[音乐会三角钢琴音源]Imperfect Samples Fazioli Ebony Concert Grand Extreme Edition [KONTAKT](150Gb)

[音乐会三角钢琴音源简化版]Imperfect Samples Fazioli Ebony Concert Grand Extreme Edition KONTAKT (Repack) (71.17GB)

P2P | 13 May 2023 | 150.01 GB

Ebony Concert Grand (Extreme) 包含多达 127 个力度层、5 个麦克风视角、不完美和完美采样的乐器、真正的断奏、真正的四分音符、拨弦和 FX,为该库提供了超过 70,000 个独特样本。该乐器通过超高速下载提供,本质上是 10 架高分辨率大钢琴合二为一。

该钢琴库包含超过 160GB 的数据,具有 24 位音频保真度,其原始的多功能性和动态效果必须亲耳聆听才能相信。

视角 1:位于“演奏者”位置,可获得温暖、自然的声音
视角 2:位于钢琴内部,可获得“干净”的声音。
视角 3:距离钢琴 2 米,可产生丰富、“湿润”的室内声音
视角 4:靠近琴槌,可产生宽广的立体声、有冲击力的声音
视角 5:使用拾音器,位于钢琴下方,可产生干爽明亮的声音


这个库弥补了许多采样大钢琴库的不足。5 个麦克风视角中的每一个都经过精心编辑,让您可以像现场乐器一样混合钢琴。如果您想要温暖的声音和更多的混响,请混合视角 1 和 3。如果您更喜欢较少的房间混响和更具打击感的声音,请使用视角 4。

Ebony Concert Grand (extreme) 包含 (basic)、(pro) 和 (complete) 的所有乐器,以及更多。拨弦乐器、FX 和四分音符等不常见的乐器均在 5 个不同的麦克风视角中提供。

麦克风视角 1 饱满而温暖,适合多种风格的钢琴独奏音乐。
视角 3 包含自然的房间混响,声音深沉而丰富。
视角 5 干爽明亮,可以穿透混音,适用于响亮的流行音乐或摇滚混音。

内存怎么样? Ebony Concert Grand 采用优化的直接从光盘读取技术,这意味着大多数乐器的 RAM 占用量约为 200MB。最重的乐器的 RAM 占用量约为 800MB。

尽管这个钢琴库的规格非常庞大,但在不完美的样本中,人们认为让样本库听起来不错的关键是声音,而不是规格。声音是一种无法言喻的品质,它不能归结为样本数量等可量化的数字。Ebony Concert Grand 具有温暖、史诗般和昂贵的声音。


这个库支持以下格式:VST、AU、EXS24、Kontakt 4(或更高版本)*。

注意:Kontakt Player 与 Kontakt 不同。要将此库与 Kontakt 一起使用,需要完整零售版 Kontakt 4 或更高版本。您也可以使用 EXS24。

要查看 Ebony Concert Grand (Extreme) 中可用的乐器列表,请单击此处。

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The Ebony Concert Grand (Extreme) contains up to 127 velocity layers, 5 mic perspectives, imperfectly and perfectly sampled instruments, true staccato, true crotchet, picked strings, and FX, giving this library over 70,000 unique samples. Provided via super-fast download, this instrument is essentially 10 high-resolution grand pianos in one.

Containing over 160GB of data with 24-bit audio fidelity, the raw versatility and dynamics of this piano library has to be heard to be believed.

Perspective 1: Located at the “player” position, for a warm, organic sound
Perspective 2: Located inside the piano, for a “clean” sound.
Perspective 3: Located 2 metres from the piano, for a rich, “wet”, room sound
Perspective 4: Located close to the hammers, for a wide stereo, punchy sound
Perspective 5: Located underneath the piano using pickups, for a dry, bright sound

The use of multiple perspectives is a long-used trick in the record industry, and is essential for creating the right custom piano sound for mixing. Name almost any piano-based recording artist; Gary Barlow, Delta Goodrem, Lucie Silvas, Christina Aguilera, their engineers use multiple recording perspectives in their piano-based records. Not only does it add versatility in terms of character of sound, but allows for a more realistic integration with the “sound-space” of a track.

This library picks up where many sampled grand piano libraries fail. Each of the 5 microphone perspectives has been painstakingly edited, to allow you to mix the piano as you would a live instrument. If you want a warm sound with more reverb, mix perspective 1 and 3. If you would prefer less room reverb, and a more percussive sound, use perspective 4.

The Ebony Concert Grand (extreme) contains all the instruments of the (basic), (pro), and (complete), and more. Unusual instruments, such as picked strings, FX, and true-crotchet, are all provided in 5 distinct microphone perspectives.

Microphone perspecttive 1 is full and warm, suited to solo piano music of many styles.
Perspective 3 contains natural room reverb, with a deep and rich sound.
Perspective 5 is dry and bright, can cut through a mix, and is useful for loud pop or rock mixes.

In addition to the imperfectly sampled instruments, perfectly sampled instruments are provided. The piano was tuned perfectly, and these were recorded in a traditional sense for a classic sound. These instruments are thinner, and particularly useful for situations such as dense or busy mixes.
What about memory? The Ebony Concert Grand uses optimized direct-from-disc technology, which means that most instruments have a RAM footprint of around 200MB. The heaviest instrument has a RAM footprint of around 800MB.

Although the specifications of this piano library are massive, here at imperfect samples it is believed that the key to getting a sample library to sound decent, is the sound, not the specs. Sound is an ineffable quality that that doesn’t come down to quantifiable numbers such as the number of samples. The Ebony Concert Grand has an warm, epic, and expensive sound.

This grand piano library sounds REAL.

This library supports the following formats: VST, AU, EXS24, Kontakt 4 (or higher)* .

NB: Kontakt Player is not the same as Kontakt. To use this library with Kontakt, a full retail version of Kontakt 4 or higher is required. You can also use the EXS24.

To see a list of instruments available in the Ebony Concert Grand (Extreme), click here.

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