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[Electra X音色库]Tone2 Electra X Soundbank 2.2023 [WiN]
[Electra X音色库]Tone2 Electra X Soundbank 2.2023 [MacOSX]
[最强大的Electra合成器插件]Tone2 Electra v3.2.1 [WiN](255MB)
屡获殊荣的 Electra 不仅是有史以来最强大的合成器之一 – 它是完整的合成解决方案!探索由多合成振荡器、模拟滤波器、混沌分形、采样、灵活的调制和巨大的声音范围组成的广阔音乐世界。
Electra v2.6 中的更改:
- 新的合成模式:模拟振荡器(Saw、Square、Triangle、Sine、Half Sine、Comb、Pulse 25%)。
- 新的合成模式:软同步(如果目标振荡器是模拟振荡器,则激活;与三角形配合得很好)。
- 新的合成模式:模拟脉宽调制(选择模拟>’Pulse PW’;PW 旋钮控制脉冲宽度)。
- 新效果器:与 BPM 速率同步的 ‘Gated Reverb’。
- 新效果:“Gated Reverb Echo”是带有延迟的 Gated Reverb,与 BPM 同步。
- 新效果器:与 BPM 速率同步的 ‘Reverse Reverb’。
- 新效果:’Stereo Width’ 允许将全景从单声道扩展到环绕声。
- 新效果:“Laser Punch”添加额外的冲击力。将它与锯齿一起使用,以发出咔嚓咔嚓的 “Rubber Bass” 声音。
- 新效果:’Stereo flanger’。
- 新效果:带有 dolby prologic 兼容环绕声编码的“Surround pan”。
- 新滤波器: ‘LP Butter’ 是一个模拟建模的巴特沃斯滤波器,具有 24dB。模拟旋钮控制嘈杂度。
- 新滤波器:“LP Tone2”是一个模拟建模的跳跃滤波器,具有 24dB。模拟旋钮控制非线性。
- 新滤波器: ‘LP Elliptic’ 是一个斜率为 40dB 的数字滤波器。
- 如果存在 26 个以上的类别,补丁浏览器将显示滚动条。
- 双击旋钮可将其重置为默认值。
- 自定义波形 – >“加载波形”现在显示一个弹出菜单,其中包含ElectraX_wavetables中的所有可用波形。
- 可以使用摩轮快速选择自定义波形。
- 自定义 Wave->’Random wave’ 生成随机波形。
- ‘Save Wave’ 导出一个带有振荡器波形的 wav 文件。
- 新的采样效果器:’Phase shifter’ 创建一个非常相似的声音采样。它可用于“样品透明化”,因为很难证明样品的来源。
- 琶音器的新半调模式:3/4 选择取决于琶音的小三度或大三度。
- Mac 上对鼠标滚轮的“自然滚动”支持。
- 列表选择器现在有复选标记。
- 40 个额外的补丁。
- 增强了 ‘Reverb Hall’ 的声音,特别适合小尺寸。
- 增强了 ‘Reverb Room’ 的声音,适合小尺寸。
- 增强了 ‘Reverb Cathedral’ 的声音。
- 略微增强了 ‘Reverb Big’ 的声音,减少了低频隆隆声。
- 略微增强了 ‘Reverb Infinity’ 的声音,减少了低频隆隆声。
- 文本样式参数显示一个手形符号,可以使用鼠标进行更改。
- 有关一些工具提示的更详细描述。
- 如果工具提示被隐藏,旋钮的信息框也会被隐藏。
- 更好的 Chorus 默认设置。
- 更好的 Ensemble 默认设置。
- PC 上的 Mousewheel 具有更激进的重点。
- 波形显示中不再有削波。
- 在 ‘custom wave’ 上更干净的 PWM 调制声音。
- 滤波器频率响应显示更精确。
- 在高频下,三角形、方形和锯齿 LFO 的精度更高。
- “Dynamic loud”、“Bright”和“Loudness”的线性频率响应更线性。
- Init->’Reset All’ 将 Pitchwheel 设置为 +-12。
- 清理了一些工具提示。
- 几个小的改进。
- 更流畅的波形显示。
- 重新设计了一些 ‘init patch’ 模板。
- 修复:44kHz 和 48 kHz 采样率的时序不正确。
- 修复:一些 PC 主机在移动旋钮时鼠标光标显示等待圈的问题。
- 已修复:LFO“淡化”不适用于某些波形。
- 已修复:关闭并打开 GUI 后,未显示复选标记“多层编辑”。
- 已修复:修复了 Reverb 效果器中的非正规现象。
- 已修复:修复了当音量包络延音设置为 0 时可以听到的咔嗒声。
- 已修复:如果在加载 Patch 时按下琴键,单声道琶音器有时不会播放。
- 修复:包络部分的 “保持 ”时间显示不正确。
- 已修复:LFO 速度文本在鼠标悬停时确实显示鼠标上/下箭头。
- 修复:STEP Lfo 速度显示不正确。
- 已修复:如果切换矩阵目标,旋钮的调制深度可能不正确。
- 文本样式参数不再显示 “*”。
对于 MAC:
- 运行安装,然后将 t2k 文件拖到安装 VST 的位置。
- 如果您安装了其他版本的 Electra,请将其安装到其他文件夹中。
- 之后,运行你的 daw,扫描 VST,它应该就可以开始了!
