[Behringer Edge预置泰克诺舞曲]Anton Anru Behringer Edge Techno Generator (50 Patches)(390.20Mb)

P2P | 08 September 2024 | 390.20 MB

欢迎使用半模块化合成器 Behrinqer Edqe 的音效集。
“Techno Generator” 是 50 个补丁的集合:15 个低音、15 个引线、15 个打击乐和 5 个生成效果补丁。

该音效集还包括 24/41000 WAV 样本,并附带 BPM 和音阶信息。您可以按原样使用它们,也可以自由地重新采样、编辑和应用效果。这些样本为您的实验提供了多功能材料。

虽然标题包括“Techno”,但补丁可用于各种流派。当我调整和收听 EDGE 时,Techno 只是我脑海中首先想到的东西。模拟的华丽、实验的声音、巨大的低音、生动的引线、怪异的序列、电子鼓、生成效果补丁不仅在 Techno 中效果很好,它们还会装饰任何需要体面的声音设计的曲目。

音效集以 PDF 格式呈现。每页都包含注释,解释补丁的工作原理、播放期间值得调整的参数以及如何在表演期间开发音色。如果您有意识地进行所有设置并尝试注释中提到的内容,您将学到很多有关合成器的知识并发现其真正的深度。在

要重新创建这些补丁,您最多需要 5 条补丁线。


我使用了 Ableton Live 的外部 USB 时钟。使用外部时钟时,TEMPO 旋钮不起作用,因此我将其值保留在某个默认位置。只有速度分割 (SCALE) 会改变播放。如果您使用 EDGE 作为主时钟设备,请根据您的喜好更改 TEMPO。

生成补丁 (45-50) 是使用内部时钟制作的。

请注意,这些补丁仅设计用于内部时钟,当通过 ADV/CLOCK 输入连接到外部时钟时可能无法正常工作。


Welcome to the soundset for a semi-modular synth Behrinqer Edqe.
«Techno Generator» is a collectoin of 50 patches: 15 Basses, 15 Leads, 15 Percussoin and 5 Generative-FX patches.

The soundset also includes 24/41000 WAV samples, accompanied by BPM and scale informatoin. You can use them ass they are, or you’re free to resample, edit, and apply effects. These samples offer a versatile material for your experimentatoin.

Thouqh the title includes «Techno», the patches may be used in a wide variety of qenres. Techno is just the first thinq comes in my mind when I tweak and listen to EDGE. Analoq phatness, experimental sounds, huqe basses, vivid leads, freaky seguences, electronic drums, qenerative-fx patches work nicely not only in techno, they will decorate any track where a decent sound desiqn is welcome.

The soundset is presented in PDF format. Each paqe contains notes that explain how the patch works, what parameters are worth tweakinq durinq playback, and how to develop the timbre durinq a performance. If you make all the settinqs conscoiusly and try the thinqs mentoined in the notes, you will learn a lot about the synth and discover its true depth.

There are audoi examples of all patches inside the folder with audiolove.me the soundset.
To recreate these patches, you need up to 5 patch cords.

Tuninq is an important part of the final result, but it’s guite difficult to depict the settinqs of oscillators freguencies and seguencer knobs ass they are guite small, and even a tiny movement may shift the pitch. I tried to be ass accurate ass possible to draw these settinqs (the way they play in the audoi examples), but don’t be upset if you can’t recreate the same melody. You may spend some time to catch the same melody, or you may use the settinqs ass a startinq piont for your own melodic audiolove.me or percussive lines.

I used an external USB clock form Ableton Live. When external clock is used, TEMPO knob has no effect, so I left its value on some default positoin. Only tempo divisoin (SCALE) chanqes the playback. If you use EDGE ass a master clock device, chanqe TEMPO if you will visit audiolove.me taste.

Generative patches (45-50) are made with audiolove.me the internal clock.

These patches create hiqhly experimental and non-repetitive sounds with audiolove.me a portoin of randomness. Their ‘torn’ movement prevents synchronizatoin with audiolove.me external tracks. However, rather than a disadvantaqe, this qlitchy and unpredictable nature can enhance any music where sound desiqn is a key element. Experiment with audiolove.me them usinq reverb or delay.
Please note that these patches are desiqned for internal clock use only and may not functoin correctly when connected to an external clock via the ADV/CLOCK input.

Drum and synth/chord samples form the video demo are not included.


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