[Massive合成器]Native Instruments Massive v1.7.0+扩展+教程 [WiN, MacOSX](164.2 MB+288.50MB+4.28GB)

Win:Team R2R | 08 January 2025 | 164.2 MB
Mac:Team HCiSO | 01 January 2025 | 288.50 MB








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MASSIVE 是一款声音怪兽 — 终极的低音和主音合成器。虚拟模拟概念掩盖了它产生的现代、尖端声音。MASSIVE 布局清晰、易于使用,从第一个音符开始就能为您带来惊天动地的声音。


MASSIVE 用最柔滑、最有冲击力的低音为您的曲目奠定了坚实的基础。即使混音中堆积着沙砾和污垢,锋利的主音也能穿透混音。而大量波表振荡器、调制选项、滤波器和效果器提供了广泛而鼓舞人心的声音频谱。

MASSIVE 包含 1300 多种声音,全部由顶尖艺术家和声音设计师精心打造。高效的搜索和直观的过滤功能让您可以根据特定的特征和属性找到预设 — 一种特别音乐和直观的方法。

MASSIVE 的宏控制提供快速、直接的控制 – 自动映射到所有 Komplete Kontrol S 系列键盘和所有 Maschine 硬件上的八个宏旋钮。

声音的所有最重要参数都已预先配置并映射到这些控制器上。单个控制器可以处理多个分配 – 例如,只需扭转“节奏”并观察多个底层参数如何同时变化。

宏控制使您能够立即深入地自定义 MASSIVE 的任何预设,而无需了解声音的技术结构。宏控制本质上将每个声音变成一组可能的声音,这些声音可以无缝地相互变形。

此外,宏控制是与其他应用程序最重要的接口。它们是 MIDI 分配的目标,可以使用 MIDI 学习功能轻松设置。当 MASSIVE 用作插件时,它们也是报告给任何主机的前八个参数。

MASSIVE 的声音合成基于独特的波扫描算法,该算法在三个并行振荡器模块中实现。它将最高的音质与最大的灵活性和可控性结合在一起。可以将波形扫描振荡器视为多轨音序器;其中一个音轨包含锯齿波,另一个音轨包含脉冲波。在垂直维度上,MASSIVE 的每个振荡器都允许这些音轨无缝淡入淡出。在水平维度上,单个循环的读出速度曲线可以在三种不同的弯曲模式下进行操纵。

MASSIVE 在每个波表中都具有无限数量的此类“音轨”,以及两种与时间和频率设置相关的附加操纵模式。当然,“音轨”不限于通常的锯齿波或脉冲波。

MASSIVE 带有 85 个专门设计的波表,每个波表都具有独特的波形和特定声音特性组合。最后,可以使用调制振荡器来改变主振荡器的信号。它可用于环形调制、相位调制(听起来类似于 FM)以及其他调制模式。噪声发生器提供额外的信号源,可以与其他信号混合,产生特定的效果。例如,它可以与 MASSIVE 的梳状滤波器结合使用,以物理建模方式进行声音设计。

MASSIVE 的基本结构符合众所周知的减法合成范式,使其易于理解,同时确保信号流高度灵活。您可以在信号流的各个位置放置两个插入效果。您还可以在任何点获取信号并将其路由回开头。例如,您可以过滤声音并将其反馈到滤波器的输入中。这可以产生非常生动和动态的效果。通过将插入效果放入反馈路径,灵活性进一步提高。


MASSIVE 具有几种类型的调制源,得益于创新的用户界面,可以轻松将其分配给其任何参数。可以将多个参数分配给单个宏控件,将技术设置捆绑到单个控件中 – 一种更具音乐性的方法。例如,您可以将两个滤波器的截止频率分配给一个宏控件并将其标记为“亮度”。

MASSIVE 中的包络具有高级循环模式:可以循环包络的一部分,并且您可以在定义的循环起点和终点之间在不同的过渡或交叉淡入淡出之间变形。各种其他选项使 MASSIVE 的包络真正独一无二。

MASSIVE 包含两种步进音序器模式:虽然步进器符合众所周知的既定操作模式,但执行器允许对每个步骤进行单独调整,使其成为高级节奏结构的理想选择。灵活的低频振荡器完善了调制源列表。可能性的多样性与使用速度一样多。通过为所有调制源(例如包络、LFO、步进器和执行器)的标准任务包含模板,这进一步增强了这一点。例如,将包络设置为通用 ADSR 形状是一个快速的一键式问题。

