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[影视氛围采样音源]Zero-G Dark Skies: Cinematic Ambiences [WAV, KONTAKT]
“Alien Skies: Cinematic Ambiences 2”是 Zero-G 屡获殊荣的库“Dark Skies: Cinematic Ambiences”的续集。这是他们最畅销的包之一,拥有超过 4.1 GB 的 24 位电影音频创新和卓越!
‘Alien Skies’ 是一个巨大的环境音景、纹理、无人机、热门歌曲和特殊效果的集合,旨在满足专业媒体制作人的需求,如电视、电影和游戏配乐作曲家、音乐制作人和网页设计师。
这个梦幻般的新音色库继承了《Dark Skies 1》中展示的尖端声音设计技术,利用最具创新性的现代录音室技术,提供广泛的情感和令人回味的音色体验。
Alien Skies 背后的创意美学需要相当高的音乐艺术性以及混音台后面令人惊叹的精湛技艺。其中许多样本是通过对现场乐器和现场录音的详尽处理和混合而创建的。
简而言之,“Alien Skies: Cinematic Ambiences 2”确实处于现代电影声音设计的顶峰!所有的样本都已经预先清理,并且是100%原创且无版税的音乐使用,无需任何额外的许可费用。
• 720 个酸化 WAV 文件
• 720 个 AIFF/Apple Loop
• 810 Kontakt 乐器
• 810 EXS24 工具
• 810 NN-XT 仪器
这是一个可供下载的大型库。它已被压缩为分段.RAR格式以供下载。购买后,您将下载 12 个单独的 rar 文件,每个文件的大小为 500 MB。下载所有 12 个文件后,确保它们都在同一个文件夹中,然后双击第一个文件,整个库将自动扩展以生成一个包含所有样本和所有格式的文件夹。您必须拥有完整版本的 Kontakt 才能使用此样本库中的 Kontakt 文件。
‘Alien Skies: Cinematic Ambiences 2’ is the sequel to Zero-G’s award winning library ‘Dark Skies: Cinematic Ambiences’. It’s one of their best selling packs with over 4.1 GB of 24-Bit cinematic audio innovation and excellence!
‘Alien Skies’ is a vast collection of ambient soundscapes, textures, drones, hits, and special FX designed to suit the needs of professional media producers such as TV, cinema & game score composers, music producers and web designers.
Extending on from the cutting-edge sound design techniques showcased in Dark Skies 1, this fantastic new library utilises the most innovative, modern studio technologies to provide a vast range of emotional and evocative timbral experiences.
The creative aesthetic behind Alien Skies required considerable musical artistry as well as amazing virtuosity behind the mixing desk. Many of these samples were created through exhaustive processing and mixing of live instrumental and field recordings.
In sourcing recordings for the project no stone was left unturned. A diverse selection of sound sources were utilised, ranging from Indian flutes and bowed Ecuadorian folk strings to found metallic percussion and industrial machines, to ensure the perfect array of raw sonic material.
These sounds were then processed in the studio using literally hundreds of different manipulation programs and tools. Finally, the processed sounds were re-sampled and treated as traditional instruments in musical arrangements to create a fantastic array of synthetic, yet clearly organic, textures.
In short, ‘Alien Skies: Cinematic Ambiences 2’ is truly at the zenith of modern cinematic sound design! All of the samples have been pre-cleared and are 100% original & royalty-free for your musical use without any additional licensing fees.
• 720 Acidized WAV files
• 720 AIFF/Apple Loops
• 810 Kontakt Instruments
• 810 EXS24 Instruments
• 810 NN-XT Instruments
Please Note:
This is a large library to download. It has been compressed to segmented .RAR format for the download. After purchase you will download twelve separate rar files, each being 500 MB in size. After downloading all twelve files, make sure they are all in the same folder, then double click the first file and the entire library will expand automatically to produce one folder containing all samples and all formats. Note that you must have full version of Kontakt to use the Kontakt files within this sample library.