[喷火 鼓打击乐配乐采样库] Spitfire Audio Hans Zimmer Percussion Professional v1.0.b29[ KONTAKT] (123.03 Gb)

Spitfire Audio 正在与电影界的主要参与者联手发布最先进的电影打击乐鼓样本库。以奥斯卡奖得主汉斯·季默(Hans Zimmer)在他的大片中使用的合奏和独奏乐器为特色,我们利用他多年的创作经验和工作室实验,为您提供创作史诗般的鼓声所需的一切。

从 tombeks 到 taikos,从耳语般的安静到雷鸣般的响亮,我们与 Hans 的格莱美获奖团队合作,在伦敦 AIR Studios 的 Lyndhurst Hall 录制了相同的演奏者,Hans 在那里录制了他最精彩的配乐,全部由他自己混音和制作。

专业版还包括制作人 Junkie XL、Geoff Foster、Alan Meyerson 和 Steve Lipson 的额外混音,包括适合 CPU 的立体声混音和 10 个单独的麦克风位置。



我们与汉斯·季默(Hans Zimmer)及其格莱美获奖工程师、音乐家和技术人员团队密切合作,展示了汉斯·季默(Hans Zimmer)在电影打击乐制作方面的专业授权。



Hans Zimmer Percussion 结合了两个非凡的录音块的输出。来自“London Ensembles”街区的材料以汉斯的四位打击乐手为特色——弗兰克·里科蒂、加里·凯特尔、斯蒂芬·亨德森、保罗·克拉维斯——演奏各种乐器和风格,本质上是十多年来音乐实验和创新的提炼。


Low Booms、Low Boom Gallery、Taiko Ensemble、Tamtam Ensemble、Boobams Ensemble、Hi Taiko Solo、Low Taiko Solo、Large Taiko Solo、Bass Drum Gallery、Gong Drum Gallery Solo、Surdu Ensemble、Dohl Ensemble、Tombek Ensemble、Bombo Ensemble、Buckets & Snares Ensemble、Buckets & Crushers Ensemble、Bucket Top & Darbuka、Paper Djun、Piatti、Anvils、Timpani Ensemble。保罗·克拉维斯演奏的乐器包括:Bucket、Snare、Crusher、Paper Djun、Tombek、Dohl、Darbuka、Surdu。

图书馆的其余部分以汉斯的长期合作者和打击乐传奇人物保罗·克拉维斯(《幽灵》《黑暗骑士》《哈利·波特》《星球大战》)为特色,他演奏了一系列精美的独奏乐器,为这个史诗般的系列增添了咬合力、细节、专注力、清晰度和细微差别。Hans 比其他任何层都更喜欢安静的层,所以除了你所期望的刺耳的雷声外,还有更低的层提供了参与微妙的鼓编程的潜力,以帮助你勾选你的提示。


根据 Hans 的许多乐谱,这个库是在伦敦 AIR Studios 的 Lyndhurst Hall 通过令人印象深刻的信号链录制的:96 个稀薄麦克风进入 Neve Montserrat 前置放大器,进入世界上最大的 Neve 88R 桌面(在每个动态层都经过详尽的重新获得以获得最佳信号质量),通过双链到 HDX 和 Prism 转换器以 192k 运行。我们录制了鼓和发音,每个鼓和发音都有多达 9 个循环和每个击打 6 个动态层;仅这些会话就有超过 30 TB 的原材料。


该库包括以下 A-List 作曲家、制作人和工程师的混音:

  • 汉斯·季默——《敦刻尔克》、《狮子王》、《星际穿越》、《盗梦空间》、《黑暗骑士》
  • Junkie XL – 疯狂的麦克斯:狂暴之路、死侍、蝙蝠侠大战超人
  • 杰夫·福斯特——《比约克》、《少年派的奇幻漂流》、《敦刻尔克》、《夜行动物》、《消失的女孩》
  • 艾伦·迈耶森(Alan Meyerson)–角斗士,加勒比海盗,星际穿越
  • 史蒂夫·利普森 – 保罗·麦卡特尼、杰夫·贝克、安妮·伦诺克斯、法瑞尔·威廉姆斯 – (5 次格莱美奖和多项提名)
  • 汉斯·季默(Hans Zimmer):艺术家元素:近距离透视、房间透视、环绕(远距离)透视
  • 艾伦·迈耶森(Alan Meyerson):艺术家元素:近距离透视、房间透视、环绕(远距离)透视
  • 杰夫·福斯特(Geoff Foster):艺术家元素:近距离麦克风、树形麦克风、支腿(宽)麦克风、环绕(远)麦克风;其他麦克风:瓶式麦克风、中音麦克风、画廊麦克风、头顶心形麦克风、中 PZM、环境对
  • Hans Zimmer、Alan Meyerson、Geoff Foster、Junkie XL 和 Steve Lipson 的立体声混音
  • Junkie XL:艺术家元素:近距离视角、房间视角、环绕(远距离)视角
Kickstart 引擎

该接口专为我们的打击乐库构建,可以轻松地将声音映射到任何连接的 MIDI 接口。它还包括麦克风混音器和可用的功能控制器。

启动 2


  • 下载 Spitfire Audio – Hans Zimmer Percussion Professional v1.0.b29 (KONTAKT)
  • 原出版商:Spitfire Audio
  • 版本: 1.0.b29
  • 类别: Kontakt Library, Sound Libraries
  • 要求: Kontakt FULL v5.6.8 或更高版本!
  • 许可证类型:完整
  • 大小: 123.03 GB

Free Download Hans Zimmer Percussion Professional by Spitfire Audio for Kontakt. Spitfire Audio is joining forces with a major player in cinema to release the most advanced drum sample library for cinematic percussion. Featuring ensembles and solo instruments used by Oscar winner Hans Zimmer in his blockbusters, we’ve drawn on his years of creative experience and studio experimentation to give you everything you need to create epic drum tracks.

