[粒子合成器]Audio Damage AD055 Quanta 2 v2.0.15 [WiN, MacOSX, LiNUX](383Mb)

Audio Damage 正式发布 Quanta 2 粒子合成器插件。与第一个版本一样,Quanta 2 仍然是一个易于使用的多复音粒子合成器插件,但新版本具有许多新功能。

ohsie | 26 April 2024 | 383 MB



版本 2 中的新增功能

我们已将矩阵调制分配面板替换为右键单击上下文菜单,就像在 Continua 和 Phosphor 3 中找到的一样。此外,控件现在具有显示调制的指示器。

附加 VA 振荡器
Quanta 2 有两个虚拟模拟振荡器,而不是原来的一个。使用其中一个作为超低音,将两者都发送到颗粒引擎,对其中一个进行颗粒化,让另一个保持正常 – 随你便!

当您将样本放到 Quanta 2 上或通过导入对话框加载它时,Quanta 2 会尝试找到样本的根音。(这显然对连奏单音比对和弦或完整的音乐循环效果更好。)导入后,您可以根据喜好调整根音。

您可以选择将颗粒音高限制为特定音符。这种量化是后调制,因此任何应用于颗粒调音的随机化或调制都将量化到您选择的比例。量化也尊重调音表或 MTS-ESP 调音。Effects Quanta 现在具有从 Audio Damage 工作室效果库中获取的合唱、立体声双延迟和混响。

新的调制功能包络发生器和 LFO 得到了广泛改进。FEG 拾取幅度和时间尺度旋钮,FLFO 获得幅度控制、可切换双极输出和同步开关,每当 FLFO 1 重新启动时,同步开关会导致 FLFO 2 重置。此外,调制面板中添加了四个宏旋钮,这些旋钮可以接收全局 MIDI CC 分配,从而允许您从您选择的 MIDI 控制器控制宏,无论预设的作者选择什么。Quanta 1 预设加载Quanta 2 包含来自 Quanta 1 的每个预设和我们委托制作的每个发布后包,以及来自 Red Means Recording 和 Red Sky Lullaby 的新预设包,以及内部创建的预设包。此外,Quanta 2 将加载为 Quanta 1 创建的任何预设。如果您已经为 Quanta 1 制作了预设,只需将文件夹拖到 Quanta 2 预设用户文件夹中,它们就会出现在 Quanta 2 中,可以开始工作。特点– 多格式样本加载器\ Quanta 2 可以加载任何采样率、位深度和通道配置的 AIFF、WAV、广播 WAV、FLAC、MP3 和 Ogg。它会自动将样本转换为会话的采样率,并尝试找到根音。-颗粒引擎\每个声音最多可同时产生 100 个颗粒,最长 1 秒,可控制颗粒率、音高、方向、形状、长度、平移、源位置和水平。


