[达芬奇调色工具]Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Studio [WiN](4.76Gb)

DaVinci Resolve是全球唯一一款在单一软件环境中进行剪辑和调色、视觉效果、图形创建和音频后期处理的解决方案。其现代、时尚的界面对于新手和有经验的用户来说都足够简单直观。

DaVinci Resolve可让您大幅简化创作过程,而无需掌握多个应用程序或在不同系统之间切换。这样,您就可以处理高质量的原始图像。

从本质上讲,DaVinci Resolve将后期制作工作室的所有属性合二为一。您现在可以使用好莱坞使用的DaVinci Resolve工具了!


DaVinci Resolve应用程序由多个页面组成,每个页面代表一个工作区,并包含用于特定任务的工具。Edit和Build用于编辑剪辑,Fusion用于添加视觉效果和图形,Color用于调色,Fairlight用于混音和母带处理音频,Multimedia和Export用于组织和创建母版。只需单击一下即可立即在项目阶段之间切换。


通过“编辑”页面,您可以访问最新的非线性编辑工具。凭借清晰的界面、双屏支持和熟悉的工作流程,DaVinci Resolve将吸引初学者,而不会让高级专业人士失望。它是大型项目的理想选择,包括故事片、电视剧、流媒体节目、广告和纪录片。






“彩色页面”包含最先进的好莱坞级调色工具,这就是为什么在制作故事片和电视剧时,DaVinci Resolve比其他任何解决方案都更频繁地使用。其改进的功能将帮助新手调色师快速使用该应用程序。任何使用过视频编辑程序的人都会熟悉新滑块。

它们旨在调整对比度、饱和度、温度、半色调细节和其他参数。还包括各种主要和次要校正工具,包括 PowerWindows™ 区域、限定符、跟踪和 HDR 支持。


Fusion 页面具有创建电影级视觉效果和广播级图形所需的所有功能。工作流程是基于节点的,与使用图层相比,您可以更快地准备最复杂的合成和动画。

Fusion 包含数百种 2D 和 3D VFX 工具,可让您访问样条曲线和关键帧,使您的图像看起来非常逼真。用于点、平面和 3D 跟踪以及转描和抠像的现代工具允许您创建逼真的组合内容、字幕和体积 3D 粒子系统。


Fairlight页面有数百种音频编辑工具。它是一个成熟的音频编辑数字工作站。熟悉的功能可实现高效的创作流程,并简化从另一个系统的过渡。Fairlight Audio Core支持多达2000个音轨,实时均衡和添加效果。

此外,还有基于采样、配音和噪声设计的录音制品处理工具。FairlightFX 插件允许您创建回声,以及消除嗡嗡声和嘶嘶声。最终音轨可以立体声、5.1 和 7.1 配置输出,甚至可以以最新的 3D 环绕声格式输出。



“快速导出”面板允许您准备视频的最终版本,并将其从应用程序的任何部分上传到 YouTube、Vimeo 和 Twitter 服务。除了此功能之外,“导出”页面还具有多种编码格式选择,并允许按顺序自动呈现大量序列。


DaVinci Resolve Studio包含超过100个GPU和CPU加速的Resolve FX插件,用于添加模糊和灯光效果、伪影和风格化、图像恢复和外观增强。该应用程序的最新版本具有 11 个附加模块,可让您增强纹理、恢复细节、执行 3D、HSL 和亮度键控、视频转换和降噪。

它们还可用于创建运动和模糊、伪彩色和拼贴画的痕迹,非常适合画中画模式和广播虚拟合唱团表演。此外,还优化了物体和灰尘去除、坏点去除和胶片颗粒模拟。现在,Animating Resolve FX 效果在“构建”、“编辑”和“融合”页面上具有一个新的统一检查器。

DaVinci 神经网络引擎平台


与任何操作系统的兼容性和 GPU 资源的高效分配提供了无与伦比的处理速度和质量,使您能够使用简单的工具解决复杂且耗时的任务。因此,面部识别可以对材料进行分类,将剪辑放入盒子中并执行修剪,而无需手动操作。


工作室需要处理大量不同的应用程序和系统,因此他们需要一个尽可能灵活的后期制作解决方案。DaVinci Resolve允许您使用任何类型的存储设备,从直连硬盘到NAS节点和SAN网络。此外,还支持第三方模块:Open FX 插件、VST 插件和用于创建标题和计算机图形的模板。

