我们很高兴地宣布,广受好评的 MPC 软件 2.0 升级现在可以为您的 MPC 购买,这将大大增强这些功能全能生产解决方案的能力和功能。
MPC软件2.0是一个尖端的制作套件,结合了128轨排序能力、实时拉伸、剪辑启动功能、高级MIDI编辑功能、控制器模式下的VST兼容性、在Mac和PC上作为独立应用程序操作、高级采样和音频编辑/录音功能、无缝DAW集成、重新设计的GUI、Ableton Link兼容性等等。无论您是在寻求基于计算机的音乐制作的自由,还是在寻找以 DAW 为中心的创意探索的完美控制器,MPC Software 2.0 都能提供终极的自适应创意多功能性。
MPC Studio 厚度不到 1 英寸,采用低调的控件和拉丝铝制机身,专为移动而设计。MPC Studio 融合了真实的 MPC 打击垫、标志性的工作流程以及 MPC Renaissance 使用的相同 MPC 软件,为您提供完全集成的便携式制作解决方案。欢迎随时随地进行生产。世界现在是您的工作室。
在您的 PC 或 Mac 上进行传奇的 MPC 生产
MPC Studio 音乐制作控制器将传奇的 MPC 制作与计算机的处理能力融为一体。其紧凑的设计厚度不到 1 英寸,可轻松放入笔记本电脑包或背包中。它由 USB 供电,带有低调的旋钮和拉丝铝制机身,并包括适用于 Mac 和 PC 的 MPC 软件,具有 128 轨排序功能。凭借 16 个背光正品 MPC 打击垫、传奇的 MPC 工作流程、MPC Swing 以及四个提供增强 MPC 软件控制的触摸感应旋钮,您将立即制作出高品质的音乐。大型 LCD 屏幕(360 x 96 点图形 LCD)让您无需看计算机即可进行跟踪。
包含的 MPC 软件
随附的 MPC 软件具有 128 个音轨的音序功能和多达 8 个打击垫库——比任何其他 MPC 都多——提供了一个庞大的 7GB+ 声音库,包括经典 MPC3000 的所有声音,包括 2 个 MPC 扩展。VST 插件的即时映射和实时调整可让您将每个轨道录制为 MPC 鼓程序、键组程序或 VST/AU 插件。单独使用 MPC 软件作为您的主要 DAW,或将其作为 VST、RTAS 或 AU 插件与您当前的工作室无缝使用。
MPC 软件支持 WAV、MP3、AIFF、REX 和 SND,以及来自任何 MPC 的样本和序列,并且与 Mac 和 PC 兼容。
一切尽在 The Bank
7 GB。300 种乐器。The Bank 是一个 MPC 扩展工作站,里面装满了现代制作的所有基本声音,包括贝斯、主音、效果器、键盘等等。它包含在 MPC Studio 中。您还可以获得 The 809,这是一个用于强劲模拟鼓的 MPC 扩展 – 一整套经典鼓机声音,每个声音都有自己的控件,以实现最大的调整能力。
专业的 Go-Anywhere 功能
MPC Studio 是与数十位在职制作人和音乐家合作设计的,保持了几十年来使 Akai Pro MPC 成为音乐制作行业标准的工作流程。其内置背光 LCD、16 个正品 MPC 垫和其他强大功能,让您随时随地都能获得完整的 MPC 体验。
We are pleased to announce that the critically acclaimed MPC Software 2.0 upgrade is now available to purchase for your MPC, greatly enhancing the capability and functionality of these full-featured production solutions.
MPC Software 2.0 is a cutting-edge production suite combining 128-track sequencing capability, real-time time stretching, clip-launch functionality, advanced MIDI editing capability, VST compatibility in controller mode, operation as a standalone application on Mac & PC, advanced sampling & audio editing/recording functionality, seamless DAW integration, a redesigned GUI, Ableton Link Compatibility and much more. Whether you’re seeking freedom from computer based music production, or searching for the perfect controller for DAW-centric creative exploration, MPC Software 2.0 grants the ultimate in adaptive creative versatility.
Welcome to your studio.
At under one-inch thin, with low-profile controls and a brushed aluminum body, MPC Studio made to move. MPC Studio merges real MPC pads, iconic workflow, and the same MPC Software used by MPC Renaissance to give you a fully integrated portable production solution. Welcome to production anywhere. The world is now your studio.
Legendary MPC Production on Your PC or Mac
The MPC Studio Music Production Controller fuses legendary MPC production with the processing power of your computer. Its compact design is less than 1″ thin and fits easily into a laptop bag or backpack. It’s USB-powered with low-profile knobs and brushed aluminum body, and includes MPC Software for Mac and PC with 128-track sequencing capability. With 16 backlit genuine MPC pads, legendary MPC workflow, MPC Swing, plus four touch-sensitive knobs providing enhanced MPC software control, you’ll be producing quality music in no time. A large LCD screen (360 x 96 dot graphic LCD) allows you to make tracks without having to look at your computer.
Included MPC Software
Featuring 128-track sequencing capability and up to eight pad banks–more than any other MPC ever—the included MPC Software delivers a massive 7GB+ sound library, including all the sounds of the classic MPC3000 and including 2 MPC Expansions. Instant mapping and real-time adjustment of VST plugins lets you record each track as an MPC drum program, Keygroup program, or VST/AU plugin. Use MPC Software alone as your main DAW, or use it seamlessly with your current studio as a VST, RTAS, or AU plugin.
MPC Software supports WAV, MP3, AIFF, REX, and SND, as well as samples and sequences from any MPC ever made, and it’s compatible with both Mac and PC.
It’s all in The Bank
7 Gigabytes. 300 Instruments. The Bank is an MPC Expansion workstation exploding with all the essential sounds of modern production including basses, leads, effects, keyboards and much, much more. It’s included with MPC Studio. You also get The 809, an MPC Expansion for punchy analog drums—a full collection of classic drum machine sounds, each with its own controls for maximum tweak ability.
Professional Go-Anywhere Capability
Designed in collaboration with dozens of working producers and musicians, MPC Studio maintains the workflow that has made the Akai Pro MPC the industry standard in music production for decades. Its built-in backlit LCD, 16 genuine MPC pads, and other powerful features give you the full MPC experience anywhere.