[复古数字加法合成器]Audio Damage AD053 Phosphor 3 v3.1.7 RETAiL [WiN, MacOSX, LiNUX](157.30MB)

ohsie | 02 September 2024 | 157.30 MB


Phosphor 是一个独特的乐器插件,以 alphaSyntauri 为模型,alphaSyntauri 是 80 年代早期的复古数字加法合成器。最初的 alphaSyntauri 需要 Apple IIe 才能运行,但我们已经提前消除了中间人,因此您可以在您选择的 DAW 中使用这个经典的数字合成器。

版本 3 再次对原版久经考验的功能集进行了现代化改造。除了大量的内部改进之外,它还配备了一层新涂层、扩展的调制选项、MPE 支持、对非平均调音的 TUN 文件支持以及我们全新的预设浏览器。


Phosphor 的拓扑结构紧密遵循 alphaSyntauri,同时添加了许多现代功能。它有两个相同的声音,每个声音都有自己的加法合成波表振荡器、噪声源、放大器包络和延迟线。在低分辨率模式(可重现原始声音)和更纯净的高分辨率设置之间进行选择,以获得高端音质。使用 16 个分音保持顺畅,或交叉调制 Phosphor 的振荡器,并涉足 Synclavier 的 FM 功能!
Phosphor 准确地模拟了原始声音,同时提供了许多新的声音探索途径。


Phosphor 3 具有两个具有多种波形的 LFO,包括一个随机源,可以全局或每个音符进行操作。它们的倾斜控制极大地扩展了可用形状的范围,使它们成为强大而灵活的调制源。Phosphor 3 的新型模态调制路由面板使声音设计变得轻而易举:只需单击一下即可分配 MIDI/MPE 参数、随机调制偏移或 LFO 并拨入调制量。


凭借其完整的 MPE 功能,Phosphor 3 将激发其灵感的经典作品传送到音乐表达的前沿。利用现代控制器为过去的补丁注入活力,并以前所未有的方式播放它们!你是那种古怪的人吗?让 Phosphor 发脾气,并通过其新实施的 TUN 文件支持探索非标准调音的世界!它真的适合每个人。


Phosphor 3 是第一个具有我们全新预设管理器的 Audio Damage 插件。将您的补丁组织到文件夹中并将其导出为 zip 存档,为您的预设包发布做好准备。直接从插件的 GUI 导入您在线购买的那套新奇补丁。将预设复制到剪贴板并快速将它们分享到任何地方,或者将补丁从剪贴板导入 Phosphor。移动预设从未如此简单。最重要的是:所有这些都完全独立于平台,因此您可以在任何地方使用您的补丁。


– 十四个过滤器\
两个 24 dB/倍频程低通和高通滤波器以及十二个并联的定频带通滤波器 – 每个都有自己的电平控制。-
914 Mk 2 可以控制其带通滤波器的带宽。除此之外,偏移控制允许用户上下移动滤波器的中心频率,以更好地适应输入信号。- 混音控制
干湿信号的单独电平控制,湿电平有 15dB 的补偿增益。-
跨平台预设格式\ 可
完全可调整大小的 Hi-Dpi/Retina GUI\
与分辨率无关的基于矢量的 GUI,在每个系统上都显示相同。可轻松调整 UI 大小(每个实例)以满足您的视觉需求,从邮票大小到海报大小。#### 功能

– 两种声音\
每个声音都有一个带移调和微调控制的波表振荡器、一个噪声发生器、电平 ADSR、带滤波器的延迟线以及电平和平移控制。

– 加法波表振荡器\
每个振荡器有 16、32 或 64 个分音,并带有单独的电平滑块、常用波形的预设按钮和分音电平随机化。
– 噪声源\
– ADSR x 2\

– 复古模式\
– LFO x 2\
– 调制面板\
– 双延迟\
– 使用 MTS-ESP 和 TUN 文件支持进行微调\
探索替代调音和语调,原生支持 ODDSound 的 MTS-ESP 会话范围调音系统。或者,加载 TUN 格式的调音表。
– 交叉调制\
语音的振荡器可以调制彼此的频率,类似于 NED Synclavier。语音也可以静音并仅用作调制器。

– 语音模式\
– T-Rand 调制\

– 软件键盘\
在触摸界面上特别有用。音符速度由 Y 位置决定。
– MPE(MIDI 复音表达)\
完全支持 MPE,具有用于触后的可变参数平滑功能。
– 出厂预设\
Phosphor 3 附带一系列出厂内容,包括 Red Means Recording 和 Ken Flux Pierce 的设计师预设。
– 全新预设浏览器\
快速轻松地导入、导出和组织预设。支持导入和导出 zip 存档、复制和粘贴预设以及在文件夹中排列用户预设。
– 跨平台预设格式\
完全跨平台的基于 XML 的预设格式。在多个系统之间轻松工作,在台式机上制作预设并使用 Handoff 将其粘贴到 iOS 版本,轻松与朋友分享您的作品,或制作预设包进行销售。
– 完全可调整大小的 Hi-Dpi/Retina GUI\
Phosphor 3 的基于矢量的 GUI 与分辨率无关,在每个系统和分辨率上都显示相同的内容。轻松调整 UI 大小(每个实例)以满足您的视觉需求,从邮票大小到海报大小。

Phosphor is a unique instrument plugin modeled on the alphaSyntauri, a vintage digital additive synth from the early 80s. The original alphaSyntauri required an Apple IIe to operate, but we’ve gone ahead and eliminated the middle-man so you can have this classic digital synth in your DAW of choice.