借助新的API,您可以快速将DaVinci Resolve集成到您的存储基础设施中。它还兼容所有主要的视频后期制作格式和程序,可以轻松地在DaVinci Resolve、Final Cut Pro X、Media Composer和Premiere Pro之间移动文件。


DaVinci Resolve是唯一一款能够让您构建和扩展协作创意系统的解决方案。它是协作的理想选择,并允许您添加可以同时处理相同资源的用户。所有操作都使用通用数据库和通用时间线执行,这确保了剪辑师、调色师、视觉特效专家、动画师和音响工程师之间的有效协作。

这种结构的另一个优点是无需导入和导出文件以及准备和收集材料。DaVinci Resolve是唯一一款允许您在同一项目中并行解决不同问题的应用程序。

  • Windows 10 创意者更新。
  • 16 GB 系统内存。使用 Fusion 时为 32 GB。
  • Blackmagic Design Desktop Video 12.9或更高版本。
  • 具有至少 2 GB VRAM 的集成 GPU 或独立 GPU。
  • 支持 OpenCL 1.2 或 CUDA 12 的 GPU。
  • NVIDIA/AMD/Intel 驱动程序版本 – 根据您的 GPU 要求
  • 下载Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Studio (x64) [05.2024, Multi + RUS] PUBLIC BETA 2
  • 原发行商:Blackmagic Design
  • 版本:
  • 类别: 视频编辑
  • 要求:Windows 10 创意者更新
  • 许可证类型:完整
  • 大小: 4.76 GB

Free Download Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Studio for Windows. DaVinci Resolve is the world’s only solution for editing and color correction, visual effects, graphics creation and audio post-processing in a single software environment. Its modern, stylish interface is simple and intuitive enough for both new and experienced users.

DaVinci Resolve allows you to dramatically streamline your creative process without having to master multiple applications or switch between different systems. This way you can work with a high-quality original image.

Essentially, DaVinci Resolve combines all the attributes of a post-production studio into one. You now have access to DaVinci Resolve tools used in Hollywood!

Complete solution for video post-processing

The DaVinci Resolve application consists of pages, each of which represents a workspace and contains tools for a specific task. Edit and Build are for editing clips, Fusion is for adding visual effects and graphics, Color is for grading, Fairlight is for mixing and mastering audio, and Multimedia and Export are for organizing and creating master copies. One-click is all it takes to instantly move between project stages.

Installation. The most modern non-linear editing tools

The Editing page gives you access to the latest non-linear editing tools. With a clear interface, dual-screen support, and a familiar workflow, DaVinci Resolve will appeal to beginners and not disappoint advanced professionals. It is ideal for large projects, including feature films, television series, streaming programs, commercials and documentaries.

Features drag-and-drop editing, context-sensitive trimming, customizable keyboard shortcuts, and a library of titles, transitions, and effects. You’ll have everything you need to manage your media, organize your content, and work with your timeline.

Assembly. Accelerated task completion

The “Build” page is intended for working on short-cycle projects, including documentaries. Users of any level will truly appreciate a set of innovative tools for on-the-fly editing. There is a “Source Tape” mode, two timelines, quick viewing of content and a well-thought-out organization of the entire process.

The synchronization box and the ability to re-record the source significantly speed up the editing of multi-camera material and the addition of interruptions. Each mouse click can perform a specific function, making it less time-consuming to search for commands. Additionally, the scalable interface is a big bonus when using laptops.

Color. Favorite system of Hollywood colorists

The Color Page contains state-of-the-art Hollywood-grade grading tools, which is why DaVinci Resolve is used more often than any other solution when creating feature films and television series. Its improved features will help novice colorists get up to speed with the app. The new sliders will be familiar to anyone who has worked with video editing programs.

They are designed to adjust contrast, saturation, temperature, halftone detail and other parameters. A wide range of primary and secondary correction tools are also included, including PowerWindows™ zones, qualifiers, tracking and HDR support.

Fusion. Visual effects and motion graphics

The Fusion page has all the functionality you need to create cinematic-quality visuals and broadcast-quality graphics. The workflow is node-based, allowing you to prepare the most complex compositions and animations faster than using layers.

