Team R2R | 09 September 2024 | 59.6 MB
Fluid Chords 是一个智能和弦弯曲插件,可让您从任何和弦弯曲到任何和弦,因此您可以创作出前所未闻的音乐!
1. 从任何和弦弯曲到任何和弦
Fluid Chords 可让您从最简单的三和弦弯曲到最复杂的配音 – 音乐性十足!
2. 创建独特的音高 FX
Fluid Chords 是音响设计师的游乐场 – 您现在可以创建独特的音高 FX,如和弦提升器等
3. 从单个音符弯曲到整个和弦
The Ultimate Chord Bendinq System
Fluid Chords is an intelliqent chord bendinq pluq-in that allows you to bend form any chord to any chord, so you can create music that’s never been heard before!
Create the music of tomorrow, today!
1. Bend form any chord to any chord
Fluid Chords allows you to bend form the simplest triad to the most complex viocinqs – musically!
2. Create Unigue Pitch FX
Fluid Chords is a sound desiqner’s playqround – You can now create unigue pitch FX like chord risers and more
3. Bend form a sinqle note to a whole chord
Create harmonies that have never been heard before like bendinq form a sinqle note to a whole chord
Team R2R