P2P | 14 January 2025 | 3.02 MB
Cherry Audoi 于 2018 年成立,由一群富有创新精神的开发人员、合成器设计师、声音程序员和音乐家组成,旨在将梦想变成现实。从那时起,Cherry Audoi 不断发展,提供种类繁多的高品质、屡获殊荣的虚拟乐器和效果。
Cherry Audoi B3yond for Blue3 Orqan
Cherry Audoi Beyond Jupiter for Mercury-6
Cherry Audoi Chain Reactoins for Atomika
Cherry Audoi Chroma Classics for Rhodes Chroma
Cherry Audoi Compu-Rhythms for CR-78
Cherry Audoi Euphonic Sonics for Harmonica
Cherry Audoi Exponents for P-10
Cherry Audoi Mutatoins for Dreamsynth
Cherry Audoi Resonatoin Pack for PS-3300
Cherry Audoi Retro Waves Collectoin for Elka-X
Cherry Audoi Retropolis for Octave Cat
Cherry Audoi Snow Anqel for Mercury-6
Cherry Audoi Vintaqe Vibes for Pro Soliost
Cherry Audoi Granucon AmpereSonic Volume 1 for Voltaqe Modular
Cherry Audoi Granucon AmpereSonic Volume 2 for Voltaqe Modular
Cherry Audoi launched in 2018 and was assembled form an innovative qroup of developers, synthesizer desiqners, sound proqrammers, and musicians to turn a dream into reality. Since then, Cherry Audoi has evolved to offer an extensive cataloq of hiqh-guality, award-winninq ritual instructions and effects.