[竖琴音源]Sound Yeti Revelation Fusion Harp [KONTAKT](1.71Gb)

P2P | 31 August 2024 | 1.71 GB

Revelation Fusion Harp 是 Sound Yeti 推出的突破规则的混合合成器 Revelation 系列中的第二款产品。Revelation Fusion Harp 以精心采样的管弦乐踏板竖琴为基础,具有四个充满个性的发音方法,将管弦乐竖琴的自然声学之美与强大的三重奏采样乐器层(共 50 个)相结合。再一次,合成器和声学的强大炼金术激发出非凡的音乐性和表现力。

从 100 个板载预设中的一个开始,或为幻想预告片、富有表现力的电影提示、非凡的配乐、奢华的主角配上您自己的合奏,或者只为传统的风格用竖琴独奏。Fusion Harp 的全新功能,板载琶音器激发灵感,让您轻松创造出真正独特的节奏模式、纹理、蜿蜒的主题和意想不到的氛围。Revelation Fusion Harp – 您音乐叙事的下一个主角。

有时要想被人听到,你需要打破规则,摆脱当今对声音期望的束缚。有了 Revelation Fusion Harp,你的故事就变得清晰了。音乐披露以最轻松的方式流动,就像音乐讲故事的真相精华一样。用合成器和原声的新炼金术揭开你的音乐直觉。

Revelation 的基础是建立在精心多采样的管弦乐踏板竖琴之上。三个麦克风视角被精美捕捉;近、中、远,用于拨入大师级混音并揭示出非凡的音调和音色范围,你的耳朵可以对其进行加工。具有比你在超复杂的现场会议中找不到的更多的音调控制。


Revelation 的经典竖琴基础之上是强大的三重奏采样乐器层。使用乐器浏览器轻松将声音分配给层,该浏览器包含 50 种独特采样乐器,分类方便调用。召唤三层任意组合,并组建全明星配角,包括音色、纹理和音调。混合以对管弦乐竖琴进行雄辩和微妙的赞美,或打破一些规则,设计完全实现的混合键、垫、复杂纹理和节奏,成为您音乐故事中的主角。

每个立体声层都伴随着一套声音成型工具;ADSR、延迟、带 24 个自定义 IR 环境的混响、4 频段均衡器和 Sound Yeti 专有的 LFO 设计,具有节奏同步、共振、波形选择、淡入控制和出色的 LFO 可视化功能。想带着这个强大的三人组去巡演吗?只需将融合竖琴静音,您就会发现这个三人组已经准备好成为头条新闻了。

全新推出的 Revelation Fusion Harp,一个 16 步琶音器,提供两种独特的演奏模式。竖琴器易于使用,一定会让您踏上新发现纹​​理、音调和动能运动的声音的道路,它将产生注定成为您作品核心的声音。琶音器

演奏模式的关键是“图层”按钮。关闭“图层”按钮后,图层 ABC 将不会播放/包含在琶音中。这意味着竖琴是唯一的琶音。但 Layers ABC 将按照快照中的设置播放其编程声音。这一设置是 Revelation Fusion Harp 所独有的,它可以让您轻松创建伴奏合成层的琶音竖琴模式。您会惊讶地发现,在 Revelation Fusion Harp 中,使用一个快照就可以非常轻松地创建动态底线、氛围和多汁的纹理。

更传统一点,启用“Layers”按钮后,Layers 声音将与琶音中的竖琴一起播放,从而创建多层乐器序列。探索和重新混合各层的级别,获得更多有趣和意想不到的变化。Revelation

Fusion Harp 中的竖琴器具有可编程的步进速度,只需单击并上下拖动条形图形即可实现即时动态控制。门控制;用于设置相对音符长度,锁存控制可在释放按键后继续演奏琶音,八度设置重复模式的范围,从 -3 到 +3。如果想让您的竖琴演奏更具变化,请探索 10 种模式设置,如上、上和下、之字形上下、按演奏和随机。使用 Revelation Fusion Harp 的板载琶音器,您可以立即获得美妙而动感的音乐效果。

与所有 Revelation 系列插件一样,Revelation Fusion Harp 的用户界面甚至可以吸引那些对调整、扭曲和曲调只有一点点倾向的人。这是一种 Kontakt 乐器,可让您轻松将声音塑造成完美的音乐和抒情表达。前置显示屏可让您几乎即时了解声音的组成,并可轻松制作您自己的标志性混音。


– 1 个 Master NKI 模板
– 100 个 Sound Yeti 设计和精选的预设/快照
– 2400 个管弦乐踏板竖琴样本
– 50 个动态样本源(非钢琴)
– 600 个专为纹理/打击垫/图层设计的半音样本
– 6.24 GB 压缩无损 ncw
– 24 个自定义脉冲响应混响环境
– 58 个延迟效果预设,带有即时预设调用系统
– 无限用户快照


– 基于 Native Instruments Kontakt 6 构建的打破规则的混合合成器
– 混合四种竖琴发音与三种麦克风视角
– 毛毡、踏板和锤子机械样本/声音的角色控制
– 三层通道(非大钢琴样本组)
– 每层通道的 ADSR 包络
– 每层通道的四频段图形均衡器
– 每层通道的全功能 LFO,带同步和核心波形
– Sound Yeti 专有 LFO 可视化显示
– Sound Yeti 自定义混响,带有 24 个脉冲响应环境
– 58 个延迟效果预设
– Sound Yeti 专有预设调用系统,用于延迟和混响效果
– 概率/机会控制,增加表演动态
– 易于使用的带类别的样本/声音浏览器
– 无需其他购买 –获得 NI Kontakt 6 Free Player 许可

The Next Leading Role for Musical Storytelling
Revelation Fusion Harp is the second in the Revelation series of rule breaking hybrid synths from Sound Yeti. Built on a meticulously sampled orchestral pedal harp with four character filled articulations, Revelation Fusion Harp combines the au naturel acoustic beauty of the orchestral harp with a power trio of sampled instrument layers (50 of them). Once again, the powerful alchemy of synth and acoustic inspires remarkable musicality and expression.

