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Max 是音乐、音频和多媒体的图形环境。表演者、作曲家、艺术家、科学家、教师和学生已经使用了 20 多年,Max 是让计算机做反映您个人想法和梦想的事情的方法。
每个对象都会做一些事情。Max 具有生成声波、表示硬件或提供用于交互的 UI 的对象。
连接 UI 对象(如刻度盘和滑块)以提供控制值或显示结果。对数据进行调制、映射和缩放以获得正确的结果。
- 拖入您自己的音频剪辑并开始处理它们并连接效果
- 将 Patcher 与 MIDI 控制器映射,以便在工作时开始播放您的作品
Expanded Ideas
Max 修补从一张空白的画布开始,没有任何结构。这使得构建和探索在其他地方无法实现的独特想法变得自然而然。Max patcher 会随着工作的增长而自动扩展以适应您的工作,无论您占用多少空间。
探索 Sound without Limits
- 设计一个自定义合成器,根据需要使用任意数量的振荡器和效果器。
- 以各种方式处理样本,包括时间拉伸和音高移动。
- 使用 MC 对象构建更多分层的声音,以修补多声道音频。
在 Max 中,您可以从头开始构建经典的合成器,也可以迷失在将不寻常的声音组合在一起时迷失方向。尝试下面的 XY 控件,聆听一些您可以使用 Max 创建的声音。
- 您只需一个振荡器和一个滤波器就可以做很多事情。
- 添加一些额外的调制并尝试一些更狂野的东西。
Make Visual Music
Max 包括功能齐全、可扩展的视频和图形工具,带有 Jitter。Jitter 针对实时视听工作进行了优化,并且很容易与音频、音序和调制相结合,就像 Max 中的其他所有内容一样。
将 Max 带入世界
Max 修补从空白画布开始,没有任何结构。这使得构建和探索在其他地方无法实现的独特想法变得自然而然。Max patcher 会随着工作的增长而自动扩展以适应您的工作,无论您占用多少空间。
对硬件的灵活访问使 Max 成为原型设计的完美环境。将您的开发板连接到 Max,并立即访问传感器、旋钮和开关。在开发交互时观察数据流。无数的商业产品、艺术装置和舞台表演都依靠 Max 将他们流程的所有部分粘合在一起。
使用 Gen 将音频、矩阵数据或纹理处理的微调流程拼凑在一起。Gen 允许您将程序命令与可视化修补相结合,以简化自定义流程的创建。如果需要,Gen 对象还可以输出源代码以在其他地方使用。
Extended Max
Max 的内置 Package Manager 提供对 50 多个附加组件的即时访问,涵盖从计算机视觉到硬件控制器支持(包括 Novation、Monome 和 ROLI 控制器)的所有内容。如果 Max 中不存在所需的功能,则可能是社区中的某个人创建了它。如果他们还没有,您可以使用 C++、NodeJS、Java 或 javascript 自行扩展 Max。
→ 介绍 RNBO
RNBO 是一个新的修补环境,用于导出带有 Max 声音的软件。
创建网络体验、硬件音乐设备、音频插件和新的 Max 对象,所有这些都来自同一个补丁。当这还不够时,RNBO 会生成源代码,您可以随心所欲地使用。
这是在 RNBO
中制作的 以下示例在 RNBO 中进行了修补并导出到 Web Audio。RNBO Web Export 还提供对补丁程序交互元素的轻松访问,并与您的 HTML/javascript 代码无缝集成,以添加丰富的声音体验。
一个 Patch,多个目标
单个 RNBO Patch 可以导出在多个定义的目标上下文中运行的编译代码,以及可以集成到任何 C++ 或 Web Audio 项目中的源代码。
- 使用 Raspberry Pi 导出构建吉他踏板、Eurorack 模块等
- 在任何 DAW 中将您的补丁作为 VST3 或 AudioUnit 插件运行
- 编译您自己的自包含、可共享的 Max 对象
- 提高 Max for Live 装置的性能和加载时间
- 使用 Web Export 将 RNBO 声音引擎嵌入到网站中
时听到代码 在 RNBO 中修补时听到的声音是生成和编译的代码,这些代码会随着您进行更改而更新。此正在运行的代码与您导出的代码相同,因此无论您选择哪个目标,您的工作听起来都是一样的。
的感觉 尽管 RNBO 建立在新技术之上,但它提供了一个可立即识别的修补环境,其中包含许多来自 Max 的熟悉对象和实践。如果您以前使用过 Max,您将立即启动并运行。
灵感来自 Max 的挚爱
- 完整的 Gen 集成,增加了事件支持和交互式 UI 对象
- 每个 RNBO 对象都有自己的帮助文件,就像在 Max 中一样
- 事件和信号可以在 patcher 中混合,就像在 Max 中一样
- 使用 param、inport 和 outport 对象定义 RNBO 导出的控件
- 直接在 RNBO 中混合修补和基于文本的编程
- 使用 polyphony 属性轻松将 Patch、Subpatch 和 Abstract 设置为复音
→ Max 9
