MORiA | AU | AAX | VST3 | 220.2 MB
关联资源:[智能混响插件]iZotope Aurora v1.0.0 [WiN]
介绍 Aurora:智能混响,让混音更清晰。
向 Aurora 问好。智能、直观的混响。Aurora 不仅仅是一个最先进的混响引擎。借助直观而强大的 Unmasking 部分,您可以为音轨提供专业品质的深度,而无需担心混音浑浊。单击此处观看 Aurora 的实际操作。自适应 Unmasking Aurora 动态响应传入的音频,从混响信号中开辟空间,让您的乐器和人声保持集中和清晰。无论您是在处理微妙的氛围还是丰富的效果,Aurora 都能为您提供即时干净的混响,而无需混音浑浊或长插件链。
Introducing Aurora: Intelligent reverb for cleaner mixes.
Say hello to Aurora. Intelligent, intuitive reverb. Aurora is so much more than a state-of-the-art reverb engine. With the intuitive and powerful Unmasking section, you can give your tracks pro-quality depth without the headache of muddy, cloudy mixes. Click here to watch Aurora in action. Adaptive Unmasking Aurora dynamically reacts to incoming audio, carving space out of the reverb signal to let your instruments and vocals stay focused and clear. Whether you’re working with subtle ambience or lush effects, Aurora gives you instantly clean reverb without muddy mixes or long plugin chains.