P2P | 30 January 2024 | 245.60 MB
nyatiti 是一种具有 5000 年历史的八弦琴,旋律优美,节奏感强,催眠般地充满灵性,被许多人视为 Lüo 族群的音乐生命线,也是东非本土最知名、最具影响力的传统乐器之一。为了制作这个样本合集,Found Sound Nation 与著名的多乐器演奏家 Rapasa Otieno 合作,捕捉了他家乡的各种复杂声音,包括 nyangile(打击乐)、gara(铃铛)、obokano(七弦琴)和 ong’eng’o(打击乐)。
Rapasa 来自非洲最大湖泊 Nam Lolwe(维多利亚湖)温暖岸边的一个村庄,他的血统可以追溯到肯尼亚西部 Lüo 族群的悠久表演者世家。 Rapasa 曾师从肯尼亚西部多位 nyatiti 大师,他对 Lüo 音乐的广泛了解使他不仅能够在世界各地演奏肯尼亚传统音乐,还在肯尼亚国内创造资源,以培育悠久的民间传统。对于 Rapasa 来说,nyatiti 是一个讲故事的人:“它让我们了解了祖先的智慧。”此外,这个样本包还包含另一种与 nyatiti 相似的乐器的声音,尽管尺寸是它的四倍——obokano,这是肯尼亚 Abagusii 人的一种七弦琴,它发出深沉而洪亮的嗡嗡声。
由 Found Sound Nation 制作
由 Chris Botta 编辑和混音
As melodic as it is rhythmic, and as hypnotic as it is spiritual, the nyatiti, a 5000-year old eight-stringed lyre is understood by many as the musical lifeline of the Lüo community, and as one of the most recognizable and influential traditional instruments native to East Africa. For this sample collection Found Sound Nation worked with Rapasa Otieno, an acclaimed multi-instrumentalist, to capture a wide breadth of intricate sounds from his hometown, including sounds of the nyangile (percussion), gara (bells), obokano (lyre), and ong’eng’o (percussion).
Hailing from a village by the warm shores of Africa’s biggest lake, Nam Lolwe (Lake Victoria), Rapasa traces his lineage back to a long line of performers from the Lüo community of western Kenya. Rapasa has studied with various masters of the nyatiti across western Kenya, and his extensive knowledge of Lüo music has led him to not only perform Kenyan traditional music worldwide, but also to create resources within Kenya to nurture the longstanding folk tradition. For Rapasa, the nyatiti is a storyteller: “it gives an insight into our ancestor’s wisdom.” What’s more, this sample pack includes sounds from another instrument similar to the nyatiti, albeit four times its size — the obokano, a lyre of the Abagusii people of Kenya, that sings with a deep and resonant buzzing sound.
Produced by Found Sound Nation
Edited and mixed by Chris Botta
156 Samples