Win:bobdule | 8 November 2024 | 538 MB
Mac:HCiSO | 08 November 2024 | 1.02 GB
WIndows:只需运行预先修补的设置,库也已预先激活,所有库都可以在没有 ras3 许可证的情况下运行。
sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - (空格后拖入Maschine格式插件)
MASCHINE 3 就是为了让你的音乐灵感源源不断。从节拍制作和采样到编排和演奏曲目,它在每个步骤中都存在。可以单独使用它,也可以在 DAW 中使用虚拟乐器或你自己的样本。如果你准备好更进一步,可以带上 Maschine 硬件来亲手实践。
新版本经过完全重新设计,鼓合成器、混音器等。MASCHINE 3 的全新音频引擎声音引擎现在允许你添加无限的组并插入 MASCHINE 强大的效果集。多核支持确保你的计算机可以并行处理所有这些,同时处理超高 – 即使将软件用作 VST 或 AU 插件模块。新的音频引擎现在还支持侧链的侧绑定,用于经典的闪避效果等…
MASCHINE 是一种革命性的系统,用于创建凹槽触觉创意位制作组织公认的声音库 Kontakt 8 任何其他 VST、VSTi 库。
与用于创建节拍的软件包一起使用,MASCHINE 可以快速轻松地将软件的强大功能和灵活性与硬件的触觉即时性结合起来。他的基于模式的音序器、高性能采样器、一套令人难以置信的专业工具和录音室效果器、示范性的鼓合成器和 Kontakt 8 库为您提供了一个快速专业地创建凹槽的完整系统。
如果您仍在使用 MASCHINE 2.x,MASCHINE 3 软件更新可以为您提供更多功能、声音和原始动力,以进行现代音乐制作。经过完全重新设计,该软件提供了无数新方法来支持和快速实现您的想法。该软件与所有代 MASCHINE 和 MASCHINE MIKRO* 兼容 – 它可以与您已有的硬件配合使用。请继续阅读以了解您将获得的详细信息…
MASCHINE 3 的音频引擎为 MASCHINE 强大的功能集添加了无限的组和插入效果。多核支持确保您的计算机能够以超高效的处理方式并行处理所有任务 – 即使将软件用作 VST 或 AU 插件。新的音频引擎现在还支持侧链,用于经典的闪避效果等。
MASCHINE 3 为软件鼓合成设定了新的基准。以真正无与伦比的音质创建自己完美调校的电子和原声鼓声音。
六个独家单声道鼓插件,采用自己独特的算法,可为您提供所需的任何打击乐声音。所有这些都完全可调整、可自动化,并完美集成到 MASCHINE 中 – 其质量源自 NI 备受赞誉的 DSP 专业技术。
使用 MASCHINE 3 中的混音器窗口将您的音轨打磨至完美。轻松调整音量和平移。在带有峰值电平指示器的仪表上清楚地查看组和单个音轨的电平。调整任何声音组的电平。每个通道的两个辅助发送让您可以自由地将声音路由到项目中的任何位置。MASCHINE
的新用户界面为您带来了所有这些以及更多 – 尖端的凹槽制作从未如此简单。
MASCHINE 3 的全新插件条为您提供了一种全新的方式来查看您的乐器和效果。每个内部乐器和效果现在都有自己的布局,可实现闪电般的快速视觉识别。这种直观的视觉集成扩展到 KOMPLETE 乐器和效果。除此之外,MASCHINE 几乎可以处理您拥有的任何 VST、AU 或效果插件。
直接从 MASCHINE 3 的全彩产品图标显示中一目了然地浏览预设并加载任何 KOMPLETE 15 乐器或效果。现在,还有更多等待发现。 MASCHINE 3 包含 KOMPLETE 12 SELECT – 15 种 KOMPLETE 乐器和效果的精选。开箱即可获得全套专业声音,并通过 MASCHINE 硬件进行控制。
您还可以获得超过 2000 个样本、200 个全新的 MASSIVE 预设和超过 100 个新套件 – 所有这些都在一个简化的浏览器中,让您快速简单地找到声音。无论您想要什么声音,MASCHINE 都在等着您。
• macOS 13.0 或更高版本
• Apple Silicon 或 Intel Core 处理器
• Windows 10 (latest Service Pack), Windows 11
MASCHINE 3 is all about getting your musical ideas flowing. It’s there every step of the way from beat making and sampling to arranging and performing your tracks. Use it with virtual instruments or your own samples, both on its own and in a DAW. And if you’re ready to take things up a gear, bring in Maschine hardware to get hands on.
