[独具风格的压缩器]Kush Audio UBK-2 v1.0.0 U2B [MacOSX](210MB)

Team Flare | 09 September 2024 | 210 MB



UBK-2 的声音
2012 年,Kush 将 UBK-1 带入了一个没有人期望插件压缩机具有任何特殊或有趣氛围的世界。UBK-1 以 Gregory Scott 为神秘的 UBK Fatso 硬件开发的奇怪而激进的曲线的忠实模型为基础,是第一个为 ITB 混音器提供基于运动和律动的工具的插件,鼓励盲目转动几个旋钮以快速获得声音和纹理,这些声音和纹理往往既令人惊讶又新颖,而且非常有用。

UBK-2 保留了原版的所有特色 – 一个大旋钮,用于或多或少的压缩调节、快速切换预设的启动-释放-拐点-比率曲线、模拟语音饱和度 – 并将它们全部保留,您可以像使用 UBK-1 一样使用 UBK-2。

或者,您可以深入了解并对 UBK-2 功能的几乎每个方面施加一定程度的控制。3 个新的压缩预设可实现 UBK-1 无法实现的压缩风格,包括非常温和的低比率 Cream,适用于混音总线等精细工作。所有 8 条压缩曲线的基线启动和释放时间都可以调整得更快或更慢,并且所有曲线之间都具有紧密的增益衰减匹配,因此您可以在它们之间自由切换,同时保持增益衰减和整体增益一致。

UBK-2 在更新的压缩机部分两侧配备了两个新调整的饱和引擎,一个是压缩前引擎,一个是压缩后引擎,每个引擎的声音都适合它可能出现的瞬态类型。老式的 4 段均衡器利用了 Kush 新的基于 Magpha 的均衡器算法。所有这些线性和非线性过程现在都可以通过 Kush 标志性的“Tri-Meter”显示屏进行监控,该显示屏首次出现在喜欢噪音的 Silika 压缩器中。这款 VU 表可以轻松一目了然地监控输入和输出电平、增益降低或同时监控所有三个。能够调节饱和度和压缩度,同时查看这对输出信号与输入信号的移动的影响,并轻松进行电平匹配……Tri-Meter 是一种功能强大的工作流程增强功能,请考虑了解它。

我们希望 UBK-2 代表着原版的巨大飞跃,同时仍保留原版如此受欢迎和喜爱的插件的特性和易用性,在发布 12 年后仍然独树一帜。

– 需要 Xcode 来协同设计和验证插件。
– 不需要 iLok 驱动程序即可运行。
我们要向 pknr 致以最诚挚的谢意,他们帮助我们在 macOS 上破解了这个问题。


Shapes the movement and groove of a sound with unique compression curves, multiple parallel signal paths, and more…

In 2012, Kush dropped the UBK-1 into a world where nobody expected plugin compressors to have any kind of special or interesting vibe. Built on faithful models of the strange and aggressive curves Gregory Scott developed for the enigmatic UBK Fatso hardware, UBK-1 was the first plugin to give ITB mixers a movement-and-groove-based tool that encouraged blind turning of a few knobs to quickly get at sounds and textures that tended to be as surprising and novel as they were useful.

UBK-2 takes all of the things that made the original special – one big knob for more-or-less compression tuning, rapid switching thru preset attack-release-knee-ratio curves, analog-voiced saturation – and leaves them all intact, you can use UBK-2 the same way you used UBK-1.

Alternatively, you can dive deeper and exert a degree of control over nearly every aspect of the UBK-2’s functions. 3 new compression presets enable styles of compression of not possible with UBK-1, including the very gentle low-ratio Cream for delicate jobs like the mix buss., All 8 compression curves can have their baseline attack and release times adjusted faster or slower, and all feature tight Gain Reduction matching between them, so you can freely switch between them while keeping gain reduction and overall gains consistent.

UBK-2 flanks the updated compressor section with two newly-tuned saturation engines, one pre- and one post-compression, each voiced to suit the types of transients it’s likely to be presented with. An old school. pre-everything 4 band EQ leverages Kush’s new, Magpha-based equalizer algorithms. And all of these linear and non-linear processes can now be monitored via Kush’s signature ‘Tri-Meter’ display, first introduced in the dirt-loving Silika compressor. This VU meter allows for effortless, at-a-glance monitoring of Input and Output levels, Gain Reduction, or all three at once. The ability to dial saturation and compression while seeing the impact this has on the movement of the output signal vs. the input signal, and level-match them with ease… Tri-Meter is a deceptively powerful workflow enhancement, consider getting to know it.

We hope that UBK-2 represents a massive leap forward from the original, while still retaining the character and ease of use that make the original such a popular and beloved plugin that still holds its own 12 years after its release.

– Requires Xcode to codesign and validate the plugin.
– Does not require the iLok driver to run.
We would like to give a big shoutout to pknr who helped open a new door for us in cracking this on macOS.
Could the mighty witches spare a magic wand with a trick or two? The little flare could become a great flame too.
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