MASSIVE 的各种全局设置页面允许调整各种参数 – 大多数其他合成器都没有提及且无法调整的参数。MASSIVE 揭示了其真正的声音设计潜力。Keytracking 页面将键盘或音序器为每个振荡器和滤波器单独映射生成的传入音高信息。甚至可以对滤波器的截止频率和其他附加参数(例如带通滤波器的宽度或梳状滤波器的反馈)进行单独的键控控制。这样就可以创建只需弹奏键盘即可控制的效果。

与大多数合成器一样,您可以在弹奏连奏音符时调整音高之间的滑音时间。MASSIVE 更进一步,允许调整每个振荡器的音高范围或相位。Voicing 页面允许在复音和单音语音处理之间切换,以及多个语音触发选项,例如使用键盘轻松演奏音乐般的颤音。

一个音符可以触发多个声音。就像管弦乐队中几把小提琴演奏同一个“声音”,使声音更加温暖和生动一样,unisono 功能可使您的声音厚实而生动。此功能还可以调整到极端设置,将您的声音扩展到几个八度或填充立体声全景 – 所有这些都只需演奏一个音符即可。

包含 1300 多种可用于制作的声音,包括以前产品“MASSIVE Expansion”1 和 2、“Urban Arsenal”1 和 2 以及“MASSIVE Threat”的完整音色库。所有音色都有预定义的宏控制,并且均由专业音效设计师和知名艺术家精心打造。所包含的风格范围与音乐本身一样广泛和多样,无论您当前正在创作的作品风格如何,都一定会激发您的灵感。


MASSIVE Expansions
MASSIVE Expansions 是专为 Native Instruments MASSIVE 设计的全新定制预设系列。每个预设都包含 150 个可自定义的预设 – 为您提供立即将您的想法变为现实所需的要素。



• macOS 13.0 或更高版本
• Apple Silicon 或 Intel Core 处理器

MASSIVE is a sonic monster – the ultimate synth for basses and leads. The virtual-analogue concept belies the contemporary, cutting-edge sound it generates. Clearly laid out and easy to use, MASSIVE gives you earth-shuddering sounds from the very first note.

The synth that defined bass music, this powerhouse synthesizer is an uncompromising sonic monster and the go-to choice for bass music and electro producers.

MASSIVE gives your tracks a solid foundation with the creamiest, punchiest basses. Razor-sharp leads cut through the mix even with grit and dirt piled high. And an overwhelming array of wavetable oscillators, modulation options, and filters, and effects offer a sonic spectrum as broad as it is inspiring.

MASSIVE contains over 1300 sounds, all crafted by leading artists and sound designers. The efficient search and intuitive filter functions let you find presets according to specific characteristics and attributes – a particularly musical and intuitive approach.

MASSIVE’s macro controls offer fast, direct control – automatically mapped to the eight macro knobs on all Komplete Kontrol S-Series keyboards, and all Maschine hardware.

All of a sound’s most important parameters are pre-configured and mapped to these controllers. A single controller can handle multiple assignments – for example, just twist ‘Rhythm’ and watch how multiple underlying parameters change simultaneously.

The macro controls enable you to customize any of MASSIVE’s presets instantly and profoundly, without having to understand the technical structure of the sound. The macro controls essentially turn each sound into a set of possible sounds that seamlessly morph into one another.

Moreover, the macro controls are the most important interface to other applications. They are targets for MIDI assignments, which are easily set using the MIDI Learn function. They are also the first eight parameters that are reported to any host when MASSIVE is used as a plug-in.

MASSIVE’s sound synthesis is based on a unique Wave Scanning algorithm, implemented in three parallel oscillator modules. It combines the highest sonic quality with utmost flexibility and controllability. Think of a Wave Scanning oscillator as a multi-track sequencer; one of the tracks contains a saw wave and the other a pulse wave. In the vertical dimension, each of MASSIVE’s oscillators allows these tracks to be faded seamlessly into one another. In the horizontal dimension, a single cycle’s read-out speed curve can be manipulated in three different bending modes.