中的新增功能 介绍新版本的 Max,它更直接、更透明,并且充满了鼓舞人心的新功能,将激发您的好奇心。Max 9 带来了基于 Ableton 的 ABL 库的新音频对象集合、多年来最大的 Jitter 更新、界面改进、重新发明的编码工作流程等等。
→ ABL 对象
Ableton Sound for Max
我们很高兴提供一套使用 Ableton 的 ABL 库为 DSP 创建的 Max 对象。这些对象为 Ableton Live Suite 的一些最流行的设备的内部工作提供了一个可修补的接口。无论您是想探索一些狂野的失真效果 (abl.device.roar~) 还是梦幻般的混响 (abl.dsp.shimmer~),ABL 库都能满足您的需求。
使用 Max 中的代码
修补进行修补时,当您集成基于文本的代码时,它会更加强大。Max 9 提出了代码集成与修补的新愿景——包括一个完全重新设计的、快速的和现代的 javascript V8 引擎。即使您从未尝试过集成 javascript 和 Max,您也肯定想看看有哪些可能。
Codebox 无处不在 使用 Codebox
保持流程,它支持直接基于文本的编码以及视觉修补。Codebox 变体支持 JS (v8)、Gen (gen、gen~、、jit.gen) 和 Node for Max,以及字典和排序编辑以及 OSC 显示。
JS 的新 V8 对象
为了在 Max 中访问 javascript V8 的新性能和兼容性功能,我们引入了 v8、v8ui 和 v8.codebox 对象。借助这些新对象,您可以使用更现代 (ES6+) 的语言功能,如箭头函数和类型化数组,并且在许多情况下,与标准 js 对象相比,速度有了很大的提高。
图形在 Max 9 中,我们超越了抖动矩阵,提供了一种表示 3D 几何数据的新方法,以及几个新的实时几何对象,用于在 Jitter 中操作和微调 3D 图形。
使用 Jitter FX
增强视觉效果 新的图像效果对象 jit.fx 库使在 Jitter 中创建交互式视觉效果比以往任何时候都更加简化。通过易于使用的 Max 界面,享受各种基于着色器的实时流程。
✓ 颜色调整和校正
✓ 风格化的图像处理
✓ 扭曲和模糊
✓ 混合和合成
✓ 时间延迟和时间位移
→ Jitter
中的新增功能除了令人兴奋的新 jit.geom 对象和 jit.fx 之外,Max 9 还带来了令人兴奋的新增功能,这些新增功能以实用和鼓舞人心的方式丰富了 Jitter。
窗口内 UI 对象
使用 jit.ui 对象构建展台体验或与补丁交互,而无需离开全屏模式。
3D 小部件
使用更新的窗口内 UI 小部件在 Jitter 中直接编辑 3D 场景。
Scene Rendering
Max 9 引入了基于 ReSTIR 的全局照明、与顺序无关的透明度、深度排序和新的场景 FX 通道,以添加纹理和颗粒。
中的抖动 将 Jitter 切换到后期制作和动画模式,并为 Jitter 中、 和所有动画驱动的对象提供新的“fixed_delta”属性。新对象 jit.bang 和 jit.frame 还有助于将进程与渲染同步。
→ 遥控器
轻松将 Max 中的 UI 对象连接到支持的对象属性,无需任何跳线。目前,所有 ABL、jit.fx 和 Gen 对象以及 都支持此功能。javascript V8 对象支持可以通过使用新的 JS 属性 API 来启用。
OSC 集成
一个新的全局首选项允许您设置应用程序范围的 OSC 地址和端口设置,并且补丁中所有启用参数的对象都自动可用于 OSC 消息。param.osc 和 osc.codebox 对象允许您检查 OSC 状态和通信。
→ 改善您的修补寿命
对 Max 环境的周到改进,将增强您修补、玩耍和探索的方式。
Max 语法着色的灵感来自我们最喜欢的代码编辑器,使阅读 Max 补丁更加舒适。
Global Record Button
Max 的瞬间通常是转瞬即逝的,但现在您可以使用 Max 工具栏中新的全局录制按钮捕捉 Max 的任何音频。
将节点对象连接到预设,以轻松创建一个界面,让您在 2D 空间中混合和插值预设。
使用 REPL 命令您的 Patcher熟悉
的 Max Window 有一个新的输入字段,可将其转换为补丁的命令行界面。此输入允许您向补丁中的命名对象发送文本消息、向应用程序本身发送消息、执行 javascript 或查询文档。
工具 Max 9 为自学者、教师和学生提供的新功能
以慢动作可视化补丁运行,以深入了解其实际工作方式。Illustration Mode 对于学习和调试都很有用。
→ 更多改进
Max 9 还带来了许多较小的功能和改进,这些功能和改进可能会对您的日常修补生活产生重大影响。
✓ 对象宏支持使用 js/v8、 和其他通用对象,并将特定源代码文件作为命名对象
✓ 基于 EBU R 128的新响度~ 对象
✓ 波形~和功能的视觉更新
✓ 新的 hid 对象支持与 HID硬件的更强大的交互
✓ 改进了左侧工具栏中的媒体和文件浏览
✓ 将 参数作为对象属性访问。
