
Team R2R | 2024.12.02 | 684.3 MB
安装 HALion Sonic 7 之前
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64)
=> 使用谷歌从微软下载最新版本。
安装 TEAM R2R 根证书:
=> 通过 R2RCERTTEST.exe 测试证书安装。
安装 TEAM R2R Steinberg Silk 模拟器:
=> 通过附带的工具测试模拟器安装。
=> 始终使用最新版本。
挂载 ISO 文件。运行“HALionSonic7.msi”并安装。
如果您安装了“Steinberg Library Manager (SLM)”,
=> 运行 SLM。
=> 将包含的“Content”文件夹拖放到 SLM GUI。
=> 全部安装。完成!
如果您没有 SLM,请手动安装。
=> 将“Content”文件夹复制到“%PROGRAMDATA%\Steinberg\”。
如果您想使用 MediaBay,请安装“Steinberg MediaBay”(不包含在此版本中)。
=> 如果不安装,Mediabay 中不会显示其他库。
=> 即使没有安装,您仍然可以从浏览器加载任何库。
TEAM R2R 2024
您的免费样本库和合成器播放器:HALoin Sonic 7
HALoin Sonic 7 是您用于样本库、合成器和混合乐器的全新免费播放器,由用户、音响设计师或专业公司使用 HALoin 7 创建。虽然 HALoin Sonic 7 不附带任何样本内容,但您可以在此页面找到由 Steinberq、Sonic Atoms 和 Cinematigue Instruments 创建的几种免费附加乐器。下载这些乐器,开始播放它们,并利用 HALoin Sonic 7 中强大的虚拟模拟合成引擎。
虚拟模拟合成器初始化层和 70 多种效果
于 Cubase、Ableton、FL Studoi、Loqic Pro 和其他 DAW
HALoin 7.1.20/HALoin Sonic 7.1.20 –
预览:修复了某些样本格式(例如 GS3、Akai 和 Emu)的预览无法按预期工作的问题。-
触发垫:修复了触发垫无法通过 FM Lab 预设“Wavinq”中的 MIDI 触发音符触发的问题。-
常规:修复了 Apple M1/2/3 处理器上的声音问题。-
宏页面:修复了宏页面问题,即 Bitwiq 中的子菜单会自动关闭。-
常规:修复了 Bitwiq 中的崩溃问题。-
区域编辑器:修复了 Mac 13.6.7 上调制目标分配的问题。-
效果:修复了 VST Amp 问题,即加载预设后选定的模型并不总是可听见。
* 不需要 SteinberqLibraryManqaqer(可选)。
* 不需要 SteinberqActivatoinManaqer。
* 加载速度比正版更快。
* 与其他正版 Silk 和 Silk 支持的应用程序不存在兼容性问题。
阅读随附的 R2R.txt 以了解如何安装。
阅读我们模拟器的 NFO 以了解有关我们模拟器版本的更多信息。
Your Free Player For Sample Libraries And Synths: HALion Sonic 7
HALion Sonic 7 is your new free player for sample libraries, synthesizers and hybrid instruments, created with HALion 7 by users, sound designers or professional companies. Although HALion Sonic 7 comes without any sample content, you can find several free additional instruments on this page, created by Steinberg, Sonic Atoms and Cinematique Instruments. Download these, start playing them and making use of the powerful virtual-analog synth engine in HALion Sonic 7.
Free, easy to use player for sample libraries and instruments
Virtual-analog synth init layer and more than 70 effects
A wide range of free libraries and instruments available
Works in Cubase, Ableton, FL Studio, Logic Pro and other DAWs
Click to view
HALion 7.1.20/HALion Sonic 7.1.20
-Preview: Fixed previewing for some sample formats (for example, GS3, Akai, and Emu), which did not work as expected.
-General: Fixed issue where voices were cut off and the audio driver crashed.
-Zone Editor: Fixed issue where changing the pitch in the Sound Editor triggered an additional note.
-Trigger Pads: Fixed issue where trigger pads could not be triggered via MIDI trigger notes in the FM Lab preset “Waving”.
-General: Fixed sound issues on Apple M1/2/3 processors.
-General: Fixed Crash on Quit.
-Macro Page: Fixed Macro Page issue where submenus were closing automatically in Bitwig.
-General: Fixed crashes in Bitwig.
-Zone Editor: Fixed problems with modulation destination assignments on Mac 13.6.7.
-Effects: Fixed VST Amp issue where the selected model was not always audible after loading a preset.
-Zone Editor: Fixed slow UI for large programs with visible Zone Editor.
A witch says,
* No SteinbergLibraryMangager is required (optional).
* No SteinbergActivationManager is required.
* Loads faster than legit version.
* No compatiblity issue with other legit Silk and Silk powered apps.
Read included R2R.txt to see how to install.
Read NFO of our emulator to know more about our emulator releases.
Team R2R
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