[全电子管立体声均衡器谐波发生器]Tone Projects Michelangelo v1.0.3r2 [WiN](19.7Mb)


[混音效果器套装]Tone Projects Bundle 2024-09 [WiN]


SEnki | 03 September 2024 | 19.7 MB



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Basslane Pro.settings:
name=”10″ val=”SEnki”

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SEnki UwU


Michelangelo 是一款全电子管立体声均衡器和谐波发生器,由 Hendyamps 的 Chris Henderson 设计和手工制作。它以其原始的声音美感和令人振奋的易用性而备受赞誉,是当今最出色的均衡器之一。

这款官方认可的 Michelangelo 插件与 Hendyamps 密切合作开发,具有相同的标志性声音和直观的“右脑”工作流程,但远远超出了硬件的功能。您可以获得即时电子管氛围和轻松的音调塑造,结合精确的频带控制、具有瞬态/主体分离的音乐动态均衡器、声场增强和电子管电路的深度定制 – 所有这些都具有 Michelangelo 声音。


  • 通过对 Hendyamps Michelangelo EQ 的细致模拟来雕刻音轨和混音
  • 添加极具吸引力的宽幅 EQ 和丰富的管音色,使用起来非常方便
  • 通过模拟式动态均衡器和每个频段饱和度控制注入运动和能量
  • 将标志性的模拟氛围与数字灵活性相结合,打造独特的创意工作流程
  • 聚焦中/侧或瞬态/主体上的频段,以进行选择性均衡和创意塑造
  • 自定义管色彩,并在温暖的三极管和强劲的五极管拓扑之间进行混合


使用 Michelangelo 的工程师通常说这感觉像是作弊,因为不应该这么容易就让混音听起来这么好。该插件以坦率地说荒谬的细节水平模拟了这一点。我们独自花了一年多的时间来确定独特的 EQ 曲线、频段交互、怪癖和公差,尤其是电子管阶段及其与 EQ 频段的交互。因此,该插件的反应和声音非常接近硬件。

有了 Michelangelo 插件,硬件只是起点。通过调整频率、中/侧声像、电子管驱动等完全控制每个频段。通过在电子管 EQ 电路中添加 HP/LP 滤波器和额外的参数频段,该插件大大提高了多功能性,并允许超出彩色 EQ 的典型能力的精度。结合自动增益、频段独奏和增益缩放等现代功能,您可以在模拟和数字品质之间的最佳点获得独特的创意工作流程。

Michelangelo 具有每个频段瞬态/主体分离功能,可让您在信号的瞬态和持续部分之间切换均衡移动。这对于目标均衡和创意增强来说都是一个强大的功能。通过将高增益从瞬态中移开,增加存在感和闪光感,而不会产生刺耳的瞬态。通过仅增强瞬态来增加冲击力,或从持续部分去除浑浊而不会失去冲击力。通过基于非 FFT 的音乐处理,此功能可以以无数种方式使用,而不会产生颤音。

Michelangelo 包括一个经过精心调校的压缩器/扩展器,具有音乐检测和平滑的非线性曲线。您可以将它与任何 Michelangelo 频段一起使用,实现自适应动态均衡,具有上/下阈值和完全可调的攻击/释放。您还可以在所有频段使用它,将 Michelangelo 变成一个成熟的多频段动态处理器,增加电子管风味的运动和能量。

Aggression 和 Calibration 控制为精致的母带处理和 mojo 浸泡驱动提供了充足的范围。此外,该插件还提供更深层次的控制,以微调其特性并探索全新的声音色彩。调整电子管电路中发生的自然压缩。将华丽的硬件匹配三极管与新的强劲五极管拓扑相融合。拨入通道扩展和串扰

Rev2. 修复 aax 无音频问题


Michelangelo is an all-tube stereo EQ and harmonics generator designed and handbuilt by Chris Henderson from Hendyamps. Admired for its raw sonic beauty and inspiring ease of use, it ranks among the most remarkable EQ’s available today.

Built in close collaboration with Hendyamps, the officially endorsed Michelangelo plugin carries the same signature sound and intuitive “right-brained” workflow, but goes far beyond the capabilities of the hardware. You get instant tube vibe and effortless tone sculpting combined with precise band control, musical dynamic EQ with transient/body separation, sound stage enhancements, and deep customization of the tube circuitry – all with the Michelangelo sound.

• Sculpt tracks and mixes with a meticulous emulation of the Hendyamps Michelangelo EQ
• Add wildly compelling broad strokes EQ and rich tube coloration with complete ease of use
• Inject movement and energy with analog-style dynamic EQ and per band saturation control
• Combine signature analog vibe with digital flexibility for a uniquely creative workflow
• Focus bands on Mid/Side or Transient/Body for selective EQ’ing and creative shaping
• Customize tube coloration and blend between warm triode and punchy pentode topologies

Key Features

Broad strokes of magic
A common statement from engineers using the Michelangelo is that it feels like cheating because it should not be this easy to get mixes sounding so good. The plugin emulates this with a frankly ridiculous level of detail. We spent more than a year alone on nailing the unique EQ curves, band interactions, quirks and tolerances, and not least the tube stages and their interaction with the EQ bands. As a result, the plugin reacts and sounds extremely close to the hardware.

Reimagined for digital
With the Michelangelo plugin, the hardware is just the starting point. Take full control of each band by tuning frequency, mid/side panning, tube drive and more. With the addition of HP/LP filters and extra parametric bands inside the tube EQ circuit, the plugin greatly improves versatility and allows for precision beyond the typical abilities of a color EQ. Combined with modern features like auto-gain, band soloing, and gain scaling you get a uniquely creative workflow right in the sweet spot between analog and digital qualities.

Transient/body EQ’ing
Michelangelo features per band transient/body separation allowing you to shift EQ moves between transient and sustained parts of the signal. This is a powerful feature for both targeted EQ and creative enhancements. Add presence and sparkle without harsh transients by shifting high boosts away from transients. Add punch by boosting transients only or remove mud from sustained parts without losing impact. With musical non-FFT based processing this feature can be used in countless ways, all without warbly artifacts.

Dynamics with tone for days
Michelangelo includes a carefully tuned compressor/expander with musical detection and smooth nonlinear curves. You can use this with any of the Michelangelo bands for adaptive dynamic EQ’ing with above/below threshold and fully adjustable attack/release. You can also use it across all bands to turn Michelangelo into a full blown multiband dynamics processor adding tube flavored movement and energy.

Deep circuit customizations
The Aggression and Calibration controls provide ample range for both refined mastering touches and mojo-soaked drive. In addition, the plugin offers even deeper control to fine-tune its character and to explore entirely new sonic colors. Adjust the natural compression occurring in the tube circuit. Blend a lush hardware matched triode with a new punchy pentode tube topology. Dial in channel spread and crosstalk for a perfect fit between pure digital and an authentic analog sound stage.

Rev2. Fixed no audio for aax


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