✓ 底部工具栏上的线索显示提供了相关文档的链接
✓ CPU/FPS 显示在右侧工具栏上
✓ 工具栏上的多通道仪表音量控制。
✓ 重新组织且更易于导航的“首选项”窗口
✓ Patching Margin 在修补窗口的边缘编辑时提供额外的空间✓ 使用新的 patcher 窗口纵横比功能捕获您的内容
- macOS 11.0 或更高版本
- Apple Silicon 或 Intel Core 处理器
Max is a graphical environment for music, audio, and multimedia. In use for over twenty years by performers, composers, artists, scientists, teachers, and students, Max is the way to make your computer do things that reflect your individual ideas and dreams.
Each object does something. Max has objects that generate sound waves, represent hardware, or provide a UI for interaction.
Patchcords connect one object to another. This connection lets objects share their output with connected objects.
Connect UI objects like dials and sliders to provide control values or display results. Modulate, map and scale data to get just the right results.
Create Software Built Around You, In the Moment
- Drag in your own audio clips and start manipulating them and connecting effects
- Map your patcher with MIDI controllers as you go to start playing with your creation while you work
Expanded Ideas
Max patching starts on a blank canvas, free of any structure. This makes it natural to build and explore unique ideas that would be too complex to make elsewhere. The Max patcher automatically expands to fit your work as it grows, no matter how much space you take up.
Explore Sound without Limits
- Design a custom synthesizer with as many oscillators and effects as you wish.
- Manipulate samples in every way, including timestretch and pitch shifting.
- Build up more layered sounds using MC objects to patch multichannel audio.
Make Sound with a Gesture
In Max, you can build classic synths from scratch or get lost hacking together unusual sounds. Try the XY controls below to hear some sounds you could create with Max.
- You can do a lot with just a single oscillator and a filter.
- Add some extra modulation and try something a little more wild.
Make Visual Music
Max includes full-featured, expandable video and graphics tools with Jitter. Jitter is optimized for realtime audiovisual work, and is easy to combine with audio, sequencing, and modulation like everything else in Max.
