P2P | 16 November 2024 | 359 MB
您梦寐以求的 lofi 采样器。
讨厌的 ttiimmeessttrreettcchh
保证有大量的伪影,并且“粒度”设置可让您拨入任何东西,从颤抖的 Madlib 风格声音到极端老式丛林减速。
Mr. Sample 将您的样本切成 16 个美味的位,并按时播放您触发的任何音符。无论您的项目是何种 BPM,Mr. Sample 都会跟随。
使用 12 种模式进行一些样本切碎,或使用一次性乐器样本播放跳跃的单声道旋律。
样本模式允许美味的 lofi crunch,划分声卡的采样率。在 44.100Hz 时,听起来像经典的 SP-303。
真正为您的声音增添额外特色的最终点睛之笔来自 Mr. Sample 的内置效果(基本上是 Vinyl FX + 更多)。
黑胶唱片——6 种黑胶唱片噼啪声
滤波器——HPF、LPF、BPF 和陷波滤波器
Mr. Sample 将帮助您使用原始样本作为源材料创建您从未想过的新声音。
the lofi sampler of your dreams.
nasty ttiimmeessttrreettcchh
Plenty of artifacts are guaranteed and the Grain Size setting lets you dial in anything from a warbly Madlib-style sound to an extreme old-school jungle slowdown.
speed intact
Mr. Sample chops your sample into 16 tasty bits and plays them on time whichever note you trigger. No matter what BPM your project is in, Mr. Sample will follow.
random chops for days
It’s up if you want to play the sample back in order, rearrange it manually or randomize a crazy pattern.
Do some sample chopping using the 12 patterns, or play a skippy mono-melody with a one-shot instrument sample.
Each pattern also has a range and a pitch per step setting to make it sound even more badass.
sample modes
The sample modes allow for delicious lofi crunch, dividing the sample rate of your sound card. At 44.100Hz, it sounds like the classic SP-303.
Reverse mode plays each chop backward, creating some really unique textural cadences.
The final touch to really give your sound that extra character comes from Mr. Sample’s built-in effects (essentially Vinyl FX + more).
Compressor – …Compression
Vinyl – 6 types of vinyl crackl
Filter – HPF, LPF, BPF & Notch filters
Wobble – Emulates warped record
Saturation – Saturates the sound
reinvent your old beats
There’s nothing like exploring your old darlings in a new light.
Throw in a couple of bars and hear what it sounds like mangled and recycled.
sound design asset
Mr. Sample will help you create new sounds you would never have thought of using your original sample as source material.