– 多格式样本加载器
Quanta 2 可以以任何采样率、位深度和通道配置加载 AIFF、WAV、广播 WAV、FLAC、MP3 和 Ogg。它会自动将样本转换为会话的采样率,并尝试找到根音符。
– Grain Engine
每个语音最多 100 个同时的 grains,最长 1 秒,可以控制 grain rate、pitch、方向、shape、length、panning、source position 和 level。
– 两个虚拟模拟振荡器\
– 噪声源\
– 双多模式滤波器\
滤波器可用于串行或并行模式,包括 2 极和 4 极配置中的低通、高通、带通和陷波。
– 灵活包络发生器 (FEG) x 4\
四个 FEG 是任意函数发生器,具有多达 99 个步骤、曲线和步进级别控制、任意循环点和主机节奏同步。
– 灵活低频振荡器 (FLFO) x 2\
一对双极 FLFO 利用五个控件(幅度、相位、形状、倾斜和扭曲)来访问几乎无限的波形调色板,并具有主机节奏同步和重新触发功能。
– 采样和保持\
S&H 调制源可以以用户定义的速率或音乐分频采样噪声(随机)或任何其他调制源。
– 调制菜单\
可以使用右键单击上下文菜单轻松简单地将每个调制和 MIDI 源分配给任何目标。只需右键单击,然后添加和删除所有调制源。
– 使用调音表和全局调音偏移进行微调\
使用对 ODDSound 的 MTS-ESP 会话范围调音系统的原生支持,将 Quanta 2 重新调整为新的语调和气质。或者,以开源且易于使用的 TUN 文件格式加载调音表。全局调音偏移(默认为 A=440)允许您轻松地重新调整整个合成器以匹配不同的 A 频率,而无需使用调音表。
– MPE(MIDI 复音表达)\
Quanta 2 理解“传统”MIDI 和 MPE。使用 Linnstrument、Roli Seaboard、Haken Continuum 或 Madrona Labs Soundplane (以及其他设备) 直接访问每个音符的压力、弯音和调制。-
Quanta 2 使用每个实例自定义方法:为 DAW 中的每个实例设置 MPE 模式、触后平滑、弯音范围覆盖、调音表和全局调音偏移。-
Quanta 2 附带大量出厂内容,包括 Marcus Fisher、Joseph Fraioli、Chris Carter、Red. Means Recording、Red Sky Lullaby 和 Richard Devine 的设计师预设。-
Quanta 2 使用基于 XML 的预设管理器,并将样本存储在预设中以便于资产管理。在多个系统之间轻松工作,轻松地与朋友分享您的作品,或制作预设包出售,无需进行资产管理。
– 完全可调整大小的 Hi-Dpi/Retina GUI\
Quanta 2 的基于矢量的 GUI 与分辨率无关,在每个系统和分辨率上都显示相同。轻松调整 UI 大小(每个实例)以满足您的视觉需求,从邮票大小到海报大小,并在全局设置中保存您的首选大小。


VST3 64 位 AAX 64 位
Windows 10 或更新版本和 64 位 DAW。VST3

64 位 AAX 64 位 AudioUnit 64 位
Universal Binary 2 for Intel/M1 macOS 10.12 或更新版本和 64 位 DAW。VST3

64 位
Ubuntu 20 或更高版本和 64 位 DAW。(购买前请验证演示是否适合您!如果演示有效,则完整版将有效。)

REPACK v2 说明:以前的版本预设的 .xml 扩展名是错误的,而不是正确的 .adpreset

New User Interface
The user interface has been cleaned up, modernized, and given panels for clarity and to accommodate new controls.

Modulation Assignment Reworked
We have replaced the matrix mod assign panel with a right-click context menu like those found in Continua and Phosphor 3. In addition, the controls now have indicators to show modulation.

Additional VA Oscillator
Quanta 2 has two virtual analog oscillators instead of the single one in the original. Use one for a sub bass, send both to the grain engine, granularize one and leave the other normal — whatever floats your boat!

Root Note Detection And Assignment
When you drop a sample on Quanta 2, or load it via the import dialogue, Quanta 2 attempts to find the root note of the sample. (This obviously works better on legato single notes than it does on chords or full music loops.) After the import, you can adjust the root note to taste.

Grain Pitch Quantization
You can optionally limit grain pitches to particular notes. This quantizing is post-modulation, so any randomization or mod applied to grain tuning will be quantized to the scale of your choosing. Quantizing respects the tuning table or MTS-ESP tuning as well.

Quanta now has a chorus, stereo dual delay, and reverb taken from the Audio Damage library of studio effects.

New Modulation Features
The envelope generators and LFOs have been extensively improved. The FEGs pick up amplitude and time scale knobs, and the FLFOs get amplitude control, switchable bipolar output, and a sync switch which causes FLFO 2 to reset whenever FLFO 1 restarts. In addition, four Macro knobs have been added to the modulation panel, and these can receive a global MIDI CC assignment, thus allowing you to control the macros from the MIDI controller of your choice, no matter what the author of the preset chose.

