Team R2R | 24 Sep 2024 | 1.71GB
[更新:红杉汉化完整版]MAGIX Sequoia Pro 17 v17.3.0 [WiN]
[红杉汉化完整版]MAGIX Sequoia 16 v16.8.0 READ NFO-R2R [WiN]
[安装] 刻录或安装“Sequoia”。运行安装程序 (/product/Sequoia17_setup.exe)。
不需要“Sequoia License Central”选项。
[更新] 应用“Patch_Sequoia_17.1.1.24218.exe”。 [开始 R2R 吧] 将文件从“/Magic”目录复制到 Sequoia 17 安装目录。您还需要安装我们的 CodeMeter 模拟器 (R2R-WAIFU) v1.8.0 或更高版本。
[奖励] 这次我们带来了额外的宝藏!将文件从“/Magic-Extra”目录复制到 Sequoia 17 安装目录。
“EnableDev17_XFeatures” 仅通过 1 个文件即可解锁多个功能(但不是全部!)。
TEAM R2R 2024
全球知名的工作室都信赖 Sequoia Pro 提供的可靠性、直观的工作流程和创新的编辑工具。广播公司使用灵活的网络和硬件集成,而专业的音响工程师则依靠其稳定的性能进行工作室和现场录音。在此处阅读他们的经验。
Pro 17 的新增强功能
支持 32 位率浮动录音和 384kHz 采样率
同时使用 512 个 I/O 通道
SpectraLayers Pro 10 – Steinberg 的 AI 驱动音频恢复软件,现在可以将混音分成独立的音轨
在轨道上使用 ARA2 插件(如 Celemony Melodyne)
AudioWarp 提供先进的时间拉伸算法
* 您需要安装 R2R-WAIFU v1.8 或更高版本。
* 无需安装 CodeMeter。
* AxProtector 已解压。它加载速度更快,占用内存更少,由于其反调试和资源保护,不存在与第三方插件的 DRM 兼容性问题。
* 我们的 WAIFU 支持 3 个额外的许可证,用于真正的专业扩展。您可以做专业的海盗电台。
* Protein 的模拟与我们之前的 MAGIX 版本一样。RIPKing Kong bros…
作为奖励,我们在此版本中添加了可选的额外魔法。这些魔法解锁了隐藏的功能,例如 CLAP 插件格式支持 :)此版本中包含的完整安装程序经过修改,以避免安装 CodeMeter。
Post-production, mastering and broadcast
Renowned studios around the globe count on the reliability, intuitive workflow and innovative editing tools offered by Sequoia Pro. Broadcasters use the flexible network and hardware integration, while expert sound engineers rely on its steadfast performance for studio and live recording. Read about their experiences here.
New enhancements for Pro 17
A new and improved appearance with more modern visuals that provide better feedback for all manner of projects
Support for 32-bit rate float recordings and 384kHz sample rate
Work with 512 channels of I/O simultaneously
SpectraLayers Pro 10 — Steinberg’s AI-powered audio restoration software that can now split mixes into separated audio tracks
Improved Export Function lets you export a project (or multiple projects) into different codes simultaneously
Auto-Conforming synchronizes audio edits from separate audio/video recordings, exports edit lists, or imports them from leading third-party video editing software
Use ARA2 plug-ins (such as Celemony Melodyne) on tracks
External hardware effects integration for creative, flexible routing options
Improved comping easily switches between different recordings for a faster workflow
AudioWarp delivers advanced time-stretching algorithms
Marker Track creates and displays markers on multiple tiers; created markers can be colored, edited, or moved all together
Advanced crossfade editor with snapshots improves your editing workflow
A witch says,
* You need the installation of R2R-WAIFU v1.8 or above.
* No CodeMeter installation is required.
* AxProtector is unpacked. It loads faster, uses less memory, no DRM compatibility issue with 3rd party plugins from its anti-debug, resource protection.
* Our WAIFU supports 3 extra licenses for the real pro extensions. You can do professional pirate radio.
* Protein is emulated like our previous MAGIX releases.RIP King Kong bros…
As a bonus, we put optional extra magics to this release. Those magics unlock hidden features like CLAP plugin format support :)The full installer included in this releae is modified to avoid CodeMeter installation.
Team R2R