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拥抱 RANDOM Metal 的混乱
RANDOM Metal 就是实验和声音探索。不用再挖掘无尽的样本了——只需单击一下,就能找到完美的打击乐声音。让你的创造力自由驰骋,拥抱混乱,发现让你的音乐与众不同的新声音。RANDOM Metal 旨在提高你的打击乐潜力,并开始创作非凡的声音。
40 多种打击乐材料类型:从各种声音纹理中进行选择,从激进的金属钹到沙球、踩镲或奇怪的打击乐声音。
富有表现力的 XY 打击垫:实验每个引擎独有的数百个动态参数,进行无尽的实验和探索
双模式:触发 12 个独特的打击垫或半音阶演奏音符。 通过无缝控制释放无尽的创意可能性。
Pad 的功能
单独的 Pad 参数:使用控制来微调每个 Pad 的声音,包括不稳定性、冲击力、衰减、曲线、增益、音高变化、FX 颜色和类型。
混音和 FX 颜色量:设置两次干/湿控制(一次用于信号的响度较大的部分,一次用于较安静的部分),以创建动态 FX 混音。
我们自豪地向您呈现 KEYZY 授权服务的真正密钥生成器。
Inspire creativity and exploration with percussive chaos
Embrace the Chaos of RANDOM Metal
RANDOM Metal is all about experimentation and sonic exploration. Stop digging through endless samples – find the perfect percussive sound with just a click. Let your creativity run wild, embrace the chaos, and discover new sounds that will set your music apart. RANDOM Metal is made to increase your percussive potential and start creating extraordinary sounds.
Global Key Features
40+ Percussive Matter type: Choose from a wide range of sonic textures, from aggressive metallic cymbals to shakers, hi-hats or odd percussive sounds.
Randomization: Instantly transform your sounds with the “RANDOM” button, with adjustable deviance for subtle or dramatic changes.
Expressive XY Pad: Experiment with hundreds of dynamic parameters, unique to each engine, for endless experimentation and exploration
Dual Modes: Trigger 12 unique pads or play notes chromatically. Unlock endless creative possibilities with seamless controls.
Pad’s Features
Individual Pad Parameters: Fine-tune each pad’s sound with controls for instability, impact, decay, curve, gain, pitch shift, FX color, and type.
Loud and Quiet Knobs: Sculpt your sound’s dynamic range by adjusting the amplitude of high and low frequencies.
Mix and FX Color Amount: Set the dry/wet control twice—once for the louder parts of the signal and once for the quieter parts—to create a dynamic FX mix.
Pan/Stereo: Position your sounds in the stereo field and adjust width/depth.
A witch says,
We proudly present you the true keygen for KEYZY licensing service.