Version 3 once more modernizes the original’s tried and tested feature set. Besides plenty under-the-hood improvements, it comes with a new coat of paint, expanded modulation options, MPE support, TUN-file support for non-equal-tempered tunings, and our brand new preset browser.


Phosphor’s topology closely follows the alphaSyntauri, while adding many modern features. It sports two identical voices, each with its own additive synthesis wavetable oscillator, noise source, amp envelope and delay line. Pick between low-resolution mode mirroring the original’s sonics and the more pristine high-resolution setting for that top-end goodness. Keep it tame with 16 partials or cross-modulate Phosphor’s oscillators and wade into the waters of the Synclavier’s FM capabilities!
Phosphor accurately models the original’s sounds while providing plenty new paths for sonic exploration.


Phosphor 3 features two LFOs with multiple waveforms, including a random source, which can be operated on a global or per-note basis. Their skew controls greatly expand the scope of available shapes, rendering them a powerful and flexible mod source. Phosphor 3’s new modal modulation routing panel makes sound design a breeze: Assigning MIDI/MPE parameters, randomized modulation offsets or the LFOs and dialing in modulation amounts is ever only one click away.


With its full MPE capabilities, Phosphor 3 teleports the classic that inspired it to the cutting edge of musical expression. Leverage modern controllers to breath life into yesteryear’s patches and play them like never before! Are you the quirky type? Make Phosphor lose its temper and explore the world of non-standard tunings with its newly implemented TUN-file support! It’s really got something for everyone.


Phosphor 3 is the first Audio Damage plugin first plugin to feature our brand-new preset manager. Organize your patches in folders and export them as zip-archives, ready for your preset-pack release. Import that fancy new set of patches you bought online directly from the plugin’s GUI. Copy presets to your clipboard and quickly share them anywhere, or import a patch from your clipboard into Phosphor. Never has moving presets around been this easy. And the best of all: All this is entirely platform independent so you can use your patches anywhere.


– Fourteen Filters\
Two 24 dB/octave low-pass and high-pass filters and twelve fixed-frequency band-pass filters in parallel – each with its own level control.
– Advanced Filter Control\
914 Mk 2 offers control over its band-pass filters’ bandwidth. On top of that, the offset control allows the user to shift the filters’ center frequencies up or down to better suit the input signal.
– Mix Controls\
Separate level controls for dry and wet signals with 15dB of makeup gain on the wet level.
– Cross-Platform Preset Format\
Work between multiple systems without issues.
– Fully Resizable Hi-Dpi/Retina GUI\
Resolution-agnostic vector-based GUI that displays the same on every system. Easily resize the UI (per instance) to match your visual needs, from postage stamp to poster-sized.#### FEATURES

– Two Voices\
Each voice has a wavetable oscillator with transposition and fine-tuning controls, a noise generator, level ADSR, delay line with filter, and level and pan controls.

– Additive Wavetable Oscillators\
Each oscillator has 16, 32 or 64 partials with individual level sliders, preset buttons for common waveforms, and partial level randomization.
– Noise Sources\
White noise in regular operation or shift-register noise in vintage mode.
– ADSR x 2\
One level envelope for each voice with control over the duration and curvature of the Attack, Decay, and Release segments.

– Vintage Modes\
Introduces digital artefacts and distortion. Can be engaged individually for each oscillator and noise source.
– LFO x 2\
Optionally host tempo-synced Low-Frequency-Oscillators with Sine, Triangle, Rectangle and Random shapes. Skew sliders affect waveforms differently in different modes. Can be used on per-note basis or globally.
– Modulation Panel\
Quick modulation assignment via modal panel
– Dual Delays\
One optionally host-tempo synced delay effect for each voice with feedback filter. Each voice’s delay can crossfeed into the other.
– Microtuning With MTS-ESP and TUN File Support\
Explore alternative tuning and intonation with native support for ODDSound’s MTS-ESP session-wide tuning system. Alternatively, load tuning tables in TUN format.
– Cross Modulation\
The voices’ oscillators can modulate each other’s frequencies, akin to the NED Synclavier. Voices can be muted and used only exclusively as modulators, too.

– Voice Modes\
Poly mode, as well as mono mode without retrigger and retrigger mode. Variable portamento in mono and retrigger mode.
– T-Rand modulation\
Modulation source generating a bipolar random value every time a note is played.

– Software Keyboard\
Particularly useful on touch interfaces. Note velocity is determined by Y position.
– MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression)\
Full MPE support with variable parameter smoothing for aftertouch.
– Factory Presets\
Phosphor 3 comes with a collection of factory content, including Designer Presets from Red Means Recording and Ken Flux Pierce.
– All-New Preset browser\
Quick and easy preset import, export and organization. Supports import and export of zip archives, preset copy and paste, and arrangement of user presets in folders.
– Cross-Platform Preset Format\
Fully cross-platform XML-based preset-format. Work between multiple systems without troubles, make a preset on your desktop machine and paste it to the iOS version with Handoff, easily share your creations with your friends, or make a preset bundle to sell.
– Fully Resizable Hi-Dpi/Retina GUI\
Phosphor 3’s vector-based GUI is resolution-agnostic, and displays the same on every system and resolution. Easily resize the UI (per instance) to match your visual needs, from postage stamp to poster-sized.


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