From tombeks to taikos, playing from whisperingly quiet to thunderously loud, we’ve worked with Hans’ Grammy award-winning team to capture the highest quality recordings, featuring the same players in Lyndhurst Hall at AIR Studios, London, where Hans records his biggest scores, all mixed and produced by the man himself.

The Professional edition also includes additional mixes by producer royalty Junkie XL, Geoff Foster, Alan Meyerson and Steve Lipson, including CPU-friendly stereo mixes and 10 individual microphone positions.

Produced by the master of film scoring

Hans Zimmer is one of the most successful, influential and prolific film composers of his generation. Having won countless awards including Oscars, his scores for films including Gladiator, Inception, Interstellar, The Dark Knight and Dunkirk he is considered one of the greatest living film composers. Hans has defined not only a compositional style, but also a production approach and sonic innovation that has influenced a generation of composers.

Made in close collaboration with Hans Zimmer and his team of Grammy-winning engineers, musicians and technicians, we present Hans Zimmer’s expert, authorized take on cinematic percussion production.

Herein lies not an emulation or synthesis of his approach, but a recreation; the same world class studio, musicians, instruments, signal chain and engineers, overseen in every detail by Hans himself with the same attention to detail and perfection, coupled with Spitfire’s pioneering technology designed to offer you ultimate creative customization.

London ensembles and solos

Hans Zimmer Percussion combines the output from two extraordinary recording blocks. Material from the “London Ensembles” block features four of Hans’ go-to percussionists – Frank Ricotti, Gary Kettel, Stephen Henderson, Paul Clarvis – performing a variety of instruments and styles, in what is essentially a distillation of over a decade’s worth of musical experimentation and innovation.

This includes his classic selection of drum ensembles and key solo instruments:

Low Booms, Low Boom Gallery, Taiko Ensemble, Tamtam Ensemble, Boobams Ensemble, Hi Taiko Solo, Low Taiko Solo, Large Taiko Solo, Bass Drum Gallery, Gong Drum Gallery Solo, Surdu Ensemble, Dohl Ensemble, Tombek Ensemble, Bombo Ensemble, Buckets & Snares Ensemble, Buckets & Crushers Ensemble, Bucket Top & Darbuka, Paper Djun, Piatti, Anvils, Timpani Ensemble. Instruments played by Paul Clarvis include: Bucket, Snare, Crusher, Paper Djun, Tombek, Dohl, Darbuka, Surdu.

The remainder of the library features long term Hans collaborator and percussion legend, Paul Clarvis (Spectre, The Dark Knight, Harry Potter, Star Wars) who plays a beautiful selection of solo instruments that offer added bite, detail, focus, clarity and nuance to this epic series. Hans loves the quiet layers more than any other so as well as the bitey thunder you’d expect, there are lower layers that offer up the potential for engaging delicate drum programming to help tick your cues along.

The blockbuster sound

As per many of Hans’ scores, this library is recorded in Lyndhurst Hall at AIR Studios, London, via an impressive signal chain: 96 rarefied microphones into Neve Montserrat preamps, into the world’s biggest Neve 88R desk (which was exhaustively re -gained at every dynamic layer for optimum signal quality), via a dual chain to HDX and Prism converters running at 192k. We have recorded the drums and articulations each with up to 9 round robins and 6 dynamic layers per hit; there’s well over 30 TB of raw material from these sessions alone.

The Professional edition

This library includes mixes by the following A-List composers, producers and engineers:

  • Hans Zimmer – Dunkirk, The Lion King, Interstellar, Inception, Dark Knight
  • Junkie XL – Mad Max: Fury Road, Deadpool, Batman v Superman
  • Geoff Foster – Bjork, Life Of Pi, Dunkirk, Nocturnal Animals, Gone Girl
  • Alan Meyerson – Gladiator, Pirates of the Caribbean, Interstellar
  • Steve Lipson – Paul McCartney, Jeff Beck, Annie Lennox, Pharrell Williams – (5 Grammy wins and multiple nominations)
Across all instruments
  • Hans Zimmer: Artist Elements: Close Perspective, Room Perspective, Surround (Far) Perspective
  • Alan Meyerson: Artist Elements: Close Perspective, Room Perspective, Surround (Far) Perspective
  • Geoff Foster: Artist Elements: Close Mics, Tree Mics, Outrigger (Wide) Mics, Surround (Far) Mics; Additional Mics: Bottle Mics, Mid Mics, Gallery Mics, Overheads Cardioid, Mid PZM, Ambient Pair
Across the ensemble content only
  • Stereo mixes by Hans Zimmer, Alan Meyerson, Geoff Foster, Junkie XL and Steve Lipson
  • Junkie XL: Artist Elements: Close Perspective, Room Perspective, Surround (Far) Perspective
Kickstart engine

This interface is built especially for our percussive libraries to make it easy to map sounds to any connected MIDI interface. It also includes the microphone mixer and available feature controllers.

Kickstart 2

An additional kickstart interface for the timpani allowing you to play the full range of these instruments in a separate patch.

  • Download Spitfire Audio – Hans Zimmer Percussion Professional v1.0.b29 (KONTAKT)
  • Original Publisher: Spitfire Audio
  • Version: 1.0.b29
  • Category: Kontakt Library, Sound Libraries
  • Requirements: Kontakt FULL v5.6.8 or higher!
  • License type: Full
  • Download Size: 123.03 GB
下载价格9 金币
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