录像机(包括 QuickTime Player)允许您录制麦克风的音频。有些允许录制系统音频,但这两种选择都不理想。创建一个虚拟设备,只抓取麦克风和应用程序的音频,以获得您想要的音频。
– 路由音频用于广播 – 将一个简单的(直通)设备设置为音频劫持链末端的输出,然后将其设置为 Nicecast 中的输入源。现在听众可以在您录制播客时收听直播!

兼容性: macOS 14.5 或更高版本

Loopback makes it easy to pass audio between applications on your Mac. Create virtual audio devices to take the sound from applications and audio input devices, then send it to audio processing applications. Loopback gives you the power of a high-end studio mixing board, right inside your computer!

– Play Audio to All Your Podcast Guests – Combine your mic with audio sources like iTunes or QuickTime Player, then select your Loopback device as your source in Skype. Presto! Your guests all hear both your voice and your audio add-ons.
– Record Gameplay Videos – Making gameplay videos with great audio can often be very difficult. If you’re using a device like Elgato’s Game Capture hardware and you want to record both your microphone and the game’s audio at once, Loopback can assist!
– Combine Hardware Devices – Apps like GarageBand, Logic, and Ableton Live only record from a single audio device at once. Thankfully, they offer recording from many channels. With Loopback, you can combine multiple input devices into one virtual device for easy recording.
– Create Top-Notch Screencasts – Screen recorders, including QuickTime Player, allow you to include your mic’s audio. Some allow recording of system audio instead, but neither option is ideal. Create a virtual device that grabs just the mic and the app’s audio to get exactly the audio you want.
– Route Audio For Broadcasts – Set a simple (pass-thru) device as the output at the end of an Audio Hijack chain, and then as the input source in Nicecast. Now listeners can tune in to a live stream of your podcast as you record it!

Compatibility: macOS 14.5 or later


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