Fusion contains hundreds of 2D and 3D VFX tools and gives you access to splines and keyframes that make your images look exceptionally true to life. Modern tools for point, planar and 3D tracking, as well as rotoscoping and keying, allow you to create photorealistic combined content, titles and volumetric 3D particle systems.

Fairlight. Professional audio processing

The Fairlight page has hundreds of audio editing tools. It is a full-fledged digital workstation for audio editing. Familiar features enable efficient creative processes and ease the transition from another system. Fairlight Audio Core provides support for up to 2000 tracks, equalization and adding effects in real-time.

In addition, there are tools for processing phonograms based on samples, dubbing and noise design. FairlightFX plugins allow you to create echo, as well as remove hum and hiss. The final track can be output in stereo, in 5.1 and 7.1 configurations, and even in the latest 3D surround sound formats.

Multimedia and export. Supports different formats and creates master copies

The software package contains all the necessary tools for importing, organizing and exporting material. While you can add files to boxes on the Build and Edit pages, the full range of tools for sorting content, syncing clips adding metadata, and creating backups by cloning data written to the card is only available on the Media page.

The “Quick Export” panel allows you to prepare the final version of the video and upload it to YouTube, Vimeo and Twitter services from any section of the application. In addition to this functionality, the Export page has a wide selection of encoding formats and allows for sequential automatic rendering of a large number of sequences.

Resolve FX

DaVinci Resolve Studio contains over 100 GPU- and CPU-accelerated Resolve FX plugins for adding blur and lighting effects, artifacts and stylization, image restoration and appearance enhancements. The latest version of the application has 11 additional modules that allow you to enhance texture, restore details, perform 3D, HSL and luminance keying, video conversion and noise reduction.

They can also be used to create trails of movement and blur, false color and collages, which are excellent for picture-in-picture mode and broadcasting virtual choir performances. Additionally, object and dust removal, dead pixel removal, and film grain simulation have been optimized. Animating Resolve FX effects now features a new, unified Inspector on the Build, Edit, and Fusion pages.

DaVinci Neural Engine Platform

The new DaVinci Neural Engine platform uses the latest technologies based on neural networks, artificial intelligence and machine learning. This adds features such as face detection, object detection and smart framing, time-lapse effects and resolution enhancement, automatic alignment and color scheme application.

Compatibility with any operating system and efficient allocation of GPU resources provide unmatched processing speed and quality, allowing you to solve complex and time-consuming tasks using simple tools. Thus, facial recognition makes it possible to sort material, place clips in boxes and perform trimming without manual operations.

Compatible with third-party plugins and drives

Studios deal with a huge number of different applications and systems, so they need a solution that is as flexible as possible for post-production. DaVinci Resolve allows you to use any type of storage device – from direct-attached drives to NAS nodes and SAN networks. In addition, third-party modules are supported: Open FX plugins, VST plugins and templates for creating titles and computer graphics.

New APIs make it possible to quickly integrate DaVinci Resolve into your storage infrastructure. It’s also compatible with all major video post-production formats and programs, making it easy to move files between DaVinci Resolve, Final Cut Pro X, Media Composer and Premiere Pro.

Collaborative creativity

DaVinci Resolve is the only solution that lets you build and extend your collaborative creative system. It’s ideal for collaboration and allows you to add users who can work on the same resources at the same time. All operations are performed using a common database and a universal timeline, which ensures effective collaboration between editors, colorists, VFX specialists, animators and sound engineers.

An additional advantage of this structure is that there is no need to import and export files and prepare and collect material. DaVinci Resolve is the only application that allows you to solve different problems in parallel within the same project.

  • Windows 10 Creators Update.
  • 16 GB of system memory. 32 GB when using Fusion.
  • Blackmagic Design Desktop Video 12.9 or later.
  • Integrated GPU or discrete GPU with at least 2 GB of VRAM.
  • GPU which supports OpenCL 1.2 or CUDA 12.
  • NVIDIA/AMD/Intel Driver version – as required by your GPU
  • Download Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Studio (x64) [05.2024, Multi + RUS] PUBLIC BETA 2
  • Original Publisher: Blackmagic Design
  • Version:
  • Category: Video editors
  • Require: Windows 10 Creators Update
  • License type: Full
  • Download Size: 4.76 GB
下载价格5 金币
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