[音频修复&语音转换插件捆绑包]Accusonus ERA v6.2.0 Bundle Pro & VoiceChanger v1.3.1 [WiN, MacOSX](384Mb)

Accusonus ERA v6.2.0 Bundle Pro & VoiceChanger v1.3.1 WIN/MAC [MORiA]| AU | VST | VST3 | AAX | 384 MB


作为后期和音乐制作的专业人士,您要处理不可能的截止日期。打开另一个应用程序并拨入晦涩的算法参数不是一种选择。认识 ERA Bundle Pro:获得多项专利的下一代音频修复,提供快速和高质量的处理。您的工作流程值得升级。

语音转换器:快速制作完美的语音效果!塑造快速和令人信服的声音效果,快速。Accusonus Voice Changer 是一个多合一的虚拟声音设计师和强大的语音处理工具!改变你声音的性格从预告片旁白到怪物,机器人到鬼魂。您的内容描绘了大量不同的角色,他们需要不同的声音。从更改我们的预设开始,或直接潜入并创建您自己的角色声音。

ERA-D 专注于两件事,并且做得非常好。当您需要深度和复杂的去噪和去混响时,ERA-D 是适合您的工具:
• 用于去噪和去混响的多项专利算法
• 智能联合模式将自然噪声和混响反交互考虑在内,以获得更高质量的声音结果。
• 双通道模式,使您能够使用辅助麦克风来提高主麦克风的音频修复质量。

一种简单而优雅的即时降噪解决方案。ERA Noise Remover 会自动估计噪声配置文件并允许您调整背景噪声。从风扇和 HVAC 噪音到电气干扰(例如嗡嗡声和嘶嘶声),您只需要一个旋钮。ERA

Reverb Remover
尽管人工混响增加了声音的深度和丰富性,但糟糕的室内声学效果会使您的录音听起来遥远而空洞。ERA Reverb Remover 自动估计混响配置文件,并允许您在流线型界面中调整录制的混响量。无论您是想修复外景录音还是加强音乐表演,ERA Reverb Remover 都是您的新秘密武器。

响亮的爆破音是一种复杂的失真类型,手动移除它们可能是一项非常耗时的任务。ERA Plosive Remover 会自动解决这个问题,让您只需转动一个拨盘即可打磨您的人声。即使您使用最好的录音设备,
使用 ERA De-Esser 可立即消除录音中刺耳的 ess-es。ERA De-Esser 在频域中执行透明处理,也非常适合其他材料,例如嘶嘶声的钹甚至完整的混音。


Mouth De-Clicker
Mouth Noise 会破坏音频。修复它很耗时,重新录制也是如此。相反,您可以使用 Mouth De-Clicker;它突出显示您曲目中的所有口音、咂嘴声和唾液噼啪声。然后,您可以使用简单的界面快速删除它们。快速高效的去点击,让您花更少的时间清洁,更多的时间创造。


As a professional in post and music production, you deal with impossible deadlines. Opening another application and dialing in obscure algorithm parameters is just not an option. Meet the ERA Bundle Pro: Multi-patented next-generation audio repair that offers both fast and high-quality processing. Your workflow deserves an upgrade.
Voice Changer: Craft Perfect Voice Effects, Fast! Sculpt quick & convincing voice effects, fast. Accusonus Voice Changer is an all-in-one virtual sound designer, and powerful voice processing tool! Change the character of your voice From trailer narration to monsters, robots to ghosts. Your content portrays a ton of varying characters, who need varying voices. Start off by altering our presets, or dive straight in and create your own character’s sound.
ERA-D focuses on two things and does them exceptionally well. When you need deep and sophisticated denoise and dereverberation, ERA-D is the right tool for you:
• Multi-patented algorithms for Denoise and Dereverberation
• Intelligent joint mode takes the natural noise and reverb counter-interaction into account for higher quality sonic results.
• Dual Channel mode that enables you to use a secondary mic to improve the audio repair quality on your primary mic.
Noise Remover
A simple and elegant solution for instant denoising. The ERA Noise Remover automatically estimates the noise profile and allows you to adjust background noise. From fan and HVAC noise to electric interference (such as hum and hiss), you only need a single knob. The ERA algorithm is multi-patented and therefore unique compared to anything you’ve heard before.
Reverb Remover
Although artificial reverb adds depth and richness to the sound, poor room acoustics can make your recordings sound distant and hollow. The ERA Reverb Remover automatically estimates the reverberation profile and allows you to adjust the amount of recorded reverb in a streamlined interface. Whether you want to repair location recordings or tighten music performances, the ERA Reverb Remover is your new secret weapon.
Plosive Remover
Loud plosives are a complex type of distortion and removing them manually can be an extremely time-consuming task. The ERA Plosive Remover automatically takes care of the problem, allowing you to polish your vocals with the turn of a single dial.
Harsh sibilance may affect your voice/vocal tracks even when you use the best recording equipment. Use the ERA De-Esser to instantly smooth out the harsh ess-es from your recordings. The ERA De-Esser performs transparent processing in the frequency domain and is also great for other material such as hissing cymbals or even full mixes.
Voice Leveler
Gain inconsistencies are common in both audio and video recordings. They often happen as a result of intentional or unintentional speaker movement, non-ideal microphone positioning or heavy audio & video editing. Use this single-knob plugin to save yourself from hours of manual gain adjustments.
Mouth De-Clicker
Mouth Noise ruins audio. Fixing it is time consuming, and so is re-recording. Instead, you can use Mouth De-Clicker; it highlights all mouth sounds, lip smacks and saliva crackles in your track. You can then remove them quickly with a simple interface. Fast and efficient de-clicking, allowing you to spend less hours cleaning, and more time creating.

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