MASSIVE features an unlimited number of these “tracks” in each wavetable as well as two additional manipulation modes relevant for time and frequency settings. Of course, the “tracks” are not restricted to usual sawtooth or pulse waves.

MASSIVE comes with 85 specially designed wavetables, each one with a unique combination of waveforms and particular sonic characteristics. Finally, a modulation oscillator can be used to vary the main oscillators’ signal. It can be used for ring modulation, phase modulation (which sounds similar to FM) as well as further modulation modes. A noise generator provides an additional signal source that can be mixed in with the other signals, generating particular effects. It can, for instance, be used in combination with MASSIVE’s comb filters for a physical modelling approach to sound design.

MASSIVE’s basic structure conforms to the well-known subtractive synthesis paradigm, making it easy to understand while simultaneously ensuring the signal flow is highly flexible. You can place two insert effects at various places within the signal flow. You can also take the signal at any point and route it back to the beginning. For example, you can filter a sound and feed it back into the filter’s input. This can create very lively and dynamic results. The flexibility is further increased by placing an insert effect into the feedback path.

You can route any of the oscillator’s signals directly to the synthesizer’s output, bypassing all filters and/or master effects. This feature allows a direct ‘punch’ to be added to layered, highly modulated sounds, for example, to add a sub-bass.

MASSIVE features several types of modulation sources that, thanks to the innovative user interface, can easily be assigned to any of its parameters. Multiple parameters can be assigned to a single macro control, bundling technical settings into a single control – a far more musical approach. For instance, you can assign both the filters’ cutoff frequencies to one macro control and label it as “Brightness”.

The envelopes in MASSIVE feature an advanced loop mode: a part of the envelope can be looped and you can morph between different transitions or crossfades for the defined loop start and end points. Various other options make MASSIVE’s envelopes truly unique.

MASSIVE contains two step sequencer modes: While the Stepper conforms to the well-known, established operating modes, the Performer allows each step to be shaped individually, making it ideal for advanced rhythmic structures. A flexible low frequency oscillator completes the list of modulation sources. The variety of possibilities is as wide as it is fast to use. This is further enhanced by the inclusion of templates for standard tasks for all the modulation sources, such as envelopes, LFOs, steppers and performers. For example, setting an envelope to a generic ADSR shape is a quick, one-click issue.

MASSIVE’s various global settings pages allow a variety of parameters to be adjusted – parameters that most other synthesizers leave unmentioned and unadjustable. MASSIVE unveils their true sound design potential. The Keytracking pages map the incoming pitch information generated by your keyboard or sequencer individually for each oscillator and filter. There is even separate keytracking control over the filters’ cut-off frequencies and other additional parameters such as a bandpass filter’s width or a comb filter’s feedback. This allows effects to be created that can be controlled by simply playing your keyboard.

Like in most synthesizers, you can adjust glide times between pitches when you play legato notes. MASSIVE goes a step further, allowing the pitchbend range or the phase of each oscillator to be adjusted. The Voicing page allows switching between polyphonic and monophonic voice handling as well as several voice trigger options, for example playing musical-sounding trills easily with your keyboard.

Several voices can be triggered by a single note. Much like an orchestra where several violins play the same ‘voice’, making the sound warmer and more lively, the unisono feature makes your sound thick and vivid. This feature can also be adjusted to extreme settings, spreading your voices over several octaves or filling the stereo panorama – all with just one single note being played.

MASSIVE contains over 1300 production-ready sounds, including the full libraries from former products ‘MASSIVE Expansion’ 1 and 2, ‘Urban Arsenal’ 1 and 2, and ‘MASSIVE Threat’. All have pre-defined macro controls and all have been crafted by professional sound designers and well-known artists. The spectrum of styles included is as wide and varied as music itself, bound to inspire you no matter what the flavour of the piece you’re currently working on.

The browser, besides being intuitive and easy to handle, delivers results in an instant.

MASSIVE Expansions
MASSIVE Expansions are a new line of tailor-made presets exclusively designed for Native Instruments MASSIVE. Each comes loaded with 150 customizable presets – giving you the ingredients you need to instantly bring your ideas to life.

Release Notes

Happy New Year 🍾🎈🎊

Supported Operation System:
• macOS 13.0 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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