[自动扒带神器]Sonic Ladder Riffstation v1.6.3 Incl Emulator-R2R+使用教程 [WiN, MacOSX](42Mb+)

Team R2R | 31 October 2017 | 11 MB+31.89MB

该工具可帮助您查看您喜爱的歌曲的和弦,并对音轨进行各种修改以提取您需要的声音。音乐编辑和制作无疑是许多用户想要参与的活动之一,但它们比乍一看要困难得多。当涉及到使用特定乐器时,事情会变得更加复杂,但是如果弹吉他是您的爱好,那么值得尝试使用 Riffstation 这样的工具。

加载歌曲后,您可以播放它并使用专用旋钮或通过 BPM 功能直接上下移动节拍来调节其节奏。您还可以选择 4 种不同的模式,因为它们提供各种立体声场设置。可以从主窗口“Jam Master”选项卡内的相应区域隔离某个频率。有用于场宽度、分离和低和高滤波器的控件,所有这些都可以通过它们自己的控件进行调整。

您还可以更改所选音轨的音高,对于此声音属性,您可以在八度音阶中高低移动,处理半音并对其进行微调。不过,播放控件非常基础,只有一个功能比较特别,即“循环”功能。Riffstation 的“Chord Viewer”和“Riff Builder”模块正是专家在此类应用程序中寻找的功能,它们还将增加这款令人印象深刻的软件的价值。Jam


  • 提取或隔离吉他
  • 修改仪器音量
  • 实时减慢音乐速度
  • 半速至双速
  • 更改键 (
  • / + 八度)
  • 重新调整音频而不是吉他

Riff 生成器:

  • 构建自定义 jam 曲目
  • 使用你喜欢的任何 mp3
  • 创作新的即兴重复乐段和歌曲
  • 与朋友分享
  • 完全控制每一个节拍
  • 随机播放模式只需单击一下即可创建新乐段


  • 自动和弦识别器
  • 实时查看和弦
  • 和弦随音乐变化
  • 学习任意调的和弦
  • 检测大调、小调和 7
  • 高级模式允许编辑
  • 吉他手和音乐家的终极练习应用程序
  • 获取你收藏中任意歌曲的和弦
  • 查看与音乐同步的和弦图
  • 放慢或加快任何一段音乐
  • 更改任何歌曲的调或音调
  • 在混音中隔离或静音吉他
  • 获得与节拍同步的完美练习循环

A tool that will help you view the cords from your favorite songs and perform a variety of modifications to the track to extract the sounds you need. Music editing and production are certainly among the activities many users would like to get involved into, but they are much more difficult than they would seem at first glance. When it comes to working with specific musical instruments, things become even more complicated, but if playing the guitar is your hobby, for instance, then is worth taking a shot at using a tool like Riffstation.

After loading a song, you can play it and modulate its tempo using either the dedicated knob or by directly moving the beat up or down via the BPM function. There are also 4 different modes you can opt for, as they provide various stereo field settings. Isolating a certain frequency can be done from the corresponding area inside the ‘Jam Master’ tab of the main window. There are controls for field width, separation and a low and high filter, all adjustable through their own controls.

Another thing you can change for a selected track is the pitch and for this sound property you can move high and low in the octaves, work on semitones and fine tune them as well. The playback controls, though, are very basic, with just one function a bit more special, namely the ‘loop’ feature. The ‘Chord Viewer’ and ‘Riff Builder’ modules of Riffstation are just what a specialist would look for in such an application and they will also increase the value of this impressive piece of software.

Jam Master:

  • Extract or isolate the guitar
  • Modify instrument volumes
  • Slow down music in realtime
  • Half speed to double speed
  • Change key (
  • / + Octave)
  • Retune the audio not your guitar

Riff Builder:

  • Build custom jam tracks
  • Use any mp3 you like
  • Build new riffs and songs
  • Share them with friends
  • Full control of each beat
  • Shuffle mode builds new riffs with 1 click

Chord Viewer:

  • Automatic chord recogniser
  • View chords in realtime
  • Chords change with music
  • Learn chords in any key
  • Detects Major, Minor & 7
  • Advanced mode allows editing
  • The ultimate practice app for guitarists and musicians
  • Get the chords for any song in your collection
  • See the chord diagrams synced with the music
  • Slow down or speed up any piece of music
  • Change the key or pitch of any song
  • Isolate or mute the guitar in the mix
  • Get perfect practice loops synced with the beat
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