P2P | 26 August 2024 | 36.09 GB
Novella Origin 是一款获奖的多功能乐器库,为现代电影配乐提供充满电影感的声音。它适合讲述关于人物的故事,音乐感觉人性化。
该库包括一个由 9 位弦乐手组成的独特小型弦乐团、一支民间风格的女高音合唱团、一把低调的电吉他、一张用棉布包裹的直立钢琴、一台充满灵魂的模拟合成器以及一套受到交响乐影响的鼓组。
弦乐 / Willow Ensemble
该库的核心是由 9 位弦乐手组成的小型弦乐团。虽然规模不大,但却非常亲密,在需要时也能发挥出强大的力量。
包含 4 个独立的弦乐部分,具有真正的连奏和数十种惊人的演奏技巧,包括我们著名的即兴演奏。还包括一个合奏乐器,提供了一系列预先编排的和弦。
在大提琴、中提琴和小提琴上,还有使用 Vivid 即兴演奏创建的 Vivid Legato,带来更自然、富有表现力的声音,内置了人性化的、感性的演奏。
对于小提琴、中提琴和大提琴,我们录制了两种风格和三种循环样本的著名即兴演奏。可以在 GENTLE 和 VIVID 表演之间实时切换。各部分的演奏家们相互即兴演奏,因此每个演奏都具有凝聚力和流动性,感觉生动且充满自然的能量。
女高音合唱团 / The Foils
还包含两种较短的打击式声乐表演和一种称为 Chatters 的技巧。这种技巧具有未计量的北欧风格,携带真正的紧张感和动感。
参与录音的声乐家包括 Maddie Morris,她曾赢得 BBC Young Folk 奖项,以及 Iona Lane,一位出色的苏格兰民谣歌手兼词曲作者,她的最新专辑在英国官方民谣专辑榜单上取得了佳绩。
电吉他 / Pickup Six
这把电吉他调至 Eb(如果足够好,对 Jimi 来说也是好的),通过一台老式美国全电子管组合放大器录制,音量刚好达到自然破碎的边缘。
直立钢琴 / Cotton Upright
这是一台 Yamaha U3 直立钢琴,感觉就像一台婴儿三角钢琴。我们录制时在琴槌和琴弦之间放置了一张柔软的棉布。这是一种美妙的声音,感觉宏大而开阔,但不会盖过其他乐器。而且不像完全用毛毡包裹的钢琴,在繁忙的混音中不会消失。
该乐器中包含只踩踏板的样本,适用于喜欢这种更共振声音的人。还有一个名为 Dust Piano 的补丁。这是一种更嘈杂、更氛围的演奏,当您想要更柔和的声音时,可以增加一点气氛。
模拟合成器 / Wanderlust
由一台 Sequential Prophet 5 创作的 36 个原创声音。这是一台 70 年代设计的模拟合成器,拥有无与伦比的有机声音。被无数优秀唱片中的艺术家使用,如 Kraftwork、Radiohead 和 Aphex Twin。
这些声音非常适合与库中的其他声音相匹配。一如既往,在 Westwood,一些声音通过吉他踏板和其他方法进一步推动。
包裹在一个专为合成器定制的 Evergreen 框架中,您可以塑造和改变声音,使其成为您自己的声音。但我们认为它们听起来已经很棒。
鼓组 / Daybreak
一套大型开放的鼓组,录制了两次以获得两种不同的感觉。一次使用竹扫帚棒演奏,声音更紧实、更具爵士风格。另一次使用毛毡鼓棒演奏,并取下了 Snare 的弦线,声音更偏向交响乐风格。
鼓组的灵感来源于从 70 年代至今的一些另类电影配乐。一套漂亮的 Ludwig 鼓组,调音非常宽松,搭配宽大的 Istanbul Agop 铃鼓。
包含独立的左手和右手 Snare 样本,不用担心;有足够的力度层和循环样本,让一切听起来生动。还有一段使用毛毡鼓棒自然演奏的铃鼓渐强。
9 位弦乐手组成的弦乐团;
4 个独立的弦乐部分,具有连奏
需要 Native Instruments Kontakt Player 或 Kontakt FULL v6.6.0 或更高版本!
A toolkit of cinema-fuelled instruments for modern scoring
Novella Origin is an award-winning, multi-instrument library of contemporary cinematic sounds for stories about people and music that feels human.
