[创意节拍制作插件]XLN Audio Life 1.1.3-HCiSO [MacOSX](378MB)

Team HCiSO | 30 December 2024 | 378 MB


Life by XLN Audio 让您用生活中最喜欢的时刻的独特声音产生无限的节拍。使用 Life 随附的移动 Field Recorder 和 DAW Recorder 应用程序随时随地捕捉任何内容。

在一个现成的预设和循环使音乐制作变得更加容易的世界里,它也使音乐变得不那么个性化。Life by XLN Audio 使您能够轻松捕捉您的生活时刻并立即创建节拍 – 为您的音乐增添活力。

Life from XLN Audio 缩短了从体验当下到聆听音乐节拍的路径。捕捉滴水的水龙头、厨房用具或放大器的噼啪声,它会立即出现在 Life by XLN Audio 插件中。该插件会自动对 Beat 进行切片、处理和生成 Beat,因此您可以专注于捕捉 Moments 和创建 Beat。

的时刻Life Field Recorder 是一款兼容 iOS 和 Android 的应用程序,可让您使用手机录制任何内容,并立即在 Life by XLN Audio 插件中可用。

Life DAW Recorder 使您能够使用您连接的任何乐器、麦克风或外置设备从 DAW 进行高保真录制。您还可以直接从手机或计算机导入音频或视频,从您已经珍惜的时刻创建节拍。

创建 Beats Life By XLN Audio 插件是所有节拍制作发生的中心。选择一个录音,Life by XLN Audio 会自动生成节拍。试听无穷无尽的节拍变化,找到你最喜欢的快乐意外,然后开始调整。使用 Sound Variation 和 Pattern Variation 等功能调整您的节拍,或者通过编辑 Slice Points、FX 或音序器来更深入地了解细节。

Life by XLN Audios 易于使用的工作流程是使用机器学习模型实现的,为节拍和声音变化以及密度、切分音和对称控制等功能提供支持。

增添生命 XLN Audio 的 Life 让您远离样本库,仔细审视自己的生活以寻找灵感。您可以将 Life 生成的节拍用作起点,也可以将其与其他首选的节拍制作工具一起使用。你可能会发现自己以完全不同的方式看待自己的生活,不断寻找新的声音。

用你的新 Happy Accidents 机器创造节拍。
用您生活中的独特声音生成无限的节拍。只需点击 随机化 直到您听到激发您灵感的东西。使用 Life 无尽的 AI 驱动的变化控件实时调整您的节拍。

Life by XLN Audio 与云同步的 Field Recorder 和 DAW Recorder 捆绑在一起,可轻松进行采样。

随时随地拍摄 Life Field Recorder 移动应用程序可免费获得 iOS 和 Android 版本。它使您能够使用手机录制任何内容,并立即将其同步到 Life by XLN Audio 插件。

在您的音乐工作室中以高保真方式捕捉 Life DAW Recorder 使您能够使用您连接的任何乐器、麦克风或外置设备从 DAW 进行高保真录制。

导入音频 直接从您的手机或计算机导入音频或视频,从您已经珍惜的时刻创建节拍。

→ 了解生活

✓ 探索
随机化,直到你听到能激发你灵感的东西。然后使用 AI 驱动的 Density(密度)、Syncopation(切分)和 Symmetry(对称)控件创建无限变化。

✓ 编辑
使用俏皮直观的音序器编辑您的节拍。使用内置滤波器和 FX 将您的样本提升到一个新的水平。

✓ 记录
让 Life DAW Recorder 运行并在工作室捕捉瞬间。鼓手在展位上摔倒了?这现在是节拍的一部分。

✓ 切片
任何方式切片 将切片点准确地放在您想要的位置,直到样本。或者使用 abandon 切片以获得创意效果。另一个令人愉快的意外只是一个切片点。

✓ 导出
的任何东西和所有内容,直接拖放到您的音乐中。Stems 或整个节拍。单个切片或全部切片。准备以前所未有的速度将样品纳入您的工作流程。


• macOS 10.13 或更高版本
• Apple Silicon 或 Intel Core 处理器

Life by XLN Audio lets you generate infinite beats with the unique sounds from your life’s favorite moments. Capture anything, anywhere, anytime with Life’s accompanying mobile Field Recorder and DAW Recorder apps.

In a world where ready-made presets and loops have made music-making a lot easier, it has also made music less personal. Life by XLN Audio enables you to easily capture your life moments and instantly create beats — adding life to your music.

Life from XLN Audio shortens the path from experiencing the moment to hearing it as beats in your music. Capture a dripping faucet, kitchen appliance, or amp crackle and it will instantly appear in the Life by XLN Audio plugin. The plugin automatically slices, processes, and generates beats so you can focus on capturing moments and creating beats.

Capture Moments Everywhere
The Life Field Recorder is an iOS and Android-compatible app that enables you to record anything using your phone, instantly making it available in the Life by XLN Audio plugin.

The Life DAW Recorder enables you to record in high fidelity from your DAW, utilizing any instrument, microphone or outboard gear you have connected. You can also import audio or video directly from your phone or your computer, creating beats from moments you already cherish.

Create Beats Instantly
The Life By XLN Audio plugin is the heart where all the beat-making takes place. Select a recording and Life by XLN Audio automatically generates beats. Audition endless variations of beats, find your favorite happy accident, and start tweaking. Tweak your beat using features like Sound Variation and Pattern Variation, or go even deeper into the details by editing Slice Points, FX or sequencers.

Life by XLN Audios’ easy-to-use workflow is made possible using Machine Learning models, powering features such as Beat and Sound Variations as well as Density, Syncopation, and Symmetry controls.

Add Life To Your Music
Life by XLN Audio allows you to take a step away from sample libraries and take a closer look at your own life to find inspiration. You can use beats generated by Life as a starting point or as a personal touch together with your other go-to tools for beat-making. You might find yourself looking at your own life in a completely different way, constantly on the search for new sounds.

Create beats with your new happy accidents machine.
Generate infinite beats with the unique sounds from your life. Just hit Randomize until you hear something that inspires you. Tweak your beat live with Life’s endless AI-powered variation controls.

Capture anything. Instantly synced to your desktop.
Life by XLN Audio comes bundled with the cloud synced Field Recorder and DAW Recorder for effortless sampling.

Capture on the go with your mobile phone
The Life Field Recorder mobile app is available for free for iOS and Android. It enables you to record anything using your phone and instantly syncs it to the Life by XLN Audio plugin.

Capture in high fidelity in your music studio
The Life DAW Recorder enables you to record in high fidelity from your DAW, utilizing any instrument, microphone or outboard gear you have connected.

Import audio from your favorite moments
Import audio or video directly from your phone or your computer, creating beats from moments you already cherish.

→ Get to know Life

✓ Explore
Create endless beat variations
Randomize until you hear something that inspires you. Then create infinite variations using the AI-powered Density, Syncopation and Symmetry controls.

✓ Edit
Perfect your groove and shape your sound
Edit your beat with the playful and intuitive sequencer. Take your samples to the next level with the built-in filters and FX.

✓ Record
Capture magic when it happens
Leave the Life DAW Recorder running and capture moments in the studio. Drummer fell over in the booth? That’s now a part of the beat.

✓ Slice
Slice it any way you like
Put the slice points exactly where you want them, down to the sample. Or slice with abandon for creative effect. Another happy accident is only a slice point away.

✓ Export
Anything and everything you need
Drag & drop right into your music. Stems or the whole beat. A single slice, or all of them. Prepare to get samples into your workflow faster than ever before.

Release Notes

Supported Operation System:
• macOS 10.13 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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