SonoBus 是一款易于使用的应用程序,可通过互联网或本地网络在设备之间流式传输高质量、低延迟的点对点音频。
将多个用户连接在一起,在群组中的所有用户之间发送和接收音频,并对延迟、质量和整体混音进行细粒度控制。包括可选的输入压缩、噪声门和 EQ 效果,以及主混响。所有设置都是动态的,网络统计数据清晰可见。
可作为独立应用程序在 macOS、Windows、iOS 和 GNU/Linux 上运行,也可作为音频插件(AU、VST 和 AAX)在 macOS 和 Windows 上运行。可在桌面、DAW 或移动设备上使用它。
易于设置和使用,但仍提供音频爱好者希望看到的所有细节。 可以使用低延迟 Opus 编解码器从完全未压缩的 PCM(16、24 或 32 位)或各种压缩比特率(每通道 16-256 kbps)即时调整音频质量。
SonoBus 不使用任何回声消除或自动降噪来保持最高音频质量。 因此,如果您有实时麦克风信号,您还需要使用耳机来防止回声和/或反馈。
为了获得最佳效果并实现最低延迟,请将您的计算机通过有线以太网连接到路由器。 虽然它可以与 WiFi 一起使用,但增加的网络抖动和数据包丢失将要求您使用更大的抖动缓冲区来保持高质量的音频信号,这会导致更高的延迟。
SonoBus 1.7.2 发行说明
从 1.7.1 开始
在主窗口上添加了专用按钮,用于获取 VDO.Ninja 组视频链接(对于那些甚至不知道它在那里的人!)
修复了 VDO.Ninja 链接生成器,在浏览器中打开现在可以正常运行(以前从未如此)
修复了 Windows 上的字体大小问题
从 1.7.0 开始:
添加了带有键绑定(cmd/ctrl-J)的“重置所有抖动缓冲区”按钮(靠近 FX 底部)为
VDO.Ninja 链接生成器添加了附加功能,允许您创建用于网络摄像头和屏幕共享的链接,您可以在多个浏览器窗口/选项卡中同时使用这些链接。此外,还添加了一个选项来生成链接,以便仅推送您的内容,而不查看任何人……如果您同时使用网络摄像头和屏幕共享,并选择其中一个不查看任何人,这会很方便。
为 Linux 添加了 LV2 插件(如果有人要求,也可以为其他平台)
在 Soundboard 底部添加了 Soundboard 音量控制和发送到组控件
修复了将文件拖放到 Soundboard 上的
High Quality Network Audio Streaming
SonoBus is an easy to use application for streaming high-quality, low-latency peer-to-peer audio between devices over the internet or a local network.
Simply choose a unique group name (with optional password), and instantly connect multiple people together to make music, remote sessions, podcasts, etc. Easily record the audio from everyone, as well as playback any audio content to the whole group.
Connects multiple users together to send and receive audio among all in a group, with fine-grained control over latency, quality and overall mix. Includes optional input compression, noise gate, and EQ effects, along with a master reverb. All settings are dynamic, network statistics are clearly visible.
Works as a standalone application on macOS, Windows, iOS, and GNU/Linux, and as an audio plugin (AU, VST, and AAX) on macOS and Windows. Use it on your desktop or in your DAW, or on your mobile device.
Easy to setup and use, yet still provides all the details that audio nerds want to see. Audio quality can be instantly adjusted from full uncompressed PCM (16, 24, or 32 bit) or with various compressed bitrates (16-256 kbps per channel) using the low-latency Opus codec.
SonoBus does not use any echo cancellation, or automatic noise reduction in order to maintain the highest audio quality. As a result, if you have a live microphone signal you will need to also use headphones to prevent echos and/or feedback.
For best results, and to achieve the lowest latencies, connect your computer with wired ethernet to your router. Although it will work with WiFi, the added network jitter and packet loss will require you to use a bigger jitter buffer to maintain a quality audio signal, which results in higher latencies.
Click to view
SonoBus 1.7.2 Release Notes
Made the use of the universal font optional (defaulting to off), because it was causing slowdowns on some systems. Only enable it if you need to have universal language character support.
From 1.7.1
Added dedicated button on main window for getting to VDO.Ninja group video link (for those who didn’t even know it was there!)
Fixed VDO.Ninja link generator, Open in browser now operates properly (which it never did)
Fixed font size issue on Windows
Other minor fixes
From 1.7.0:
Added “Suggest New Group” feature. From the group popup (the button just below Connect showing group info) a new item was added that lets you pick who from the currently connected group you would like to join you in a new group, makes the request and connects you to the new group. If the others accept they will immediately connect to the new group with you. This feature can be used in the situation where you are in a public group, but would like to continue to play/talk with a subset of them in a new private (or public) group, with the least amount of effort.
Added Reset All Jitter Buffer button (near the bottom next to FX) with keybinding (cmd/ctrl-J)
Added additional features to the VDO.Ninja link generator, allowing you to create links for both webcam and screenshare usage, which you can use at the same time in multiple browser windows/tabs. Also, an option was added to generate the link so that your content is only pushed, viewing no one… which can be handy if you are using both webcam and screenshare at the same time, and pick one to not view anyone.
Added LV2 plugin for Linux (could be other platforms too if people request it)
Added Soundboard volume control and send-to-group controls at the bottom of the Soundboard
The used font now supports all translated languages, so you can use Chinese, Japanese, or Korean text in names or chat messages, even if the app isn’t set for that language. It has fewer other symbols, however.
Added an option (and made it the default to on) to make the Mute controls in the Input Mixer and the overall input mute at the top be respected when recording yourself. Before the self-recordings would include the input even though they were muted. You can get back to the old way with a new option in the recording options.
Fixed drag and drop of files onto Soundboard
Fixed user scrolling area size issue
Fixed occasional crash on record…….
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