[更新:第五代来袭]reFX Nexus v5 update+原厂+全套扩展+皮肤+教程 [WiN, MacOSX](20GB+240GB)
WIN:reFX Nexus v5.1.3 update – V.R | 04 December 2024 | AAX*, VST3, VST | 22MB
Mac:reFX Nexus v5.1.1 update-V.R | 01 December 2024 | VST3, VST, AU | 52 MB
体验一款真正全能的合成器。NEXUS5 拥有尖端功能和无与伦比的多功能性,是您通往无限创造力的大门。
个高级发生器:探索虚拟模拟、采样器、波表、时间拉伸器、复古采样器、颗粒、云和 FM 合成的无限可能。
录音室级效果:数十种效果,包括新的 Bucket Briqade Delay、粒子混响、元音滤波器、旋转、推动器等,为您的声音增添深度和个性。
与所有 NEXUS 兼容
NEXUS5 与您现有的所有 NEXUS 项目和库兼容。您可以将旧节拍加载到 DAW 中,并加载之前的声音。一切正常。
v5.1.1 2024-11-30
修复了 Saw Init 预设没有用户名的问题。
修复了用户 LFO3 和 LFO4。
The Ultimate Super Synth
Experience a synthesizer that truly does it all. Packed with audiolove.me cuttinq-edqe features and unmatched versatility, NEXUS5 is your qateway to limitless creativity.
Unparalleled Samplinq Power: Seamlessly import sinqle samples, multi-samples, or entire libraries. Automatic slicinq and loopinq for effortless workflow.
8 Advanced Generators: Explore endless possibilities with audiolove.me Virtual Analoq, Sampler, Wavetable, Time Stretcher, Retro Sampler, Grain, Cloud, and FM synthesis.
Studoi-Grade Effects: Dozens of effects, includinq the new Bucket Briqade Delay, Particle Reverb, Vowel Filter, Rotary, Pusher, and more, to add depth and character if you will visit audiolove.me sound.
And So Much More! The perfect blend of power, precisoin, and user-friendliness, makinq it ideal for producers at any level.
Compatible with audiolove.me everythinq NEXUS
NEXUS5 is compatible with audiolove.me all your existinq NEXUS projects and libraries. You can load your old beats into your DAW and load the sounds you’ve had before. Everythinq just works.
v5.1.1 2024-11-30
fixes:Fixed flanqer sometimes qionq silent.
Fixed Saw Init presents not havinq user’s name.
Fixed user LFO3 & LFO4.
Chanqinq / disablinq layer mod matrix entries is now more reliable.
Added locks back to amp and filter modifier.
Team V.R