[Output Arcade音色库]Output Arcade Sound Library Content V2 READ NFO(67.3Gb+1.51Gb)

Team Flare | 22 October 2021 | REPACK ONLY | 1.51 GB
Team Flare | 17 October 2021 | 67.3 GB

Arcade 是一个示例游乐场,每天都会提供新内容,还有工具可以转换所有内容,让它们听起来像您自己。它甚至可以与您自己的循环一起使用。

Output Arcade 声音库内容 V2 仅重新打包 – FLARE



对于遇到实用工具无法点击问题的人,请确保完全卸载 Arcade 并删除存储在 Output/Arcade 文件夹中的任何文件夹/文件。

输出街机声音库内容 V2 阅读 NFO-FLARE

输出街机声音库内容,用于我们的输出街机 V2 版本。

使用我们的“TEAM FLARE 输出街机实用工具 V2”导入

注释:即使在高速互联网上,这个库也需要 3 天才能下载。原因是街机的下载管理器非常糟糕。它一次下载几个文件,但仍然需要很长时间,因为每行都有超过 2000 个文件需要下载,尤其是 NoteKits。

下载 20 个 NoteKits 的 100 mb 数据需要 10 多分钟。

此外,当您单击下载整行时,并非所有样本都会被下载,因此您必须手动查找并下载它们。我们对此版本中包含的一些行执行了此操作,但不是全部,因为有些行缺少 2000 多个样本。Output 先生,您为什么不添加“下载所有样本”按钮?


Arcade is a sample playground with new content delivered every day and tools to transform it all so it sounds like you. It even works with your own loops.

Output Arcade Sound Library Content V2 REPACK ONLY-FLARE

REPACK ONLY: This release only includes the “Particles” Line whichwe forgot to include in our previous release. It also includes all samples, note kits, kits for the “Particles” line.

As far as new lines go, we’ll be releasing them seperately when they come out.

For people having issues with the utility tool not being clickable, make sure to fully uninstall arcade and remove any folders/files being stored inside the Output/Arcade folder.

Output Arcade Sound Library Content V2 READ NFO-FLARE

Output Arcade Sound Library Content for our Output Arcade V2 release.

Import using our “TEAM FLARE Output Arcade Utility Tool V2”

Notes: This library took 3 days to download even on high speed internet. The reason is because Arcade’s download manager is really bad. It downloads a few files at a time but it still takes a very long time because each line has over 2000 files to download, especially the NoteKits.

It took more than 10 minutes to download 100 mb of data for 20 NoteKits.

Also when you click to download a full line, not all samples get downloaded so you have to go and manually find them and download them. We did this with some of the lines included in this release but not all since some had over 2000 samples missing. Why don’t you add a “Download All Samples” button Mr. Output?

Why keep adding more and more Samples/Kits/Lines when you still have many bugs in your product? Maybe spend some time fixing those first.

下载价格9 金币
1.新疆和台湾是百度网盘限制区,可以使用手机网络,不要连接WIFI,然后转存到网盘下载! 2.海外打不开百度网盘链接,可以使用梯子,连接大陆网络即可!


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