Quanta 1 Preset Loading
Quanta 2 contains every preset from Quanta 1, and every post-release pack we have commissioned, as well as new preset packs from Red Means Recording and Red Sky Lullaby, and created in house. In addition, Quanta 2 will load any preset created for Quanta 1. If you have made presets for Quanta 1, just drag the folder in to the Quanta 2 preset user folder, and they will appear in Quanta 2 ready to go to work.


– Multi-Format Sample Loader\
Quanta 2 can load AIFF, WAV, Broadcast WAV, FLAC, MP3, and Ogg in any sample rate, bit depth, and channel configuration. It automatically converts the sample to the session’s sample rate, and attempts to find the root note.
– Grain Engine\
Up to 100 simultaneous grains per voice, of up to 1 second long, with control over grain rate, pitch, direction, shape, length, panning, source position, and level.
– Two Virtual Analog Oscillators\
Continuously variable wave shape, with pulse width modulation, and independent control over pitch (separate from grain engine.) Can be injected directly into grain engine.
– Noise Source\
Noise source features a “color” control that affects tonal characteristics of the noise. Can be injected directly into grain engine.
– Dual Multi-Mode Filters\
Filters can be used in serial or parallel modes, and include lowpass, highpass, bandpass, and notch in 2-pole and 4-pole configurations.
– Flexible Envelope Generator (FEG) x 4\
The four FEGs are arbitrary function generators, with up to 99 steps, curve and step level control, arbitrary loop points, and host tempo sync.
– Flexible Low-Frequency Oscillator (FLFO) x 2\
The pair of bipolar FLFOs utilize five controls (amplitude, phase, shape, skew, and warp) to access a virtually limitless palette of waveforms, and feature host tempo sync and retrigger.
– Sample And Hold\
The S&H mod source can sample noise (random) or any of the other mod sources, at either a user-defined rate or a musical division.
– Modulation Menu\
Every mod and MIDI source can be easily and simply assigned to any destination with the right-click context menu. Just right click, and add and remove all mod sources.
– Microtuning With Tuning Tables And Global Tuning Offset\
Re-tune Quanta 2 to new intonations and temperaments with native support for ODDSound’s MTS-ESP session-wide tuning system. Alternatively, load tuning tables in  the open-source and easy-to-use TUN file format. A global tuning offset (default to A=440) allows you to easily retune the entire synth to match a different A frequency without using a tuning table.
– MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression)\
Quanta 2 understands both “legacy” MIDI and MPE. Use your Linnstrument, Roli Seaboard, Haken Continuum, or Madrona Labs Soundplane (among others) to directly access per-note pressure, pitch bend, and modulation.
– Per-Instance Settings\
Quanta 2 utilizes a per-instance customization method: set MPE mode, aftertouch smoothing, pitch bend range override, tuning table, and global tuning offset for each instance in your DAW.
– Factory Presets\
Quanta 2 comes with a substantial collection of factory content, including Designer Presets from Marcus Fisher, Joseph Fraioli, Chris Carter, Red. Means Recording, Red Sky Lullaby, and Richard Devine.
– Cross-Platform Preset Format\
Quanta 2utilizes an XML-based preset manager, and stores the sample within the preset for easy asset management. Work between multiple systems without troubles, and easily share your creations with your friends, or make a preset bundle to sell, no asset management required.
– Fully Resizable Hi-Dpi/Retina GUI\
Quanta 2’s vector-based GUI is resolution-agnostic, and displays the same on every system and resolution. Easily resize the UI (per instance) to match your visual needs, from postage stamp to poster-sized, and save your preferred size in the global settings.


VST3 64-bit AAX 64-bit
Windows 10 or newer and a 64-bit DAW.

VST3 64-bit AAX 64-bit AudioUnit 64-bit
Universal Binary 2 for Intel/M1 macOS 10.12 or newer and a 64-bit DAW.

VST3 64-bit
Ubuntu 20 or later and a 64-bit DAW. (Verify the demo works for you before purchasing! If the demo works, the full version will.)

REPACK v2 notes : Previous release had wrong extention for the presets .xml instead of the correct .adpreset
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