Ableton Live 11 Suite v11.3.26 Incl Patcher and Keygen [WiN](3.09Gb)

P2P | 29 August 2024 | 3.09 GB

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2、复制ABLETON PATCHER补丁到安装目录(默认C:/ProgramData/Ableton/Live 12 Suite/Program),并且以管理员身份运行
4、关闭国产杀毒软件和Windows10防火墙病毒及时扫描功能,打开Ableton Keygen v2 注册机,按照提示输入硬件代码,回车,接着输入12,再回车,会自动生成一个Authorize.auz证书文件

Live 是一款快速、流畅、灵活的音乐创作和表演软件。它带有效果器、乐器、声音和各种创意功能 – 制作任何类型音乐所需的一切。

► Live 11 中的部分新功能列表包括:

Comping – Live 将音频或 MIDI 演奏的多个通道组织成单独的 take。这些镜头中最好的部分可以拼接在一起以获得最终结果。
链接轨道编辑 – 链接两个或多个轨道以同时编辑其内容。

MIDI 复音表达:
MPE 支持 – 为和弦中的每个音符添加弯音、滑音和压力,添加微妙的表情变化,在和弦之间变形,并更轻松地创建不断发展的声音纹理。
Expression View – 编辑每个音符的音高、滑音和压力包络,以优化音乐中的表情。
支持 MPE 的原生设备 – Wavetable、Sampler 和 Arpeggiator 已更新以支持 MPE。

Hybrid Reverb – 结合卷积和算法混响,可以创建任何空间,从准确的现实生活环境到违背物理现实的环境。
Spectral Resonator – 将输入音频信号的频谱分解为分音,然后以微妙或激进的方式按频率或音符拉伸、移动和模糊结果。
Spectral Time – 将声音转换为分音并将其馈送到基于频率的延迟中,从而产生金属回声、频移和类似混响的效果。
灵感来自自然 – 六种以自然和物理学为灵感的俏皮乐器和效果器。与 Dillon Bastan 合作制作。
PitchLoop89 – 创建抖动的毛刺效果、延迟的数字闪烁和古怪的颤音。与 Robert Henke 合作制作。

Live Tempo Following – Live 根据输入的音频实时收听并调整其速度。
Macro Snapshots (宏快照) – 存储宏的状态以供以后调用。
机架改进 – 机架可以配置为具有 1 到 16 个宏,只需按一下按钮即可随机分配宏状态。

音符机会 – 设置音符或鼓声发生的概率。
Velocity chance (速度几率) – 定义动态中细微的人性化变化的速度概率范围。
改进的跟随动作 – 跟随动作现在可以链接到 Clip 长度,设置为跳转到特定 Clip,并全局启用和禁用。场景跟随动作使不断发展的安排成为可能。

Voice Box、Mood Reel 和 Drone Lab 是 Ableton 设计的包,每个包都探索特定声音调色板的频谱。
立式钢琴、铜管四重奏和弦乐四重奏是与 Spitfire Audio 合作创建的三个包,它们以亲密的细节捕捉流行的管弦乐器组合。

Live 11 的更改还为 Ableton 的 Push 硬件乐器带来了新功能:
新设备的可视化 – 在 Push 的彩色显示屏上查看 Hybrid Reverb、Spectral Resonator 和 Spectral Time 中关键参数的可视化,并直接从硬件控制它们。
抠像和音阶同步 – Live 11 中新的抠像和音阶功能与 Push 相关联,并且可以为每个 Clip 进行更改。
复音触后支持 – 使用 Wavetable、Sampler 和 Arpeggiator 时,将不同级别的触后应用于单个音符,以在 Push 上实现更细致和动态的演奏。
最多查看 16 个宏 – 从包含宏 1-8 的 Rack 页面之后的第二页访问宏 9-16。

Live 是一款快速、流畅、灵活的音乐创作和表演软件。它带有效果器、乐器、声音和各种创意功能

包括 Audiowarez 补丁和 Keygen

Live is fast, fluid and flexible software for music creation and performance. It comes with effects, instruments, sounds and all kinds of creative features—everything you need to make any kind of music.

► A partial list of what’s new in Live 11 includes:

Comping – Live organizes multiple passes of an audio or MIDI performance into individual takes. The best parts of these takes can be stitched together for the final result.
Linked-track editing – Link two or more tracks to edit their content simultaneously.

MIDI Polyphonic Expression:
MPE support – Add bends, slides and pressure for each individual note in a chord, add subtle expression variations, morph between chords and create evolving sonic textures more easily.
Expression View – Edit the pitch, slide and pressure envelopes of each note to refine the expression in your music.
MPE-capable native devices – Wavetable, Sampler and Arpeggiator are updated to support MPE.

New devices:
Hybrid Reverb – Combines convolution and algorithmic reverbs, making it possible to create any space, from accurate real-life environments to those that defy physical reality.
Spectral Resonator – Breaks the spectrum of an incoming audio signal into partials, then stretches, shifts and blurs the result by a frequency or a note in subtle or radical ways.
Spectral Time – Transforms sound into partials and feeds them into a frequency-based delay, resulting in metallic echoes, frequency-shifted and reverb-like effects.
Inspired by Nature – Six playful instruments and effects that use nature and physics as their inspiration. Made in collaboration with Dillon Bastan.
PitchLoop89 – Creates jittery glitch effects, delayed digital shimmers and outlandish vibrato. Made in collaboration with Robert Henke.

Features for the stage:
Live Tempo Following – Live listens to and adjusts its tempo based on incoming audio in real time.
Macro Snapshots – Store the state of Macros for later recall.
Rack improvements – Racks can be configured to have between 1 and 16 Macros, Macro states can be randomized with the push of a button.

Tools to add chance:
Note chance – Sets the probability that a note or drum hit will occur.
Velocity chance – Defines ranges for velocity probability for subtle, humanized variations in dynamics.
Improved Follow Actions – Follow Actions can now be linked to the clip length, be set to jump to specific clips and be enabled and disabled globally. Scene Follow Actions make evolving arrangements possible.

New sounds:
Voice Box, Mood Reel and Drone Lab are Ableton-designed Packs that each explore the spectrum of a specific sound palette.
Upright Piano, Brass Quartet and String Quartet are three Packs created in collaboration with Spitfire Audio that capture popular orchestral instrument combinations in intimate detail.

Changes to Push
Live 11 also brings new functionality to Ableton’s Push hardware instrument:
Visualizations for new devices – See visualizations of key parameters in Hybrid Reverb, Spectral Resonator and Spectral Time on Push’s color display and control them directly from the hardware.
Key and Scale sync – The new Key and Scale feature in Live 11 is linked to Push and can be changed per clip.
Polyphonic aftertouch support – Apply different levels of aftertouch to individual notes when using Wavetable, Sampler, and Arpeggiator for more nuanced and dynamic performances on Push.
See up to 16 Macros – Access Macros 9-16 from a second page after the Rack page with Macros 1-8.

Live is fast, fluid and flexible software for music creation and performance. It comes with effects, instruments, sounds and all kinds of creative features

Audiowarez Patch and Keygen Included


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