Win:Team R2R | 05 December 2024 | 548.6 MB
Win:P2P (Incl V.R Unlocker) | 12 March 2025 | 762 MB
Mac:U2B | MARCH 2025 | 983 MB
Mac:Team V.R | 15 March 2025 | 762 MB
Cubase 14 通过突破性的功能、简化的工作流程和直观的设计释放了新的创意可能性,从而提升您的音乐制作体验。
Beats ex machina
利用全新 Drum Machine 的强大合成功能来设计您自己的鼓声,或直接从 MediaBay 导入您自己的样本。Drum Machine 构成了 Drum Track 的核心,可大大简化您的节拍制作工作流程。
使用全新的 Shimmer 效果营造空灵的氛围和梦幻般的混响空间。
超级有创意、极其易于使用且用途广泛:StudioDelay 提供从郁郁葱葱的回声到实验性音景的一切。
探索基于最先进 Dorico 技术的全新乐谱编辑器,并以前所未有的方式制作演奏素材。
在一个视图中打开 Lower Zone 中的完整 MixConsole,并通过拖放重新排列频道。
Cubase 14 unlocks new creative possibilities with groundbreaking features, streamlined workflows, and intuitive design to elevate your music production experience.
Make your move
Experiment with the powerful, yet super-intuitive Modulators. Adding movement to your music has never been this exciting.
Blazing grooves
Program thrilling beats with just a few clicks, randomize your grooves, and explore new rhythmic worlds with the deeply-integrated Pattern Editor.
Beats ex machina
Harness the powerful synthesis of the new Drum Machine to design your own drum sounds, or import your own samples directly from the MediaBay. The Drum Machine forms the core of the Drum Track, which significantly streamlines your beat-making workflow.
Interstellar soundscapes
Create ethereal ambiences and dreamlike, reverberant spaces with the new Shimmer effect.
Sonic playground
Super creative, incredibly easy-to-use and stunningly versatile: StudioDelay offers everything from lush echoes to experimental soundscapes.
A new scoring era
Discover the completely revamped Score Editor, based on state-of-the-art Dorico technology, and produce performance materials like never before.
Gain staging excellence
Optimize your audio with powerful event volume curve editing and streamlined workflows to get the most out of your recordings.
Advanced mixing
Open the full MixConsole in the Lower Zone in one view and re-arrange channels via drag and drop.