[中国民乐二胡琵琶古琴等乐器插件]Arturia Augmented YANGTZE v1.1.1.5024-TCD [WiN](3.08Gb)

TCD | 27 August 2024 | 3.08 GB

特别推荐:[中国传统乐器六合一套装]Arturia Augmented Series 6 v2024.8 [WiN, MacOSX]


Augmented YANGTZE 是一种软件乐器,它将中国传统乐器的独特精髓与合成的原始力量结合在一起。通过实验性处理,探索各种中国音乐主题和现代质感。

YANGTZE 将细致的采样与创新的多层合成相结合,创造出超越传统音乐界限的声音。从低音笛和箫浓郁、朴实的音色到扬琴和二胡闪亮的泛音,再到琵琶和古琴深情的拨弦——每种音色都呈现得清晰而有深度。无论您是作曲家、制作人还是音响设计师,都可以沉浸在富有表现力和质感的音景源泉中。

Augmented YANGTZE 提供了来自中国最著名的传统乐器的丰富而独特的质感音色。探索 200 个预设,并发现低音笛子和箫、琵琶、古琴、扬琴和二胡的壮丽音景。

利用 Augmented YANGTZE 的多引擎灵活性建立您自己的合奏。尝试 2 个层,每个层包含 2 个声源,并编织您自己的自定义采样和合成组合,以融合声学纹理和专业级效果。

沉浸式、扭曲、传统、超越以及介于两者之间的一切。 6 种乐器、38 种发音、30 种处理和多重采样发音、4 种合成类型、2 个采样器引擎和内置 FX – 探索几乎无限的可用于作曲的纹理和音色频谱。

Augmented YANGTZE 的库旨在进行变形,只需转动轮子即可为您带来真正独特且不断发展的声音。将音乐传统融入超凡脱俗的声音演绎,以现代方式演绎经典乐器。

使用一组简化的宏控件和插入效果,通过直观的调制增强声音。 轻松调整参数,实现细微变化和戏剧性转变 – 从截止颜色到呼叫和响应延迟。


变形以发现对立的统一 – 自然与人造之间
一方面,是增强的有机声音库。另一方面,是 4 个超强大的合成引擎 – Augmented YANGTZE 邀请您在两者之间翩翩起舞,发现完全独特和令人回味的构图纹理。

经过精确录制,Augmented YANGTZE 的样本库体现了其来源的独特精神,可以创作出深刻而令人回味的构图 – 无论您是在寻找二胡的动态纹理旋律还是古琴或琵琶的复杂节奏。

由 4 个合成引擎驱动,包括虚拟模拟、颗粒、波表、谐波和更简单的引擎 – 发现不断变化的氛围、实验性处理和动态后效,旨在与 Augmented YANGTZE 令人回味的样本库融合和聚合。

x64:AAX、VST3、VST2 | x86:JBridge | NKS

只需安装!不需要 Arturia 软件中心。Microsoft
Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable 14.29.30153.0
是依赖项。首先,安装该版本或更高版本的 2015-2019
并准备好使用。当然是 x64 迭代。

与此处看到的所有 Arturia 产品一样,.dll
与 .vst3 的字节对字节相同,为 1:1。这意味着您可以
从 ProgramData 文件夹符号链接到插件文件夹,甚至跨越
VST2 到 3 或反之亦然,只要您在这种情况下重命名即可。

继续摇滚!- TCD

P.S. 其他 Arturia 产品
以便当您想要删除发行版以换取新版本时 –

完整性,以保护其他 Arturia 内容。

Augmented YANGTZE is a software instrument that unites the unique essence of traditional Chinese instruments with the raw power of synthesis. Discover a spectrum of Chinese musical motifs and modern textures brought to life with experimental processing.

Traditional transformed
An exploration of China’s rich musical heritage, seamlessly woven into the fabric of modern sound design.
Augmented YANGTZE blends meticulous sampling with innovative multilayered synthesis for a sound that transcends traditional musical boundaries. From the rich, earthy tones of the bass Dizi and Xiao to the sparkling overtones of the Yangqin and Erhu to the soulful plucked strings of the Pipa and Guqin – each timbre is presented with unparalleled clarity and depth. Whether you’re a composer, producer or sound designer, dive into a wellspring of expressive, textural soundscapes.

Bowed, plucked and more
Augmented YANGTZE offers a rich and uniquely textured palette of sounds from China’s most well-known traditional instruments. Explore 200 presets and discover breathtaking soundscapes with the Bass Dizi & Xiao, Pipa, Guqin, Yangqin and Erhu.

Layer your own sound
Build your own ensemble with Augmented YANGTZE’s multi-engine flexibility. Experiment with 2 layers, each containing 2 sound sources, and weave your own custom combination of sampling and synthesis for a convergence of acoustic textures and professional grade effects.

Authentic to abstract
Immersive, warped, traditional, transcendent and everything in between. 6 instruments, 38 articulations, 30 processed & multisample articulations, 4 types of synthesis, 2 sampler engines and built-in FX – explore a near-limitless spectrum of composition-ready textures and timbres.

Morphing power
Augmented YANGTZE’s library is designed to be morphed, giving you a truly unique & ever-evolving sound at the turn of a wheel. Augment music tradition into otherworldly sonic rendition, for a contemporary take on classic instruments.

Transform sound instantly
Enhance your sound with intuitive modulation using a streamlined set of macro controls and insert effects. Adjust your parameters with ease for both subtle changes and dramatic transformations – from cutoff color to call-and-response delay.

Deeper customization
Quickly select, morph and adjust a dynamic hybrid sound from the main instrument view, or dig deeper in the advanced panel for access to intricate modulation, arpeggiation, custom sound sources, and more.

Confluence of sound
Morph to discover a unity of opposites – between natural and artificial
On one side, a library of enhanced organic sounds. On the other, 4 ultra-powerful synth engines – Augmented YANGTZE invites ou to dance between the two to discover totally unique and evocative composition textures.

Recorded with precision, Augmented YANGTZE’s sample library embodies the unique spirit of its source, enabling deeply evocative compositions – whether you seek a dynamic textural melody of a lone Erhu or the intricate rhythms of a Guqin or Pipa.

Powered by 4 synth engines including Virtual Analog, Granular, Wavetable, Harmonic, and the Simpler engine – discover evolving ambiences, experimental processing and dynamic after-effects designed to blend and converge with Augmented YANGTZE’s evocative sample library.

x64: AAX, VST3, VST2 | x86: JBridge | NKS

Just install! Arturia Software Center not required.
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable 14.29.30153.0
is a dependency. Have that or greater 2015-2019 installed
and ready to go, first. x64 iteration, of course.

As with all Arturia products seen here, the .dll is the same
1:1 byte for byte with the .vst3. This means you can symlink
from the ProgramData folder to the plugin folders, even across
VST2 to 3 or vice-versa, as long as you rename in that case.
If this is confusing to you, forget it and rock on still.

Rock on! – TCD

P.S. Presets, samples and other miscellaneous files that other Arturia products
might need can never be uninstalled. This is intended to be cleanest as possible
for when a time might come that you want to remove the release for a newer one –
or even just remove it. Nothing will get lost but you will have to do a tiny bit
of manual checking if you want a cleaned out system of everything.

Long and short: It is to protect your presets, samples, files and system
integrity with respect to other Arturia stuff.


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