The new version is completely redesigned, Drum Synths, mixer, etc. NEW audio engine sound engine MASCHINE 3 now allows you to add unlimited groups and inserts effects MASCHINE powerful set of features. Multicore support ensures that your computer will handle all this in parallel with the processing of ultra high – even when using the software as a VST or AU plug-in module. New audio engine now also supports side bindings for sidechaining, for classic ducking effects and more…
MASCHINE a revolutionary system for creating grooves tactile creative bit-making organization of recognized sound library Kontakt 8 any other VST, VSTi library.
Together with the software package for creating beats MASCHINE create quickly and easily combine the power and flexibility of software with tactile immediacy of hardware. His sequencer based on patterns, high-performance sampler, has an incredible set of professional tools and studio effects, exemplary drum synthesizers and library Kontakt 8 are you a complete system for quickly and professionally create grooves.
If you’re still using MASCHINE 2.x, the MASCHINE 3 software update can give you more functionality, sound, and raw power for modern music production. Completely reworked, the software offers countless new ways to support and fast-track your ideas. The software is compatible with all generations of MASCHINE and MASCHINE MIKRO* – it works with the hardware you already have. Read on for details on what you get…
MASCHINE 3’s audio engine adds unlimited groups and insert effects to MASCHINE’s powerful feature set. Multicore support ensures your computer handles it all in parallel with ultra-efficient processing – even when using the software as a VST or AU plug-in. The new audio engine now also supports sidechaining, for classic ducking effects and more.
MASCHINE 3 sets a new benchmark in software drum synthesis. Create your own perfectly-tuned electronic and acoustic drum sounds in truly peerless sound quality.
Six exclusive monophonic drum plug-ins, with their own unique algorithms, give you any percussive sound you need. All fully tweakable, automatable, and perfectly integrated into MASCHINE – with the quality that comes from NI’s acclaimed DSP expertise.
Polish your tracks to perfection with the mixer window in MASCHINE 3. Tweak volume and panning with ultimate ease. See group and individual track levels clearly on meters complete with peak level indicators. Adjust levels on any group of sounds. And two aux sends per channel let you freely route sounds anywhere in your project.
MASCHINE’s new user interface brings you all this and much more – cutting-edge groove production has never been this easy.
MASCHINE 3’s new plug-in strip gives you a whole new way of seeing your instruments and effects. Each internal instrument and effect now has its own layout for lightning fast visual recognition. This intuitive, visual integration extends to KOMPLETE Instruments and Effects. And beyond that, MASCHINE can handle pretty much any VST, AU or effect plug-in you own.
Browse presets and load any KOMPLETE 15 Instrument or Effect at-a-glance directly from MASCHINE 3’s full-color product icon display. And now, there’s even more to discover. MASCHINE 3 includes KOMPLETE 12 SELECT – a premium selection of 15 KOMPLETE Instruments and Effects. Get a full suite of professional sound right out of the box and control it all from your MASCHINE hardware.
You also get over 2000 more samples, 200 brand-new MASSIVE presets, and over 100 new kits – all in a streamlined browser that makes finding your sound fast and simple. No matter what sound you’re after, MASCHINE is waiting for you.
Supported Operation System:
• macOS 13.0 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor
• Windows 10 (latest Service Pack), Windows 11