[鼓机合成器]KORG Gadget 3 v6.0.4 for iPhone iPad and iPod Touch [iOS](2.55Gb)

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KORG Gadget 3 v6.0.4 for iPhone iPad and iPod Touch [iOS]| 19 May 2024 | 2.55 GB

KORG Gadget 3——一个完整、无缝集成的音乐制作生态系统

KORG Gadget获得了来自世界各地的众多奖项:

KORG Gadget是理想的一体化音乐制作软件和插件套件,具有40多个小型合成器/鼓机(“Gadget”),可以自由组合以创建由强大而直观的用户界面驱动的音乐。产品范围包括屡获殊荣的iOS版本,包含所有功能和插件的Mac版本,以及可以在Mac/PC上与您最喜欢的DAW配合使用的插件版本。

现在是第三代,比以往任何时候都更强大,工作流程现在比以往任何时候都更直观,更易于使用,并且有大量的新功能和新工具。KORG Gadget 3提供了更多功能,可以快速将您的想法转化为音乐,包括两个新的小工具,五个插入效果(IFX),一个新的流派选择系统和AUv3支持。此外,用户界面已经被刷过,使小工具浏览器、IFX页面和播放页面更加直观。KORG Gadget 3是快速将您的想法转化为音乐的完美工具。

•新玩意:Santa Ana(吉他)和Sydney(采样器)
•在iOS上支持AUv3,允许在Garageband、Logic Pro等其他音乐应用程序中使用小工具

压倒性的声音。身临其境、直观而强大的用户界面。前所未有的创新品质。KORG Gadget 3是40多种小工具乐器的集合,包括紧凑型合成器、鼓机、采样器以及音频和MIDI实用程序。它有复杂的参数,使您可以轻松获得他们想要的声音,因此您可以立即创建自己的声音。新的声音浏览器可以让你在最快的时间内找到你喜欢的声音。它非常适合舞曲以及摇滚、流行、爵士和其他音乐声音和流派。你一定会在众多的小工具中找到你想要的声音。

新的“流派选择”功能允许您选择您最喜欢的流派和声音,然后通过自由组合模式开始歌曲创作。5 x 5垫都分配了由小工具创建的短语,因此您可以通过自由组合您喜欢的模式来开始歌曲创作。您可以从开发了每个轨道的小工具和场景的项目开始创建歌曲。从标准流派包中选择,享受不同的音乐制作方法。

新增功能:V6.0.4 2024年4月24日

兼容性:iOS 13.0或更高版本


More Powerful Than Ever, Quickly Turn Your Ideas Into Music
KORG Gadget 3 - A Complete, Seamlessly Integrated Music Production Ecosystem

KORG Gadget has received numerous awards from around the world:
• Apple: "App Store Best of 2014" in Japan
• #1 in the Top Paid Music iPad App category*
• TECH AWARD 2015 "Best Music Production App"
• MusicTech's "Gear of the Year: Best App" Gold Award
• “Musikmesse international press award 2016” Mobile Music App
* USA, UK, Japan, Germany, France, Italy and much more!

KORG Gadget is the ideal all-in-one music production software and plug-in suite featuring over 40 small synthesizers/drum machines (“gadgets”), which can be freely combined to create music driven by a powerful yet intuitive user interface. The range of products includes the award-winning iOS version, a Mac version that includes all functions and plug-ins, and a plug-in version that can be used with your favorite DAW on Mac/PC.

Now in its third generation, more powerful than ever, the workflow is now more intuitive and easier to use than ever before and there are plenty of new features and new gadgets. KORG Gadget 3 offers an expanded variety of even more features to quickly turn your ideas into music, including two new gadgets, five insert effects (IFX), a new genre select system, and AUv3 support. In addition, the user interface has been brushed up to make the Gadget Browser, IFX page, and Play page even more intuitive. KORG Gadget 3 is the perfect tool to quickly turn your ideas into music.

What's New in KORG Gadget 3
• Gadget Instrument Collection with a total over 6,000 sound programs
• New gadgets: Santa Ana (Guitar) and Sydney (Sampler)
• Improved user interface, making the workflow more intuitive than ever
• A genre select function that allows you to create songs from your favorite patterns
• 5 new IFX including an 8-Band EQ, Transient Shaper, Stereo Image, Auto Pumper, Pitch Shifter
• The Play page: easy arpeggiator use and chord entry
• A whole new sound browser that lets you select gadgets by the timbre you want
• AUv3 support on iOS, allowing gadgets to be used in other music apps like Garageband, Logic Pro

• A huge collection of over 40 gadget instruments
Overwhelming sound. Immersive, intuitive and powerful user interface. Unprecedented and innovative quality. KORG Gadget 3 is a collection of over 40 gadget instruments, including compact synthesizers, drum machines, samplers, and audio and MIDI utilities. It has sophisticated parameters that make it easy for you to get to the sound they want, so you can create your own sounds instantly. The new Sound Browser allows you to get to your favorite sounds in the quickest time possible. It is perfectly suited for dance music as well as rock, pop, jazz, and other music sounds and genres. You are sure to find the sound you want among the numerous gadgets.

• Get your songwriting ideas with Genre Select
The new "Genre Select" feature allows you to select your favorite genre and sound, and then start songwriting by freely combining patterns. 5 x 5 pads are all assigned with phrases created by gadgets, so you can start songwriting by freely combining your favorite patterns. You can start creating a song from a project in which each track's gadgets and scenes have been developed. Choose from the standard genre packs and enjoy a different approach to music production.

• Tons of sounds readily available with the New Browser
To make it easier than ever to find the desired gadget instrument, we have revised the Gadget Browser and added various functions. New features include displaying gadgets by instrument category, a Favourites function that allows you to group your favorite gadgets, and a search function that allows you to freely search for sounds in each gadget. Using the program search function, it is now possible to quickly and easily preview and search for the sound you wanted from a vast array of sounds.
What’s New: v6.0.4 Apr 24, 2024
• Fixed an issue that prevented GadgetCloud from working.
• Fixed an issue that prevented order of audio gadget IFX from being changed.
• Several bug fixes and improved app stability.

Compatibility: iOS 13.0 or later

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