- 确保您的 DAW 正在扫描您安装它的文件夹。
- 如果您的计算机上安装了另一个 Electra 实例,则安装 Electra 2.6 可能会出现问题。
安装说明 WiN:
- 运行安装文件,然后将 .t2k 文件拖到安装 Electra v2.6 的文件夹中。
- 如果您已经安装了其他版本的 Electra,请将此版本安装到其他文件夹中。
- 安装完成后,启动您的 DAW 并运行 VST 扫描,应该可以开始了!
- 确保您的 DAW 正在扫描您安装它的文件夹。
- 如果您的计算机上已经安装了另一个 Electra 实例,则安装 Electra v.2.6 可能会出现问题。
Tone2 Audio 已将合成器工作站 Electra 更新到 v2.8,这是一个重大更新,可免费获得。
Electra 2.8 包括一个具有 6 种不同大小的大 GUI、增强的声音、更高的性能、新功能和许多改进。Electra 2.8 与所有以前的版本向下兼容。无需任何其他步骤即可加载所有现有的歌曲项目和 Patch。他们将受益于增强的音质。
产品页面、mp3 演示和信息
可以通过单击“SIZE”从 6 种 GUI 大小中进行选择。
当使用自动化或 MIDI 学习时,滤波器显示、osc 显示、LFO 显示和包络显示都会被动画化。
当 Patch 浏览器可见时,Pitchwheel 和 Modwheel 将进行动画处理。
在 Mac 上为安装程序添加了公证。
在 Mac 上支持代码签名,因为新主机可能需要它才能运行插件。
与 MacOS Catalina 的兼容性。
全新的 AudioUnit 界面。
补丁浏览器中的 pitch-wheel 和 mod-wheel 的对比度更高。
更准确的 MIDI 事件计时。
更准确地处理 MIDI 音轮。
通过减少失谐,略微增强了 PingPong、Delay 和 Delay-Diffuse 的声音。
增强了 Delay-Band 和 Multitap(延迟带)和多拍子的声音和默认设置。
增强了 Reverb-Hall 和 Reverb-Cathedral 的声音和性能。
Mac 上的 32 位不再受支持。如果您仍在使用它,请改为安装 Electra 2.7。
MacOS 10.7 是现在的最低要求。如果您仍在使用 10.6 或 10.5,请安装 Electra 2.7。
修复了 Cubase 和 FL-Studio 可能出现的兼容性问题,即屏幕为空白。
Apple AU 管理器中一个已知错误的解决方法:不再需要重新启动 Mac 来检测插件。
The award-winning Electra is not only one of the most powerful synthesizers ever – it’s the complete synthesis solution! Explore a vast musical universe of multi-synthesis oscillators, analog filters, chaotic fractals, samples, flexible modulation and an immense sonic range.
Changes in Electra v2.6:
- New synthesis mode: Analog oscillators (Saw, Square, Triangle, Sine, Half Sine, Comb, Pulse 25%).
- New synthesis mode: Soft sync (is active if the target oscillator is analog; works well with triangle).
- New synthesis mode: Analog pulsewidth modulation (select Analog->’Pulse PW’; PW knob controls the pulsewidth).
- New effect: ‘Gated Reverb’ which syncs to the BPM rate.
- New effect: ‘Gated Reverb Echo’ is Gated Reverb with a delay which syncs to BPM.
- New effect: ‘Reverse Reverb’ which syncs to the BPM rate.
- New effect: ‘Stereo Width’ allows to spread the panorama from mono to surround.
- New effect: ‘Laser Punch’ adds additional punch. Use it with a sawtooth to gereate a zzapping ‘Rubber Bass’ sound.
- New effect: ‘Stereo flanger’.
- New effect: ‘Surround pan’ with dolby prologic compatible surround encoding.
- New filter: ‘LP Butter’ is an analog modeled butterworth filter with 24dB. The analog knob controls the noisyness.
- New filter: ‘LP Tone2’ is an analog modeled leapfrog filter with 24dB. The analog knob controls non-linearity.
- New filter: ‘LP Elliptic’ is a digital filter with 40dB slope.
- The patch browser shows a scrollbar if more than 26 categories exist.
- Doubleclick on a knob resets it to the default value.
- Custom Wave->’Load wave’ now shows a popup menu with all available waveforms in ElectraX_wavetables.
- Custom waveforms can quickly be selected with the mouswheel.
- Custom Wave->’Random wave’ generates a random waveform.
- ‘Save Wave’ exports a wav file with the oscillator’s waveform.
- New Sample effect: ‘Phase shifter’ creates a very similar sounding sample. It can be used for ‘sample clearing’, since it is difficult to proove the origin of the sample.
- New halftone mode for the arpeggiator: 3/4 selects a minor or major third which depends on the root key .
- ‘Natural scrolling’ support for the mousewheel on Mac.
