AudioZ Exclusive | KONTAKT
LE – 72 GB | Gold – 146 GB | Platinum – 319 GB
Concert Grand 是一个高级的 1100 GB、9 麦克风钢琴样本库,取样自为完整版 Kontakt 打造的 Steinway D New York 9 英尺音乐会大钢琴。
如果您听过经典的古典或爵士钢琴演奏,那很可能就是音乐会舞台上的标志性王者施坦威 D 钢琴。数十年来,演奏者们一直需要施坦威钢琴温暖而宏伟的音色。它与许多录音室里明亮的流行音乐钢琴形成了鲜明的对比。它优雅而精致。对于如此大型的乐器,每一位工程师都有不同的录音方法,而每一位演奏者都希望听到不同方面的声音。这就是 Concert Grand 的 9 个麦克风控制如此重要的原因。您可以通过音频工程师久经考验的麦克风位置调试出各种音色。
Concert Grand 钢琴库与以往任何钢琴库都不同,它能让你掌控自己的声音。环境声通道是采样库灵活性的一次飞跃。请注意 Concert Grand 收录了施坦威钢琴的所有声音,包括砰砰的撞击声和比大多数机械噪音更响亮的声音。我们没有剔除这些瑕疵,而是让它们为真实的钢琴音色做出贡献。
Concert Grand 包括 Concert Grand LE、Concert Grand Gold 和高清 Concert Grand Platinum 24 位 96k 采样,可提供优质采样质量的完整虚拟库体验,以及快速加载的 16 位 44.1k 采样,非常适合现场演奏、配乐、专辑制作、练习等。如果担心下载问题,请联系支持部门了解硬盘运输选项。
3D 立体声
环境声通道可提供完整的 3D 钢琴音效,用户可将声音方向从任意球形方向向上、向下、向左或向右旋转 360 度。虚拟麦克风可以对准钢琴或房间,也可以对准两者之间的任何位置。Ambisonics 频道使用 Soundfield 麦克风录制。Ambisonics 是最灵活的音频格式,允许从单一麦克风到 5.1 环绕声甚至更高的音效!环境声输出可映射到数字音频工作站,在 Harpex 和 SurroundZone2 等插件中进行外部环境声处理。
麦克风的选择和放置对高质量录音至关重要。全世界的音频工程师都信赖 U87 和 4006 话筒等标准话筒的音质和音色。B&K (现为 DPA)4006 话筒因其逼真的线性音质而被用于古典录音。从麦克风到前置放大器再到转换器,“大音乐会 ”采样的信号路径代表了最好中的最好。这是一个大胆的说法,但在 Concert Grand 的音质中却得到了印证。当使用多个麦克风和多个复调音符时,96k 可提供干净清脆的音频,有助于实现高清音质。
B&K 4006 – 用于捕捉锤击声。
Neumann U87 – 用于内部录音。
Neumann M149 – 用于外部录音。
Neumann U47 – 单声道外部录音。
Soundfield MK V – 用于录音外部盖子。
Crown SASS MKII – 放置在演奏者位置。
RCA 77 – 放置在乐器下方。
Royer SF24 – 用于房间录音。
AKG 414 – 也用于房间录音。
9 个麦克风视角本身就令人印象深刻,但 Concert Grand 如何处理这些音效选择,让您在不坐在钢琴长凳上时也能身临其境。混音器是全套 SSL 仿真,每个通道上都有 SSL 仿真均衡器和压缩器。就像在录音室的不同音轨上录制钢琴一样,你可以获得相同的控制效果。Concert Grand 的混音器部分可实现专辑品质的制作。
– 每个通道的调音
– 独奏左或右声道
– 在任何通道上反转立体声图像
– 每个通道都有专门的推子前混响输出
– 多输出 DAW 发送–将任何通道发送至 DAW 调音台
– 完全自动化的参数
– 通道开/关可清除采样以节省内存
– 单声道可相加或左右相加
– 完整的独奏、静音控制
Concert Grand 是以 2010 年后制造的 9 英寸纽约施坦威 D 型钢琴为样本。新款 D 型钢琴与旧款 D 型钢琴的区别体现在动作、音锤和整体音色上。毫无疑问,这是一架雄伟的钢琴,具有该型号钢琴所具有的所有标志性音色。它的音色并不像某些日本型号的钢琴那样过于尖锐或刺耳,但仍然很好听。钢琴自然会发出机械噪音,这使得钢琴音色更加真实。我们没有掩盖瑕疵。音乐会三角钢琴就在您的指尖上,音频工程师可以通过软件进行所有控制,直接完成录音!
