[喷火交响乐团] Spitfire Audio Spitfire Symphony Orchestra v1.0.1 [KONTAKT] (319.47 GB)
[更新:喷火交响乐团] Spitfire Audio Spitfire Symphony Orchestra v1.1.0 Update ONLY [KONTAKT] (4.62GB)
[更新:喷火交响乐团] Spitfire Audio Spitfire Symphony Orchestra v1.3.3 Update ONLY [KONTAKT](10.18GB)
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Studio Orchestra Professional是世界一流的弦,铜管和木管乐器的集合,在Air Studio One中进行了详尽采样,并由Simon Rhodes设计。他是一位屡获格莱美奖的麦克风魔术师,还是Abbey Road Studios的一名高级工程师,他一直是电影乐谱录制方面最高水平的专家,曾担任James Horner长达18年的工程师。阿凡达(Avatar),天降(Skyfall)和幽灵(Spectre)等大片都经过了罗兹(Rhodes)处理。
Spitfire Studio Strings标志着至关重要的全新Spitfire Orchestra系列的首次发行。我们的目标是创建一个功能强大的多功能干燥阶段样品库。通过选择Air Studio One清新活泼的环境,它比华丽的Lyndhurst Hall更加小巧,可控制,为我们的作曲家提供了同时具有深度,细节和焦点的弦乐库。从激情的戏剧到现代的斯堪的纳维亚黑色,它都可以使用。它适合古怪的独立电影和流行音乐,但也可以处理史诗般的电影和游戏配乐。
Spitfire Studio Brass是我们至关重要的全新Spitfire Studio Orchestra系列中的第二个版本。在制作的两年中,我们的目标是创建一个功能强大的前端干燥阶段样品库。通过选择Air Studio One清新活泼的环境,它比华丽的Lyndhurst Hall更为小巧,可控制,为我们的作曲家们提供了一个黄铜库,它具有深度,细节和震撼力。这是黄铜家族的一个完整聚会,包括鲜为人知的亲戚,如低音喇叭,低音提琴和低音鼓。史诗般的力量在发挥,但它附带了干燥台的优雅和精确的细节。
Spitfire Studio Brass Professional具有丰富的清晰度,可以捕捉到最广泛的情感表现。选择独奏,二重奏或部分表演;通过鼓起,颤动的舌头和断尾的刺以及传统的发音来实现音乐的细节;您可以从放置在离播放器非常近的麦克风中进行选择,再到Air Studio One边缘的支腿和周围环境中进行选择–或混合搭配以实现绝对的音调控制。
Spitfire Studio Woodwinds是我们至关重要的Studio Orchestra系列中的第三个也是最后一个版本。通过选择Air Studio One清新活泼的环境(比豪华的Lyndhurst Hall小得多,更可控制的空间),我们为作曲家提供了木管乐器库,可以捕捉到所有深度和细节的谷物。与我们的其他Professional Studio库一样,我们追求的部分亲戚不那么频繁-从低音提琴的扎结,打结的深度到短笛的闪闪发光的声音-独奏和部分演奏,以及大量的发音。专业版为您提供了额外的乐器,例如低音提琴的单簧管和英语,著名工程师西蒙·罗德斯的两种混音,以及额外的麦克风位置-从亲密的麦克风一直到支腿和环境,或者混合搭配以实现绝对的音调控制。 Spitfire Studio Woodwinds Professional在最锐利的细节上拥有最广泛的情感表现,将为您的乐团注入新的活力。
Studio Orchestra Professional is a collection of world-class strings, brass and woodwinds, exhaustively sampled at Air Studio One and engineered by Simon Rhodes. A microphone magician with multiple Grammy awards to his name, and a senior engineer at Abbey Road Studios, he has worked at the highest level in film score recording, having been James Horner’s go-to engineer for 18 years. Blockbuster movies such as Avatar, Skyfall and Spectre have all had the Rhodes treatment.
Spitfire Studio Strings marks the first release of a vital all-new Spitfire Orchestra range. Our ambition was to create an incredibly versatile pro-end dry stage sample library. By choosing the crisp and vibrant setting of Air Studio One, a smaller, more controllable space than the opulent Lyndhurst Hall, we offer our fellow composers a string library with depth, detail and focus all at once. It will work on anything from passionate period dramas to modern Scandi noir. It’s a fit for quirky indie and crisp pop, but can also tackle epic film and games scores.
Spitfire Studio Brass is the second release in our vital all-new Spitfire Studio Orchestra range. Two years in the making, our ambition was to create an incredibly versatile pro-end, dry-stage sample library. By choosing the crisp and vibrant setting of Air Studio One, a smaller, more controllable space than the opulent Lyndhurst Hall, we offer our fellow composers a brass library with depth, detail and awesome punch. This is a full gathering of the brass family, including less frequently heard relatives such as bass trumpet, contrabass tuba and cimbasso. Epic power is on tap, but it comes with the grace and pinpoint detail of the dry stage.
Spitfire Studio Brass Professional captures the widest emotional range of performance, with abundant articulations. Choose solo, duet or section performances; realise the detail of your music with swells, flutter tongues and staccatissimo stabs as well as traditional articulations; choose from microphones placed super-close to the player, through to outriggers and ambients at the edges of Air Studio One – or mix and match for absolute tonal control.
Spitfire Studio Woodwinds is the third and final release in our vital Studio Orchestra range. By choosing the crisp and vibrant setting of Air Studio One – a smaller, more controllable space than the opulent Lyndhurst Hall – we offer our fellow composers a woodwind library that captures every grain in depth and detail. As with our other Professional Studio libraries, we have pursued less frequently heard relatives of the section – from the guttural, knotted depths of the contrabassoon to the gleaming sounds of the piccolo — solo and section performances, and an abundant range of articulations. The Professional edition gives you extra instruments, such as the contrabass clarinet and cor anglais, two mixes from renowned engineer Simon Rhodes, and extra mic positions — move from intimate microphones through to outriggers and ambients, or mix and match for absolute tonal control. Boasting the widest emotional range of performance in pin-sharp detail, Spitfire Studio Woodwinds Professional will breathe new life in to your orchestra.
Home Page:http://www.spitfireaudio.com/shop/a-z/spitfire-studio-orchestra-professional/