Take Max into the World
Max patching starts on a blank canvas, free of any structure. This makes it natural to build and explore unique ideas that would be too complex to make elsewhere. The Max patcher automatically expands to fit your work as it grows, no matter how much space you take up.
Prototype and Evaluate
Flexible access to hardware makes Max a perfect environment for prototyping. Connect your development board to Max and get instant access to sensors, knobs, and switches. Watch the data stream in as you develop the interaction. Countless commercial products, art installations, and stage shows have relied on Max to glue together all the parts of their process.
Generate Audio, Video, Code
Use Gen to patch together fine-tuned processes for audio, matrix data, or texture processing. Gen lets you combine procedural commands with visual patching to simplify the creation of custom processes. Gen objects can also output source code to be used elsewhere if needed.
Extended Max
Max’s built-in Package Manager offers immediate access to over 50 add-ons covering everything from computer vision to support for hardware controllers including Novation, Monome and ROLI controllers. If the feature you want doesn’t exist in Max, chances are someone in the community has created it. And if they haven’t, you can extend Max yourself using C++, NodeJS, Java, or javascript.
→ Introducing RNBO
RNBO is a new patching environment built to export software with the sound of Max.
Create web experiences, hardware music devices, audio plugins, and new Max objects all from the same patch. And when that’s not enough, RNBO generates source code that you can use however you want.
This Was Made in RNBO
The example below was patched in RNBO and exported to Web Audio. RNBO Web Export also provides easy access to your patcher’s interactive elements and seamlessly integrates with your HTML/javascript code to add rich sonic experiences.
One Patch, Many Targets
A single RNBO patch can export compiled code that runs in several defined target contexts, and source code you can integrate into any C++ or Web Audio project.
- Build guitar pedals, Eurorack modules and much more with Raspberry Pi export
- Run your patch in any DAW as a VST3 or AudioUnit Plugin
- Compile your own self-contained, shareable Max object
- Increase performance and loading times of your Max for Live devices
- Embed your RNBO sound engine into a website using Web Export
Hear the Code While You Patch
The sound you hear while patching in RNBO is generated and compiled code that updates as you make changes. This running code is identical to the code you export, so your work will sound the same no matter which target you choose.
You’ll Feel Right at Home
Although built on new technology, RNBO offers an instantly recognizable patching environment with many familiar objects and practices from Max. If you’ve used Max before, you’ll be up and running in no time.
Inspired by What You Love in Max
- Full Gen integration, with the addition of event support and interactive UI objects
- Every RNBO object has its own help file, just like in Max
- Events and signals can be mixed in the patcher, just like in Max
- Use param, inport, and outport objects to define the controls for your RNBO export
- Mix patching and text-based programming directly in RNBO
- Easily make your patches, subpatches, and abstractions polyphonic with the polyphony attribute
→ What’s new in Max 9
Introducing a new version of Max that is more direct, more transparent, and full of inspiring new features that will spark your curiosity. Max 9 brings a new collection of audio objects based on Ableton’s ABL library, the biggest Jitter update in years, interface improvements, reinvented coding workflows – and much more.
→ The ABL Objects
Ableton Sound for Max
We’re excited to offer a suite of Max objects created with Ableton’s ABL library for DSP. These objects offer a patchable interface to the internal workings of some of Ableton Live Suite’s most popular devices. Whether you’re looking to explore some wild distortion effects (abl.device.roar~) or dreamy reverbs (abl.dsp.shimmer~), the ABL library has got you covered.
Patching with Code
Patching in Max is even more powerful when you integrate text-based code. Max 9 presents a new vision of code integration with patching – including a fully reinvented, fast and modern javascript V8 engine. Even if you’ve never tried integrating javascript and Max, you’ll definitely want to check out what is possible.
Codebox Everywhere
Stay in the flow with codebox, which enables direct text-based coding alongside visual patching. Codebox variants provide support for JS (v8), Gen (gen, gen~,, jit.gen), and Node for Max, as well as dictionary and coll editing and OSC display.
