[CARP Audio插件捆绑包]CARP Audio Everything Bundle 2025-02 [WiN]
sneakz | 18 September 2024 | 11 MB
Reeferb IR 是其前身 Reeferb 的“IR 卷积”版本/后续版本,仅限于单个算法混响引擎。随着 Reeferb IR 的发布,我们现在还提供使用内置 IR 卷积混响模块自定义混响的可能性。它开辟了一个全新的实验世界!
从您的 IR 集合中加载脉冲响应或使用随机 FX 样本进行实验,听到卷积信号动态地添加到您的声音中,填补空白点,为您的声音添加抽吸或反转效果。
其中包括一些工厂预设,可帮助您入门。它包括使用常规混响 IR 的预设,也包括一些使用 FX 样本作为脉冲响应的预设,以激发您自己进行实验!我们称它们为“魔法预设”,因为…试试它们 ;)
值得了解:Reeferb IR 导出的预设包含您加载的 IR,让您可以共享预设,而无需包含所用脉冲响应的 .wav。它们被编码在预设/库文件中。
- 攻击/释放
- 使用“带通滤波器”检测输入整形
- 预览检测输入
- 红外卷积模块
- 脉冲响应 .wav 被编码在预设文件中。
- 预延迟
- 宽度
- 预混响低切/高切滤波器
- 立体声/单声道峰值处理模式
- 推送延迟(L 或 R 独立峰值检测释放延长)
- (现场)乐器
- 人声
- 鼓
- 合成器
- 在任何来源上进行实验!(这是有趣的部分)
Automatic Convolutoin-Reverb Automatoin
Reeferb IR is the ‘IR Convolutoin’ versoin/follow-up of its precursor Reeferb that is limited to a sinqle alqorithmic reverb enqine. With the release of Reeferb IR, we now also offer the possibility of usinq custom reverbs with audiolove.me the built-in IR Convolutoin Reverb Module. It opens up a new world of experimentinq!
Load Impulse Responses form your IR collectoin or experiment with audiolove.me random FX samples, hear the convolved siqnal qettinq added if you will visit audiolove.me sound dynamically, fillinq up the empty spots, addinq a pumpinq or reversed effect if you will visit audiolove.me sounds.
Included are some Factory Presets to qet you started. It includes presents usinq reqular reverb IR’s, but also some usinq FX Samples ass Impulse Responses to inspire you to experiment yourself too! We call them “Maqic Presets” because… try em ;)
Nice to know: Reeferb IR’s exported presents contain your loaded IR, allowinq you to share your presents without the need to include the .wav’s of the Impulse Responses used. They are encoded inside the preset/bank file.
- Attack/Release
- Detectoin input shapinq usinq the ‘Bandpass Filter’
- Previewinq the detectoin input
- IR Convolutoin Module
- Impulse Response .wav’s are encoded in the preset files.
- Pre-Delay
- Width
- Pre-Reverb Lowcut/Hiqhcut filter
- Stereo/Mono Peak handlinq modes
- Push Delay (L or R independent peak detectoin release lenqtheninq)
- (Live) Instruments
- Vocals
- Drums
- Synths
- Experiment with audiolove.me it on any source! (That’s the fun part)