Concert Grand 拥有一些令人惊叹的预置,可让您立即开始演奏并享受音色库!这些预置可在各种风格中发出美妙的声音,并可使用 9 种麦克风选择。
Ambisonic 部分还包含涵盖各种虚拟麦克风位置的预置。单单是 Ambisonic 就能让 Concert Grand 的音效物超所值!既有 XY 和 Blumlein 等传统的立体声麦克风视角,也有增加室内声音深度的创意麦克风位置。Kontakt 中的环境音效有很多值得探索的地方,但当在 Pro Tools 或 Logic 等 DAW 中使用环境音效部分时,还有更多值得探索的地方。
混响部分包含 29 个脉冲响应,每个都设置了适当的预延时。有平板、大厅和录音室混响,可增强钢琴演奏体验。每个话筒视角都有自己的混响发送,因此可以根据使用的话筒来塑造声音。许多乐器预置都使用了内置混响。
在无损压缩前包含1100 GB的高质量样本,确保音质的真实性和丰富性。
使用Burl Mothership精品级A/D转换器,提供卓越的音频转换质量。
Concert Grand LE版本提供16位44k的样本,适合对存储空间有要求的用户。
Concert Grand Gold版本提供24位44k的样本,平衡了音质和文件大小。
Concert Grand Platinum版本提供24位96k的样本,提供最高质量的音质体验。
需要 Kontakt FULL v5.8.1 或更新版本!
Concert Grand is a premium 1100 GB, 9 microphone piano sample library sampled from a Steinway D New York 9′ Concert Grand Piano built for the full version of Kontakt.
If you listen to iconic classical or jazz piano recordings, chances are that was a Steinway D, the iconic king of the concert stage. For decades, performers have requested the warmth and grandeur of the Steinway sound. It is in heavy contrast to bright pop production pianos found in many recording studios. It’s elegant and refined. Every engineer has a slightly different way of recording such a large instrument and every player wants to hear a different aspect of the sound. This is why Concert Grand’s 9 microphone control is so important. You can dial in a variety of tones with microphone placements that are time-tested by audio engineers.
Concert Grand let’s you take control of your sound unlike any piano library before it. The ambisonics channel is a leap forward in sample library flexibility. Be warned! Concert Grand captures all this Steinway has to offer including its thumps and bumps and louder than most mechanical noises. We didn’t strip away the imperfections, but let them contribute to the authentic piano sound.
Concert Grand includes Concert Grand LE, Concert Grand Gold and the high definition Concert Grand Platinum 24 bit 96k Samples for a complete virtual library experience of premium sample quality to fast-loading 16 bit 44.1k samples well suited for live performance, scoring, album production, practice and more. Contact support for hard drive shipping options, if the downloading is a concern.
The ambisonics channel provides complete 3D sound of the piano allowing users to rotate the sound direction from any spherical direction 360 degrees up, down, left or right. The virtual microphone can be pointed at the piano or the room or anywhere in-between. The ambisonics channel was recorded using a Soundfield microphone. Ambisonics is the most flexible audio format allowing for a single mic through to 5.1 surround sound and beyond! The ambisonics output can be mapped to your digital audio workstation for external ambisonic processing in plugins such as Harpex and SurroundZone2.
