[AI磁带机仿真插件]Three Body Tech Deep Vintage Tape S AI v1.0.0 [WIN](38.2MB)

SEnki | 05 September 2024 | 38.2 MB


Deep Vintage

Deep Vintage系列是一套模拟真实硬件的插件。利用AI的力量,每个Deep Vintage插件都能真实地捕捉复古装备的真正“灵魂”。

Deep Vintage采用三体科技自主研发的APNN(音频处理神经网络)——一种专门模拟模拟效果处理器的机器学习技术,可确保您获得最接近传奇硬件模型的聆听体验,同时确保完全实时处理。

APNN 我们接触过许多仿真技术:物理建模、卷积……等等。无论采用何种技术,我们的最终目标都是一致的:以最高的保真度重现真实设备的声音。

经过精心设计和训练,能够出色地完成这项任务,因为它的学习基于来自真实硬件单元的音频信号。 Deep Vintage 插件不仅仅是“理论上正确的电路建模”,也不仅仅是基于谐波结构或脉冲响应;它们在模拟声音中捕捉 100% 的 3D 感觉。


简单来说,APNN 是一个专门针对音频处理优化的神经网络,由大量音频处理模块(EQ、压缩器、过载等)组合而成。

为了捕捉硬件模型的本质,APNN 会自动调整其结构和参数,直到其输出与硬件输出之间的差异逐渐减小。

最终,APNN 实现了约 -40dB 至 -75dB(取决于硬件模型)的相位抵消误差信号。凭借这种卓越的误差控制水平,甚至超越了同一硬件模型不同生产批次之间的差异,我们可以自信地说,APNN 能够“欺骗”人耳。

Tape S AI
灵感来自 80 年代末至 90 年代初的 1/4 英寸磁带机,该机因其独特的声音特征而受到许多专业人士的青睐,Tape S AI 在混音中提供卓越的音质。它以温暖的中音、平滑的高音和丰富的谐波为特点,可增强任何总线或主混音的深度和丰富度。

Deep Vintage
AI-Powered Hardware Simulation Plugin Series
This is a machine that endeavors to pass the human-ear Turing Test,
a deep-learning AI technology with a vintage heart.

Deep Vintage series is a suite of plugins that simulate real hardware. Utilizing the power of AI, every Deep Vintage plugin authentically captures the true ‘soul’ of the vintage gear.

Powered by Three-Body Tech’s self-developed APNN (Audio Processing Neural Network), a machine learning technology specialized in simulating analog effect processors, Deep Vintage guarantees you the closest listening experience ever to the legendary hardware models, while ensuring a complete real-time processing.

How is it different?
We have been exposed to numerous emulation technologies: physical modeling, convolution… among many others. Regardless of what technics to engage, our ultimate goal is consistent: to achieve the highest possible fidelity in reproducing the sound of the real-world devices.

APNN was meticulously designed and trained to excel in this task, as its learning is based on audio signals from the real hardware units. Deep Vintage plugins are not merely ‘theoretically correct modeling of circuits’ nor solely based on harmonic structures or impulse responses; they capture 100% 3D feels in the analog sound.

How does it work?

To put it simply, APNN is a neural network specifically optimized for audio processing, which is composed of a massive combination of audio processing modules (EQ, compressor, overdrive, etc.).

To capture the essence of a hardware model, APNN will automatically adjust its structure and parameters until the difference between its output and the hardware’s output progressively diminishes.

Ultimately, APNN achieves an error signal of phase cancellation at about -40dB to -75dB (depending on the hardware model). With this exceptional level of error control, which surpasses even the variance between different production batches of the same hardware model, we can confidently say that APNN is capable of ‘deceiving’ human ears.

Tape S AI
Inspired by a 1/4-inch tape machine from the late ’80s – early ’90s which is favored by many professionals for its unique sonic signature, Tape S AI delivers exceptional sound quality in mixing. Characterized by its warm midranges, smooth high ends, and rich harmonics, it enhances depth and richness in any bus or master mix.

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