[经典德国小型三角钢琴]Best Service Galaxy German Baby Grand v1.5 [KONTAKT](4.57Gb)

P2P | 23 June 2023 | 4.57 GB

来自 Galaxy II 钢琴系列的德国小型三角钢琴
Galaxy II 的 1929 年德国小型三角钢琴基于 1929 年制造的 Blüthner 型号 150。当我们在德国钢琴制造商那里发现这架美妙的乐器时,我们大吃一惊。这是一架拥有 75 年历史的美丽三角钢琴,具有温暖的复古音色和美妙而亲切的音调。许多伟大的作曲家、指挥家和表演者都拥有 Blüthner 钢琴,其中包括巴托克、德彪西或柴可夫斯基。Blüthner 还被用于流行音乐,包括披头士乐队的专辑《Let It Be》,最著名的是热门歌曲《Let It Be》和《The Long and Winding Road》。

德国小型三角钢琴还可以与另外两架钢琴(施坦威和维也纳三角钢琴)一起作为 GALAXY II 三角钢琴系列提供!

自 1853 年以来,博兰斯纳钢琴公司一直在位于德国莱比锡的工厂生产欧洲最好的钢琴。到 1885 年,该公司已成为欧洲最大的钢琴制造商。众多皇室成员、作曲家、指挥家、艺术家和表演者都拥有博兰斯纳钢琴。其中包括勃拉姆斯、巴托克、德彪西、柴可夫斯基和瓦格纳。博兰斯纳钢琴还用于流行音乐。披头士乐队的《顺其自然》专辑中就曾使用过一架博兰斯纳钢琴,最著名的是热门歌曲《顺其自然》和《漫长而曲折的道路》。Galaxy II 的 1929 GERMAN BABY GRAND 基于 1929 年制造的 BLÜTHNER Model 150。这架美丽的 75 年历史的三角钢琴具有温暖、复古的声音和非常亲切的音色。

– 1929 年德国 Baby Grand(老式 Blüthner 钢琴,音色优美,如歌唱般)
– 超过 6,000 个 24 位样本(带样本压缩后为 30GB/18GB)
– 13 个建模速度区,动态范围宽广而平滑
– 附加共振、释放和噪音样本
– 半音和多速度共振和释放样本
– 多速度踏板、阻尼器、锤子和琴弦噪音
– 真实的弦乐样本
– 真实的泛音 由 Kontakt Player 引擎提供支持
– 全新直接访问用户界面
– 无损样本压缩,实现更好的磁盘流传输
– 使用连续延音踏板时实现真正的半踏板
– 真正的重复踏板和延音
– 可使用连续延音踏板动态播放噪音
– 一键控制音色和动态。
– 智能均衡器,带来温暖、冲击和光彩
– 具有真实泛音的共鸣弦共振
– 灵活且易于使用的速度编辑器
– 卷积混响,适用于多种不同类型的房间、音乐厅和氛围
– 可调节的立体声宽度和位置
– 专为流行钢琴音色设计的压缩器
– Pad Machine
– Warp Engine,可进行超越常规钢琴音色的音效设计

最低要求为 Kontakt Player 或完整版 Kontakt 5.8.0 及更高版本!

1.5 版本的所有文件均由开发人员于 2020 年 4 月创建。
不要要求“仅更新”包/补丁 – 它不存在!

German Baby Grand Piano from the Galaxy II Piano Collection
Galaxy II’s 1929 German Baby Grand is based on a Blüthner Model 150, built in 1929. This wonderful instrument blew us away, when we found it at a German piano maker. It’s a beautiful 75 year old grand piano, featuring a warm vintage sound with a wonderful intimate tone. Numerous great composers, conductors, and performers have owned Blüthner pianos, among them Bartok, Debussy or Tchaikovsky. Blüthners have also been used in pop music, including the Beatles’ album Let It Be, most notably in the hits ‘Let It Be’ and ‘The Long and Winding Road’.

The German Baby Grand is alternatively available with two other pianos (Steinway and Vienna Grand) as GALAXY II Grand Piano Collection!

The Blüthner piano company has manufactured Europe’s finest pianos in their factory in Leipzig, Germany since 1853. By 1885, the company was the largest European piano manufacturer. Numerous royals, composers, conductors, artists and performers have owned Blüthner pianos. They include Brahms, Bartok, Debussy, Tchaikovsky and Wagner. Blüthners have also been used in popular music. One was used on The Beatles’ Let It Be album, most notably, in the hits ‘Let It Be’ and ‘The Long and Winding Road’. Galaxy II’s 1929 GERMAN BABY GRAND is based on a BLÜTHNER Model 150, built in 1929. This beautiful 75 year old grand piano features a warm , vintage sound wíth a wonderfully intimate tone.

– 1929 German Baby Grand (Vintage Blüthner with a beautiful, singing tone)
– More than 6,000 samples in 24 bit (30GB/18GB with sample compression)
– 13 modeled velocity zones for a wide and smooth dynamic rang
– Additional resonance, release and noise samples
– Chromatic and multiple velocity resonance and release samples
– Multi velocity pedal, damper, hammer and string noises
– Real una corda samples
– Real overtones Powered by the Kontakt Player engine
– New direct access user interface
– Lossless sample compression for better disk streaming
– True half pedaling when using a continuous sustain pedal
– True repedaling and sostenuto
– Noises dynamically playable with a continuous sustain pedal
– One-knob control of tone colour and dynamics.
– Intelligent EQ for warmth, punch and brilliance
– Sympathetic string resonance with real overtones
– Flexible and easy-to-use velocity editor
– Convolution reverb with many different types of rooms, concert halls and ambience
– Adjustable stereo width and position
– Specially designed compressor for pop piano sounds
– Pad Machine
– Warp Engine for sound design beyond regular piano sounds

Minimum required Kontakt Player or FULL Kontakt version 5.8.0 and higher!

All files of version 1.5 were created by the developer in April 2020.
Don’t ask for an “update only” package/patch – it doesn’t exist!


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