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Update 25-04: P2P | 19 March 2025 | 12.32 GB
BASE PACK: P2P | 24 November 2022 | 333+ GB
24-bit / 96 kHz (at least)
BOOM Library 被电影、电视和游戏音频专业人士视为业内最佳库之一。我们以提供富有想象力的高品质工具而闻名,这些工具使声音设计过程既令人兴奋又简单。对于那些想要在紧迫的期限和不断减少的预算下实现卓越表现的人来说,这是一个必不可少的先决条件。
BOOM ONE 将人们对 BOOM Library 的喜爱之处浓缩成一个强大、灵活且公平的集合。
BOOM ONE 拥有 55,000 多个文件,包含 166,000 多个音效,是我们用于一般音效的旗舰库。没有重复使用的声音,只有纯净一致的质量。
非常适合创作者、后期制作、视频、游戏等。集合中的每个样本都以至少 96kHz/24 位录制,大多数声音有 3 种或更多变化,确保您拥有出色的源材料来弯曲、混合、效果等,以获得声音设计创作中所需的确切内容。
许多人声称提供终极通用效果音效库,但没有人像我们一样提供如此强大、灵活和公平的套餐。只有一个这样的库,所以我们除了 BOOM ONE 还能叫它什么呢!
覆盖整个 UCS 板
声音 通用分类系统 (UCS) 将音效分为一组特定类别,以便轻松维护音效库。BOOM ONE 为您提供所有类别的声音,为您提供最全面的声音集。
更新 25-04
更新 25-03
BOOM Library is regarded by movie, TV, and game audio professionals as one of the best in the business. We’ve built our reputation on delivering imaginative, high quality tools to make the sound design process both exciting and simple. An essential prerequisite for those wanting to deliver excellence whilst wrestling with tight deadlines and diminishing budgets.
BOOM ONE condenses all that people love about BOOM Library into a collection that is POWERFUL, FLEXIBLE, AND FAIR.
Starting with 55,000+ files containing 166,000+ sound effects, BOOM ONE is our flagship library for general sound effects. There’s no reused sounds, just pristine and consistent quality.
Perfect for creators, post-pro, video, games and more. Every sample in the collection is recorded at at least 96kHz / 24-bit and most of the sounds come in 3 or more variations, ensuring you have great source material to bend, mash, effect and more to get exactly what you need in your sound design creation.
Of course they are so good that they can be used without any additional processing necessary, the choice is yours.
Need more inspiration, more material to be creative with, more fresh sounds to keep your work interesting? We’ve got you covered, we love getting out our microphones and capturing new sounds. We add new sounds every month within the subscription.
And here’s the best bit, if you need a sound that’s not in the collection, make a request and we’ll do everything we can to add it in an upcoming update. How’s that for customer driven product design!
Lastly, we’ve created flexible ways to pay; you can buy outright with a perpetual license, or spread the cost over time using our subscription plan. We’ve even made it possible for those on a perpetual plan to make a one time payment each year to keep their collection up to date.
Many claim to offer the ultimate general effects sound library, but no one offers such a powerful, flexible, and fair package like us. There’s only one library like this, so what else would we call it but BOOM ONE!
The Universal Category System (UCS) classifies sound effects into a specific set of categories to easily maintain sound effect libraries. BOOM ONE provides you with sounds from all categories to give you the most comprehensive set of sounds to work with.