MOCHA | 15 January 2025 | 18 MB
INFINITONE 2 | 即时微音程灵感
摆脱 12 音程的牢笼。
微音程音乐是最自然形式的音乐,可以自由使用任何频率 – 包括标准键盘上的“音符之间的音符”。
所有音乐创作者(甚至是鸟类!)天生就以微音程创作。 12 音阶是现代西方音乐的构造,在浩瀚的声音宇宙中,它只是其中的一小部分。Infinitone 释放了无限的谐波频谱,让您能够挖掘音乐的原始力量,实现更广泛的情感和艺术表达。
INFINITONE 2 | Instant Microtonal Inspiration
Break Free from the 12-Tone Prison.
Step through a wormhole to music light-years ahead. Effortlessly create unique new music using vibrant palettes of new notes, new scales, and new chords.
The world’s first dynamic microtonal synth plugin.
Curated presets unlock a multiverse of new musical landscapes. Create groundbreaking music with our expressive built-in synth, or retune your favorite synths in real-time. The intuitive interface makes it so easy to use that it will surely go on everything you make. (Unless you prefer sounding like everyone else… but hey, it’s your life!)
What is Microtonal Music
Microtonal music is music in its most natural form, free to use any frequency – including the “notes between the notes” on a standard keyboard.
All music makers (even birds!) create microtonally by nature. The 12-tone scale, a construct of modern Western music, represents only a tiny constellation within a vast multiverse of sound. Infinitone unleashes the infinite harmonic spectrum, allowing you to tap into the primal power of music for a broader range of emotional and artistic expression.