- List selectors now have checkmarks.
- 40 additional patches.
- Enhanced sound of ‘Reverb Hall’, especially for for small sizes.
- Enhanced sound of ‘Reverb Room’ for small sizes.
- Enhanced sound of ‘Reverb Cathedral’.
- Slightly enhanced sound of ‘Reverb Big’ with reduced low frequency rumble.
- Slightly enhanced sound of ‘Reverb Infinity’ with reduced low frequency rumble.
- A hand symbol is shown for text-style parameters which can be altered with the mouse.
- More detailed description for some tooltips.
- If tooltips are hidden the info boxes for the knobs are also hidden.
- Better default settings for Chorus.
- Better default settings for Ensemble.
- Mousewheel on PC has a more aggressive focus.
- No more clipping in the waveform displays.
- More clean sound of PWM modulation on ‘custom wave’.
- Filter frequency response display is more precise.
- Higher precision of triangle, square and saw LFO at high frequencies.
- More linear frequency response of ‘Dynamic loud’, ‘Bright’ and ‘Loudness’.
- Init->’Reset All’ sets Pitchwheel to +-12.
- Cleaned up some tooltips.
- Several small enhancements.
- More smooth looking waveform displays.
- Reworked some ‘init patch’ templates.
- Fixed: The timing in 44kHz and 48 kHz samplerate was incorrect .
- Fixed: One some PC hosts the mouse cursor showed a wait circle when a knob was moved.
- Fixed: LFO ‘Fade’ did not work with some waveforms.
- Fixed: The checkmark ‘Multilayer edit’ was not shown after closing and opening the GUI.
- Fixed: Fixed a denormal in the Reverb effect.
- Fixed: Fixed a click that could be audible when volume envelope sustain was set to 0.
- Fixed: Monophonic arpeggiators sometimes did not play if keys were hit while loading a patch.
- Fixed: ‘Hold’ time in the envelope section was displayed incorrectly.
- Fixed: LFO speed text did display a mouse up/down arrow on mouseover.
- Fixed: STEP Lfo speed display was incorrect.
- Fixed: Modulation depth of knobs could have been incorrect if matrix target was switched.
- Text-style parameters do not longer display a “*”.
For MAC:
- Run the installation then drag in the t2k file to where you installed the VST.
- If you have another version of Electra installed, install it to a different folder.
- After that, run your daw, scan for the VST and it should be good to go!
- Make sure your DAW is scanning for the folder where you installed it.
- There may be issues installing Electra 2.6 if you have another instance of Electra installed on your computer.
Installation Notes WiN:
- Run the installation file then drag in the .t2k file to the folder where you installed Electra v2.6.
- If you have another version of Electra already installed, install THIS version to a different folder.
- After the installation is done, start your DAW and run the scan for VST and it should be good to go!
- Make sure your DAW is scanning for the folder where you installed it.
- There may be issues installing Electra v.2.6 IF you have another instance of Electra already installed on your computer.
Tone2 Audio has updated the synthesizer-workstation Electra to v2.8, a major update, which is available for free.
Electra 2.8 includes a big GUI with 6 different sizes, enhanced sound, higher performance, new features and lots of improvements. Electra 2.8 is downward compatible with all previous versions. All existing song projects and patches can be loaded without any further steps necessary. They will benefit from the enhanced sound-quality.
Download link (free demo and update):
Product page, mp3 demos and info:
New features:
A big interface is available beside of the normal scale now.
It is possible to select from 6 GUI sizes by clicking on ‘SIZE’.
The plugin detects the screen-resolution and selects the best size automatically.
The filter-display, the osc-display, the LFO-display and the envelope-display are animated when automation or MIDI-learn is used.
Pitchwheel and Modwheel are animated when the patch-browser is visible.
Added Notarisation for the installers on Mac.
Support for Code-Signing on the Mac, since new hosts may require it to be able to run plugins.
Compatibility with MacOS Catalina.
Completely new AudioUnit interface.
The plugin and songs are loading, saving, opening and closing faster.
Better compatibility with other plugins.
More intuitive handling of sample-loops.
Better descriptions for some tool-tips.
Many small enhancements for the user-interface.
Fixed some typos.
More contrast for the pitch-wheel and mod-wheel in the patch-browser.
More accurate timing for MIDI-events.
More accurate processing of MIDI-pitchwheel.
Enhanced sound-quality:
Slightly enhanced sound of PingPong, Delay and Delay-Diffuse by reducing the detuning.
Enhanced sound and default-settings for Delay-Band and Multitap.
Enhanced sound and performance of Reverb-Hall and Reverb-Cathedral.
Enhanced sound-quality of sample-playback in high octaves.
32-bit on Mac is not longer supported. If you still use it, install Electra 2.7 instead.
MacOS 10.7 is the minimum requirement now. If you still use 10.6 or 10.5, install Electra 2.7.
Fixed a possible crash.
Fixed a possible compatibility-problem with Cubase and FL-Studio where the screen was blank.
Workaround for a well-known bug in Apple’s AU-manager: It is not longer necessary to reboot the Mac to detect the plugin.