New V8 Objects for JS
To access the new performance and compatibility features of javascript V8 in Max, we’ve introduced the v8, v8ui, and v8.codebox objects. With these new objects, you can make use of more modern (ES6+) language features like arrow functions and typed arrays, and in many cases enjoy a big speed improvement over the standard js object.
Introducing Jitter Geometry
In Max 9, we’re going beyond the Jitter Matrix with a new way to represent 3D geometry data and several new realtime geometry objects to manipulate and fine-tune your 3D graphics in Jitter.
Enhanced Visuals with Jitter FX
The new jit.fx library of image effect objects makes creating interactive visual effects in Jitter more streamlined than ever. Enjoy a full range of realtime, shader-based processes with an easy-to-use Max interface.
Included Effects:
✓ Color adjustments and corrections
✓ Stylized image manipulations
✓ Distortions and Blurs
✓ Blending and Compositing
✓ Time delay and temporal displacement
→ New in Jitter
In addition to the exciting new jit.geom objects and jit.fx, Max 9 brings exciting new additions that enrich Jitter in both practical and inspiring ways.
In-Window UI Objects
Use jit.ui objects to build kiosk experiences or interact with your patch without leaving fullscreen mode.
3D Widgets
Directly edit your 3D scenes in Jitter with updated, in-window UI widgets.
Scene Rendering
Max 9 introduces ReSTIR-based global illumination, order-independent transparency, depth-sorting, and new scene FX passes to add texture and grain.
Jitter in Production
Switch Jitter into post-production and animation mode with new “fixed_delta” attribute for,, and all animation-driven objects in Jitter. New objects jit.bang and jit.frame also help in syncronizing your processes with rendering.
→ Remote Control
Parameter Connect
Easily connect UI objects in Max to supported object attributes without any patchcords. This feature is currently supported by all ABL, jit.fx, and Gen objects, as well as javascript V8 object support can be enabled by using the new JS attribute API.
OSC Integration
A new global preference allows you to set application-wide OSC address and port settings, and all parameter-enabled objects in your patch are automatically available to OSC messages. The param.osc and osc.codebox objects let you inspect OSC state and communications.
→ Improving Your Patching Life
Thoughtful improvements to the Max environment that will enhance the way you patch, play, and explore.
List View
Explore the objects in your patch with a list-based interface. Rapidly filter, search, and edit objects, and watch the numbers change.
Syntax Coloring
Inspired by our favorite code editors, Max syntax coloring makes it much more comfortable to read Max patches.
Global Record Button
Max moments are often fleeting, but now you can capture any audio from Max, in the moment, with the new Global Record Button in the Max Toolbar.
Preset Mixing
Connect a nodes object to preset to easily create an interface that lets you mix and interpolate presets across a 2D space.
Command Your Patcher with REPL
The familiar Max Window has a new input field that turns it into a command-line interface to your patch. This input allows you to send text messages to named objects in your patch, send messages to the application itself, execute javascript, or query the documentation.
New Tools for Learning
New Max 9 features for self-learners, teachers, and students alike
Illustration Mode
Visualize your patch running in slow motion to gain insight into how it’s actually working. Illustration Mode is useful for both learning and debugging.
Examples and Tutorials Online
→ Even More Improvements
Max 9 also brings many smaller features and improvements that will likely have a big impact on your daily patching life.
✓ Object Macros enable the use of js/v8,, and other generic objects with specific source code files as named objects
✓ New loudness~ object based on EBU R 128
✓ Visual updates to waveform~ and function
✓ New hid object supports more robust interactions with HID hardware than hi
✓ Improved media and file browsing in left toolbar
✓ Access params as object attributes.
✓ Clue display on bottom toolbar provides links to relevant documentation
✓ CPU/FPS display on right toolbar
✓ Multichannel meters on toolbar volume control.
✓ Reorganized and easier to navigate Preferences window
✓ Patching Margin provides extra space while editing at the edges of a patcher window
✓ Capture your content with a new patcher window aspect ratio feature
Supported Operation System:
- macOS 11.0 or later
- Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor