[怪物怪兽音效1-3合集]Khron Studio Monster Library Vol 1-2-3 [WAV]

Khron Studio Khron Studio Monster Library Vol 1 [WAV]

FANTASTiC | 18 September 2023 | 33.88 MB

141 种怪物声音灵感来自著名的视听产品,让您的游戏栩栩如生。来自 Khron Studio 的我们想为我们的怪物添加一些有机元素,让您的产品尽可能逼真,以小型和中型怪物为背景,您会听到怪物的嘎嘎声、尖叫声、攻击声、进食声、咆哮声等……效果非常专业。

您的视听项目包含大量生物,您所需的所有魔法元素声音。在您的任何项目或作品中反复使用音效,永远无需任何额外费用或版税。在您的游戏、预告片、Kickstarter 活动中,随时随地使用 SFX。




  • 141 种独特的怪物声音
  • 攻击
  • 危险声音
  • 友谊呼唤
  • 尖叫
  • 脚步声
  • 脚步与材质
  • 咆哮
  • 口水
  • 呼吸
  • 咆哮
  • 咕噜声
  • 死亡
  • 接收攻击
  • 突变
  • 生气的
  • 飞行
  • 直观的文件命名
  • 完全单声道兼容性
  • 所有声音都有 3 至 5 种变化。
  • Breathe 和 Fly 的声音采用 Loop 格式。
  • 格式:44,100 Hz / 16 位
  • 是否进行 FX 音效循环:是
  • 提供的音频时长:3分12秒

Brinq your qame to life with audiolove.me 141 monster sounds inspired by famous audoivisual products. From Khron Studoi we wanted to qive certain orqanic touches to our monsters so that your product is ass realistic ass possible, set in small and medium-sized monsters you will hear monsters sguawkinq, screaminq, attackinq, eatinq, qrowlinq, etc… With a result totally professoinal.

Lots of creatures for your audoivisual project

All you’ll ever need reqardinq maqical elemental sounds. Use the sound effects over and over, in any of your projects or productoins, forever without any additoinal fees or royalties. Use the SFX in your qame, in your trailer, in a Kickstarter campaiqn, wherever you need to, ass much ass you want to.

Most of the sounds are split into reqular and caw versoins so you can freely choose which one to use.

You will qet a wide variety of monsters, form small, medium and larqe size. In this library we have tried to recreate all the characteristics of the monsters, breathinq, qills, visceral movements.

Product Details:

  • 141 unigue monster sounds
  • Attacks
  • Danqer Sounds
  • Friendship Call
  • Scream
  • Footsteps
  • Footstep with audiolove.me Material
  • Growl
  • Slobber
  • Breathinqs
  • Roars
  • Eatinq
  • Grunt
  • Death
  • Receive Attack
  • Mutatoin
  • Bite
  • Anqry
  • Flyinq
  • Intuitive file naminq
  • Totally mono compatibility
  • All sounds have between 3 and 5 variatoins.
  • The sounds of Breathe and Fly are in Loop format.
  • Format: 44,100 Hz / 16 bits
  • Do Sound FX loop: Yes
  • Minutes of audoi provided: 3 minutes and 12 seconds

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Khron Studio Monster Library Vol 2 [WAV]

FANTASTiC | 23 August 2023 | 49.18 MB

怪物库第 2 卷是系列库中的第二卷,它以超大怪物为背景,总共有 107 种完全单声道兼容的声音。这 107 种声音经过精心挑选,因此您可以在任何怪物或生物的动画中添加声音,例如脚步声、死亡声音、受到攻击和攻击的声音……每种声音都有一些变化以获得更好的效果。更加身临其境。

您所需要的所有魔法元素声音[反复使用它们] 在您的任何项目或作品中反复使用音效,永远无需任何额外费用或版税。在您的游戏、预告片、Kickstarter 活动中,在任何您需要的地方,尽可能多地使用 SFX。为您的


您将获得 107 种种类繁多的怪物声音,我们试图重现一些生物的特征,例如呼吸、死亡、根据材料的不同步骤类型、进食等。


  • 107 种独特的怪物声音
  • 进行攻击(不同强度)
  • 接收攻击声音
  • 死亡人数
  • 咆哮
  • 呼喊
  • 呼吸
  • 脚步声
  • 咕噜声
  • 尖叫声
  • 所有声音都有多种变化
  • 包括龙的声音
  • 共 107 个 WAV 文件
  • 格式:44,100 Hz / 16 位
  • 提供的音频时长:4 分 1 秒

Monster library vol 2 is the second volume in a series of libraries, it’s set on oversized monsters with a total of 107 fully mono compatible sounds. These 107 sounds have been carefully chosen so that you can have sound in any animation of your monster or creature, such as footsteps, deaths, sounds of receiving attack and attacking… Each sound has been provided with some variations for a better result. much more immersive.

All you’ll ever need regarding magical elemental sounds [Use them again & again] Use the sound effects over and over, in any of your projects or productions, forever without any additional fees or royalties. Use the SFX in your game, in your trailer, in a Kickstarter campaign, wherever you need to, as much as you want to.

Lots of creatures for your audiovisual project, Intuitive file naming and total mono compatibility.

You will get 107 with a wide variety of sounds for your monsters, we have tried to recreate some characteristics of creatures, such as breathing, deaths, different types of steps according to materials, eating, etc.

Product Details:

  • 107 unique monster sounds
  • Performing attacks (different intensities)
  • Receiving attack sounds
  • Deaths
  • Growls
  • Shouts
  • Eating
  • Breaths
  • Footsteps
  • Grunts
  • Screams
  • All sounds have several variations
  • Include Dragon sounds
  • 107 WAV Files in total
  • Format: 44,100 Hz / 16 bits
  • Minutes of audio provided: 4 minutes and 1 second

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Khron Studio Monster Library Vol 3 [WAV]

FANTASTiC | 01 September 2024 | 97.92 MB

“怪物图书馆第 3 卷”是图书馆系列的第三卷。在这一卷中,我们致力于重现幻想世界中一些最著名的怪物的声音,例如龙、巨魔或兽人。总共 168 种易于分类的声音将满足您的所有需求。您是击败这些可怕生物的天选之人。您可以面对危险的龙,进入蜘蛛的危险洞穴,面对巨型巨魔,挑战熟练的妖精或与可怕的兽人战斗。

来自 Khron Studio – 我们总共创建了 168 种声音,分为简单的类别,涵盖了 5 种怪物最重要的动作。您将能够为每种声音找到大量变化,让您的怪物感觉比以往任何时候都更加生动。


  • 蜘蛛
  • 巨魔
  • 妖精
  • 兽人


  • 攻击
  • 步骤
  • 疼痛
  • 一些特殊能力,如飞行



在您的任何项目或作品中反复使用音效,永远无需任何额外费用或版税。 在您的游戏、预告片、 Kickstarter 活动中,以及您需要的任何位置,尽可能多地使用 SFX。






  • 168 种独特的怪物声音
  • 音频波数:168
  • 格式:96 Hz / 24 位
  • 做声音效果循环:一些
  • 提供的音频时长:4分18秒

“Monster library vol 3” is the third volume in a library series. In this volume we have focused our efforts on recreating the sounds of some of the most famous monsters in the world of fantasy, such as dragons, trolls or orcs. With a total of 168 easily categorized sounds you will have everything you need. You are the chosen one to defeat these horrible creatures. You can face a dangerous Dragon, enter the dangerous caves of the Spiders, face the giant Trolls, challenge the skilled Goblin or fight with the terrifying Orc.

From Khron Studio – we have created a total of 168 sounds, divided into simple categories and covering the most important actions of 5 types of monster. You will be able to find a large number of variations for each sound that will make your monsters feel more alive than ever.

Monster includes:

  • Dragon
  • Spider
  • Troll
  • Goblin
  • Orc

All creatures have sounds from:

  • Attack
  • Roar
  • Steps
  • Pain
  • Die
  • Some special abilities like flying

Intuitive file naming

All you’ll ever need regarding magical elemental sounds. Use them again & again!

Use the sound effects over and over, in any of your projects or productions, forever without any additional fees or royalties. Use the SFX in your game, in your trailer, in a Kickstarter campaign, wherever you need to, as much as you want to.

Totally mono compatibility!

All sounds have several variations.

Use your imagination and feel free to use any sound for a creature other than the one described, remember that the world of sound is totally subjective.

For any questions or problems: khronstudio@gmail.com

Product Details:

  • 168 Unique Monster Sounds
  • Number of Audio Waves: 168
  • Format: 96 Hz / 24 bits
  • Do Sound FX loop: Some
  • Minutes of audio provided: 4 minutes and 18 second

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