[最强AI音频分离软件]Hit’n’Mix RipX DeepAudio v6.4.1 Update PATCHER [WiN](1.32GB+)

v6.4.1 Update PATCHER: MOCHA | 01 August 2023 | 5 MB
MOCHA | 11 May 2023 | 1.32 GB


1. 安装
2. 安装补丁“_mocha\\_PATCH_Hit_n_Mix_RipX_6.4.1_WiN_[MOCHA].exe”
3. 最后安装升级v6.4.1 Update

RipX DeepAudio 包括 DeepRemix 世界领先的音频分离技术,以及 DeepCreate MIDI/MPE、音频和样本歌曲创作系统,然后在工作流程中添加了先进的词干清理和音频处理工具,因此您可以创建最高质量的提取音频,并以前所未有的细节水平调整/创建声音。


· 屡获殊荣的 Audioshop® 工具,可快速轻松地修复和清理录音
· 无音调音频编辑器,可单独清理噪音和音调
· 强大而独特的谐波编辑器,可实现终极声音编辑
· RipScript 脚本语言,用于构建和自定义您自己的工具






DeepCreate为 RipX 平台添加了尖端的 MIDI/MPE 和音频录制功能,让您以新颖和创新的方式尝试词干、声音和样本。这是一个独特、易于使用且功能强大的音频系统,可激发您产生原创想法并从头开始创作音乐。

无论您是音乐家、制作人还是音频专业人士 – DeepCreate 都是一个尖端的音频游乐场,可以在这里进行任何事情。连接麦克风、乐器、硬件合成器或转盘;翻录您的音频文件和最喜欢的 VST 合成器预设;将样本库导入并自动分配到您的 MIDI/MPE 设备;练习和录制部分;在自动化中演奏或绘制;添加突破性的流畅效果、创建这些效果的组合等等。

更好的是 – DeepCreate 预装了各种精心挑选的乐器、打击乐、SFX 和循环,让您轻松上手。

RipX DeepRemix

世界领先的音频分离和混音软件,可将全混音立体声 MP3、WAV 等分离为人声、鼓、贝司和其他乐器。

· DJ:将主干添加到您的设置中,平衡人声和乐器以创造完美时刻。
· 音乐家:学习各个部分并练习伴奏。
· 混音师:在自动匹配节奏的曲目之间复制和粘贴部分,甚至更改键。
· 创作者:将音频保存为 MIDI 并在您最喜欢的 DAW 中控制乐器。

音频以 Hit’n’Mix 革命性的 Rip 格式存储,这是波形的巨大进步,可以完全控制声音的各个方面。



Windows 10 + 高规格设备

以前的版本存在加壳程序问题,导致在某些计算机上不可用/崩溃。只需安装它。如果您的系统上已经安装了 RIPx641,则无需重新安装 RIPx641。

RipX DeepAudio includes DeepRemix world-leading audio separation, plus the DeepCreate MIDI/MPE, audio and sample song creation system, and then adds advanced stem clean-up and audio manipulation tools to the workflow, so you can create the highest quality extracted audio, and tweak / create sound at unprecedented levels of detail.

DeepAudio adds the following features and much more:

· Award-winning Audioshop® tools for fixing and cleaning up recordings quickly and easily
· Unpitched audio editor for cleaning up noise separately from pitched sounds
· The powerful and unique Harmonic Editor for the ultimate in sound editing
· RipScript scripting language for building and customizing your own tools

Experience unprecedented control over notes, harmonics and unpitched sound, all in a powerful and easy-to-use click & drag interface.

Harmonic Editor

This is no spectrum editor – these are the actual harmonics that describe the sound of a note, and Harmonic Editor allows complete control over them.
Perfect for removing noise, adjusting timbre and creating interesting new sounds.

Clean & Repair Audio

Live audio repair and clean-up features for removing background noise, limiting foreground artifacts, reducing tones & hum, and purifying pitched and unpitched sounds.
Adjust overtone levels in notes and even regenerate fundamental harmonics, to bring back bass presence in vocals and instruments, lost during mixing & mastering.

DeepCreate adds cutting-edge MIDI/MPE and audio recording to the RipX platform, and lets you experiment with stems, sounds and samples in new and innovative ways. It’s a unique, easy-to-use, yet powerful audio system that inspires you to generate original ideas and create music from scratch.

Whether you’re a musician, producer or audio professional – DeepCreate is a cutting-edge audio playground where anything goes. Connect a microphone, instrument, hardware synth or turntable; rip your audio files and favorite VST synth presets; import and auto-assign banks of samples to your MIDI/MPE device; practice and record parts; perform or draw in automation; add groundbreaking, fluid effects, create combos of those effects, and much more.

Better yet – DeepCreate comes preloaded with a variety of hand-picked instruments, percussion, SFX and loops to get you started.

RipX DeepRemix

World’s leading audio separation & remix software that splits full-mix stereo MP3s, WAVs etc into vocals, drums, bass, and other instruments.

· DJs: Add stems to your set, balancing vocals and instrumentals to create perfect moments.
· Musicians: Learn individual parts & practice to a backing track.
· Remixers: Copy & paste parts between tracks with automatically matched tempo, even change key.
· Creators: Save audio as MIDI & control instruments within your favorite DAW.

Audio is stored in Hit’n’Mix’s revolutionary Rip format, a giant step up from waveforms, enabling full control over all aspects of sound.

For example, you can mix your favorite parts together and have fun experimenting with different tempos, effects, pitches and keys/scales. You can time-stretch, and adjust the stereo panning (including on mono tracks), volume, and EQ. Even create loops and edit them during playback to create new music in real-time.

Copy and paste parts from one track to another, with tempo automatically matched.

Windows 10 + Hi Spec devices

Prevoius release has problem with audiolove.me the packer, causinq unusable/crash on some machines. Just install it. no need to reinstall ripx641 if already installed on your system.

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