Made up of an expressive 9-piece string section with true legato, a folk-inspired alto choir, an understated electric guitar, a cotton-draped upright piano, a soul-filled analogue synth, and an orchestral-influenced drum kit.
A one-stop library for your next film score where the characters are flawed and the drama is real. And a perfect companion if you’re a songwriter or producer looking for a beautiful, film-inspired soundtrack to your next album.
Small but mighty
The heart of the library is a distinctive 9-piece string section. Small and intimate but mighty when you need it to be.
4 individual sections with legato and dozens of stunning articulations including our famed improvisations. Also includes an ensemble instrument with an amazing selection of pre-orchestrated chords.
Carefully recorded in place to give a naturally balanced stereo image, where everything sounds great out of the box.
Natural legato
All of the four sections have been recorded independently, with true legato over 3 octaves or more. We asked the string players to perform every single transition between notes in the most organic and spontaneous way they could. This way you get a natural sound and one that more closely represents a real performance.
On the cellos, violas and violins, there is also VIVID LEGATO created using the Vivid Improvisations, for a more naturally expressive sound that has a human and emotive performance built-in.
With the Violins, Violas and Cellos we captured 2 styles and 3 round robins of our famous Improvisations. Move in real-time between GENTLE and VIVID performances. With the players in their own sections improvising around each other, there’s a cohesive and fluid sound to each one, which feels alive and full of natural energy.
Folk-inpired voices
Four beautiful alto voices, originating from a folk background. These voices are both elegant and fearless. Perfect for adding a very human element to your music.
The choir begins with a range of Improvised performances, where you can control the intensity of singing and the vowel sounds.
There are also 2 shorter percussive vocal performances and a technique we call Chatters. This has an unmeasured, Scandi vibe and carries a real sense of tension and motion.
The vocalists include Maddie Morris, who has won a BBC Young Folk award and Iona Lane, an amazing Scottish folk singer-songwriter whose recent album charted in the UK Official Folk Album chart.
The edge of breakup
An electric guitar tuned to Eb (if it’s good enough for Jimi), recorded through a vintage American, all-valve combo amp, cranked just to the edge of natural breakup.
A classic single-coil neck pickup sound, played with a variety of techniques. A great instrument for a leading melody, or simply adding accents and interest.
To compliment the same techniques in the other instruments there’s two unmeasured articulations, which stack multiple takes to create a thick and muddled soundscape.
A gentle giant
A Yamaha U3 upright piano that feels like a baby grand. We recorded it with a soft cotton sheet between the hammers and strings. A beautiful sound that feels big and open, but doesn’t overwhelm the other instruments. And unlike a fully felted piano, doesn’t disappear in a busy mix.
We had the piano tuned exactly 3 months before recording. To us this is the perfect length of time for the sound of the tuning to become really interesting. (In tune but a not quite, if you know what we mean!) The piano was recorded with separate pedal up and pedal down samples as well as individual controls for the piano noises.
Presented in the instrument are pedal down only samples for those that love this more resonant sound. There’s also a patch called Dust Piano. This is a noisier, atmospheric performance when you want something softer with a bit more vibe.
Electric sounds with soul
36 original sounds crafted from a Sequential Prophet 5. An analogue synth designed in the 70s, it has an unrivalled organic sound. Used on countless amazing records by artists like Kraftwork, Radiohead and Aphex Twin.
These are the ideal electronic moods to match the feel of the rest of the library. As ever here at Westwood, some of the sounds were put through guitar pedals and other methods to push the sounds even further.
Wrapped up in a synth specific version of our Evergreen framework, you can craft and change the sounds to make them yours. But we think they sound great, just as they are.
Bamboo & Beaters
A big, open drum kit recorded twice for two distinct vibes. One played with bamboo broomsticks for a tighter, jazzier sound. The other with felt beaters and the snare-wire off for a more orchestral influenced sound.
A drum sound that takes its inspiration from a handful of alternative soundtracks from the 70s through to the modern day. A beautiful Ludwig kit tuned really loosely with big washy Istanbul Agop cymbals.
There’s separate left and right handed snare samples, and don’t worry; there’s plenty of velocity layers and round robins to keep everything feeling alive. There’s also a useful section of natural cymbal swells using the felt beaters.
What's included?
– 9-Piece string ensemble;
– 4 individual sections with legato
– Alto Choir
– Electric Guitar
– Upright Piano
– Analogue Synth
– Drum Kit
Requires Native Instruments Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v6.6.0 and higher!
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