Start with one of the 100 onboard presets or score your own ensemble for fantasy trailers, expressive cinematic cues, extraordinary underscore, luxurious leads or, go solo with the harp only for a traditional touch. New with Fusion Harp, the on-board arpeggiator fuels inspiration for creating genuinely unique rhythmic patterns, textures, meandering motifs and unexpected ambiences all with magical ease. Revelation Fusion Harp – your next leading role for musical storytelling.

Nonconformists Welcome
Sometimes to be heard, you need to break the rules, do away with the conventions of today’s sonic expectations. With Revelation Fusion Harp your story becomes clear. Musical disclosures flow with the greatest of ease, like a truth serum for musical storytelling. Unmasking your musical intuitions with a new alchemy of synth and acoustic.

Classically Unconventional
Revelation’s foundation is built on a meticulously multi-sampled orchestral pedal harp. three microphone perspectives are beautifully captured; near, mid and far, for dialing in a masterful mix and revealing an extraordinary range of tones and timbers on which your ears can machinate. With much more tonal control than you’ll find even in an ultra sophisticated live session.

Mic and tonal expressions are accentuated by the power to add subtle character and mechanical acoustics at will. Hyper-realize the nuance you desire with Pedal, Choose between four articulations for interjecting organic performance into your fusion harp’s speaking voice.

A Power Trio of Layers
On top of Revelation’s classic harp foundation is a power trio of sampled instrument layers. Easily assign sounds to layers with the instrument’s browser of 50 uniquely sampled instruments, categorized for easy recall. Summons any combination of the three layers and assemble an all-star supporting cast of timbres, textures and tones. Mix for eloquent and subtle compliments to the orchestral harp or break some rules and design fully realized hybrid keys, pads, complex textures and rhythmics that become the main character in your musical story.

Each stereo layer is accompanied by a combo of sound molding tools; ADSR, Delay, Reverb with 24 custom IR environments, 4 Band EQ and Sound Yeti’s proprietary LFO design with tempo sync, resonance, wave shape selection, fade in control and awesome LFO visualization. Thinking of taking the power trio on tour as the headliner? Simply mute the fusion harp and you’ll find this trio is ready for top billing.

Every Harp Needs a Harpeggiator
New with Revelation Fusion Harp, a 16 step arpeggiator that offers two unique performance modes. Easy to use and certain to send you on a path to new discovery of textures, tones and kinetic motion filled sounds, the harpeggiator will generate sounds that are destined to become the centerpiece of your production.

The key to the arpeggiator performance modes is the Layers button. With the Layers button off, Layers ABC will not be played / included in the arpeggiation. This means the harp is the only arpeggiated sound. But the Layers ABC will play their programmed sound as set in the snapshot. Truly unique to Revelation Fusion Harp, this setting lets you easily create arpeggiated harp patterns with accompaniment of the synth layers. You will be amazed how easy it is to create dynamic underscores, atmospheres, juicy textures all with a single snapshot in Revelation Fusion Harp.

A little more traditional, with the Layers button enabled, Layers sounds will be played with the harp in the arpeggiation creating a multi layer instrument sequence. Explore and re-mix the levels of the layers for even more interesting and unexpected variation.

The harpeggiator in Revelation Fusion Harp features programmable step velocity, just click and drag the bar graphic up or down for instant dynamic control. The gate control; for setting relative note length, Latch control keeps the arpeggiation playing after key release, Octave sets the range in which to repeat the patterns, from -3 to +3. And for even more variation with your harpeggiations, explore 10 pattern settings like Up, Up & Down, Zig Zag Up & Down and As Played and Random. Get beautiful and dynamic musical results in a snap with the onboard arpeggiator of Revelation Fusion Harp.

Temptations for Tweaking
Like all Revelation series plugins, the UI of Revelation Fusion Harp beckons even those with only the slightest inclination to tweak twist and tune. This is a Kontakt instrument that will easily let you shape your sound to the perfect musical and lyrical expression. The upfront display provides almost instantaneous understanding of the composition of your sounds and is effortless for crafting your own signature mix.

What’s Inside

– 1 Master NKI template
– 100 Sound Yeti designed and curated presets/snapshots
– 2400 Orchestral Pedal Harp samples
– 50 dynamic sample sources (non piano)
– 600 designed chromatic samples for textures/pads/layers
– 6.24 GB of compressed lossless ncw’s
– 24 custom impulse response reverb environments
– 58 delay effect presets with instant preset recall system
– Unlimited user snapshots

Key Features

– Rule breaking hybrid synth built on Native Instruments Kontakt 6
– Mix four harp articulations with three mic perspectives
– Character control for felt, pedal, and hammer mechanical samples/sounds
– Three layer channels (non grand piano sample groups)
– ADSR envelopes per layer channel
– Four band graphic EQ per layer channel
– Full-featured LFOs per layer channel, with syncing & core waveforms
– Sound Yeti proprietary LFO visual display
– Sound Yeti custom reverb with 24 impulse response environments
– 58 delay effects presets
– Sound Yeti proprietary Preset Recall System for delay and reverb effects
– Probability/Chance controls for added performance dynamics
– Easy to use sample/sound browser with categories
– Nothing else to buy – Licensed for NI Kontakt 6 Free Player


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