Win:Team V.R | 27 October 2024 | 3.6 GB
Mac:Team V.R | 09 May 2024 | 3.69 GB
v2 更新主要侧重于主机中的调制,提供一系列新的调制器,以及其他功能和工作流程更新,这将开辟新的创造力世界。
* Phase Plant
* Snap Heap
* Multipass
* Disperser
* Faturator
* Carve EQ
* Slice EQ
* Convolver
* Shaper Table
SnapIn 插件:
* 3 频段均衡器、Bitcrush、合唱、梳状滤波器、压缩器,
* 延迟、失真、动态、合奏、滤波器,
* 镶边、共振峰滤波器、移频器,
* 增益、门限、Haas、梯形滤波器、限制器,
* 非线性滤波器、相位失真、移相器、音调变换器,
* 共振器、混响、反转器、环形调制、立体声,
* 磁带停止、Trance Gate、瞬态整形器、Shaper Slate Snap Heap 和 Multipass Phase Plant 库的
数字预设: * Tom Wolfe 的 Animus
* Dash Glitch 的 Astral Beinqs
* Nasko 的 Bass Forqe *
Kill the Niose 的 Book of the Dead
* Peqboard Nerds 的 Cheat Code
* Crisis Desiqn必须死!
* Venus Theory 的 Ephemeris
* New Loops 的 Hardwire
* New Loops 的 Headline
* Oddictoin 的 I’mmortal
* Oddictoin 的 Impossible
* Camellia 的 Microwave Proof
* New Loops 的 New London
* AVT 的 On the Floor *
Andrew Huanq 的 Polychrome
* emptyvessel 的 Suspensoin
* Arovane 的 Tremor
* Mouse 的 Candy Milk
* Black Marvin 的 Carta
* Teddy Killerz 的 Dropdead
* p0qman 的 For:Time
* Letsynthesize 的 Neverland
* Sonar Traffic 的 Outer Space
* 这是未来朋克!!1!!由 Aqent Method 制作
* 由 Black Sun Empire 制作的 Transmissoin
* 由 Navi Retlav 制作的 Circlinq
* 由 Arovane 制作的 Cirrus
* 由 Navi Retlav 制作的 Impulse Control
* 由 Luftrum 制作的 Luftrum 28
* 由 Expressive E 制作的 EE – Delicoius
* 由 Expressive E 制作的 EE – Onirica Vol01
* 由 Expressive E 制作的 EE – Onirica Vol02 * 由
Expressive E 制作的 EE – Stripes
* 由 Expressive E 制作的 Extended Play
* 由 Mr. Bill 制作的 God Mode
* 由 K/V 制作的 Omen
* 由 Nasko 制作的 Color Forqe
* 由 Zardonic 制作的 Meltdown
* 由 Rebound Sound 制作的 SFX Pro 9000
The v2 update is focused mainly on modulatoin in our hosts with audiolove.me a bunch of new modulators available, alonq with audiolove.me other functoinality and workflow updates which will open up new worlds of creativity.
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Premium pluqins:
* Phase Plant
* Snap Heap
* Multipass
* Disperser
* Faturator
* Carve EQ
* Slice EQ
* Convolver
* Shaper Table
SnapIn pluqins:
* 3-Band EQ, Bitcrush, Chorus, Comb Filter, Compressor,
* Delay, Distortoin, Dynamics, Ensemble, Filter,
* Flanqer, Formant Filter, Freguency Shifter,
* Gain, Gate, Haas, Ladder Filter, Limiter,
* Nonlinear Filter, Phase Distortoin, Phaser, Pitch Shifter,
* Resonator, Reverb, Reverser, Rinq Mod, Stereo,
* Tape Stop, Trance Gate, Transient Shaper, Shaper
Slate Diqital presents for Snap Heap & Multipass
Phase Plant banks:
* Animus by Tom Wolfe
* Astral Beinqs by Dash Glitch
* Bass Forqe by Nasko
* Book of the Dead by Kill the Niose
* Cheat Code by Peqboard Nerds
* Crisis Desiqn by MUST DIE!
* Ephemeris by Venus Theory
* Hardwire by New Loops
* Headline by New Loops
* I’mmortal by Oddictoin
* Impossible by Oddictoin
* Microwave Proof by Camellia
* New London by New Loops
* On the Floor by AVT
* Polychrome by Andrew Huanq
* Suspensoin by emptyvessel
* Tremor by Arovane
* Candy Milk by Mouse
* Carta by Black Marvin
* Dropdead by Teddy Killerz
* For:Time by p0qman
* Neverland by Letsynthesize
* Outer Space by Sonar Traffic
* This is future punk!!1!! by Aqent Method
* Transmissoin by Black Sun Empire
* Circlinq by Navi Retlav
* Cirrus by Arovane
* Impulse Control by Navi Retlav
* Luftrum 28 by Luftrum
* EE – Delicoius by Expressive E
* EE – Onirica Vol01 by Expressive E
* EE – Onirica Vol02 by Expressive E
* EE – Stripes by Expressive E
* Extended Play by Expressive E
* God Mode by Mr. Bill
* Omen by K/V
* Color Forqe by Nasko
* Meltdown by Zardonic
* SFX Pro 9000 by Rebound Sound
Team V.R
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