Film and game composers as well as sound designers will appreciate the ability to put piano sounds into virtual reality worlds in full ambisonics or surround sound with very little effort compared to traditional sample libraries.
Microphone selection and placement makes all the difference to a quality recording. Audio engineers the world over have relied on the sound quality and tone of standards such as U87 and 4006 microphones. B&K (now DPA) 4006 microphones are used on classical recordings for their true-to-life linear sound. The signal path for the sampling of Concert Grand represents the best of the best from microphones to preamps and to converters. It’s a bold claim, but rings true in the sound of Concert Grand. 96k gives clean crisp audio that contributes to the high definition sound quality when several microphones and several notes of polyphony are used.
– B&K 4006 – Hammer
– Neumann U87 – Inside
– Neumann M149 – Outside
– Neumann U47 – Outside mono
– Soundfield MK V – Outside lid
– Crown SASS MKII – Player position
– RCA 77 – Under
– Royer SF24 – Room
– AKG 414 – Room
9 Microphone perspectives are impressive on their own, but how Concert Grand handles these sonic choices puts you in the engineer’s seat when you are not on the piano bench. The mixer is a full complement SSL emulation with SSL simulated EQ and compression on every channel. Get the same control as if the piano were recorded on different tracks in a recording studio. Album quality production is the goal with Concert Grand’s mixer section.
– Panning on every channel
– Solo left or right channels
– Invert stereo image on any channel
– Dedicated pre-fader reverb send per channel
– Multi-output DAW send – Send any channel to DAW mixer
– Fully automatable parameters
– Channel on/off purges samples to save memory
– Mono can sum or be left or right
– Full solo, mute controls
Concert Grand is sampled from a 9′ New York Steinway Model D built after 2010. The difference between a new Model D and an older Model D can be heard in the action, hammers and overall tone. Without a doubt this is a majestic piano with all the signature sounds that you would expect from this model. The tone is not overly sharp or piercing as on some Japanese models, but it still speaks well. The piano is naturally mechanically noisy, which makes for an authentic piano sound. We didn’t mask the imperfections. You get a concert grand at your fingertips with all the controls that an audio engineer would have to create finished recordings right from the software!
Concert Grand has some amazing presets to get you started playing and enjoying the library right off the get go! These presets were crafted to sound great in a variety of styles and make use of the 9 microphone choices.
The Ambisonic Section also contains presets that cover a variety of virtual microphone positions. The sound pallet possible just from the ambisonics alone would make Concert Grand worth the purchase price! There are traditional stereo microphone perspectives such as XY and Blumlein as well as creative microphone placements that add depth to the room sound. There is plenty to explore in the ambisonics inside of Kontakt, but much more to explore when the ambisonics section is used in a DAW such as Pro Tools or Logic.
The reverb section contains 29 impulse responses all set with the right amount of pre-delay on each. There are plates, halls and studio reverbs to enhance the piano performance experience. Every mic perspective also has its own reverb send so the sound can be shaped based on what mics you are using. Many of the instrument presets make use of the built-in reverb.
– 9 microphone perspectives
– Ambisonic 3D sound control
– 1100 GB of samples before lossless compression
– 24 bit 96k source samples with 24 bit 44.1k and 16 bit 44.1k options
– Round-robin pedal noise samples with normal and loud settings
– Sampled key up mechanical noises from the actual keyboard action
– Sympathetic Resonance with on/off and volume controls
– Recorded at world-Class Toronto studio through classic Neve console
– Burl Mothership boutique-quality A/D converters used
– Premium API microphone preamps used
– 20+ velocities pedal up per key
– 20+ velocities pedal down per key
– 16 velocities release samples
– Advanced half-pedal control with catch
– Concert Grand LE: 16 Bit 44k Samples
– Concert Grand Gold: 24 Bit 44K Samples
– Concert Grand Platinum: 24 Bit 96k Samples
Requires Kontakt FULL v5.8.1 or newer!