[摇滚歌曲混音教程] Mixing Modern Rock – Start To Finish

2023 年 4 月发布
MP4 | 视频:h264、1280×720 | 音频:AAC,44.1 KHz
语言:英语 | 大小:3.62 GB | 时长:3 小时 27 米

这个 3 小时以上的混音分解将带您完成摇滚歌曲的混音,应用中级到高级的混音策略。

VCA 推子

对数字音频工作站 (DAW) 的基本到中级理解

在本系列中,我们深入了解摇滚乐队 See This Through 的“Undertow”混音。 这个 3 小时以上的混音分解将带您了解中级到高级的混音策略,带您踏上从会话设置和保持井井有条到与客户审查混音的旅程。 跟随 Shane 在 Pro Tools 中从头到尾混合一首现代摇滚歌曲。注意:虽然本课程是在 Pro Tools 中完成的,但应用的技术和理论可以在任何数字音频工作站 (DAW) 中创建。关于作者 Grush Audio 的创始人兼制作人/混音工程师 Shane Grush 的兼职工作变成了全职工作。 它最初是一家专注于创作和制作音乐的精品工作室,后来扩展到包括为全国知名乐队、电影、电视、广告以及其他项目配音和录制音乐。 Grush Audio 可以做大型音乐制作工作室所做的一切——并增加个人风格。Shane 拥有伯克利音乐学院的学位,自 2001 年以来一直在音乐行业工作。他向一些行业顶尖的混音工程师学习,例如 Andy 华莱士、戴夫·彭萨多和格兰特·莫尔曼。 作为一名全职混音工程师、制作人和词曲作者,Shane 帮助多位艺术家与全球主要唱片公司和巡回演出签约。 Shane 还拥有一家名为 Grush Audio 的音乐公司。 Grush Audio 为电视、电影和广告行业提供定制提示。

第 1 部分:See Through 中“Undertow”的混音内部(第 1 部分)


第 2 部分:See Through 中的“Undertow”混音(第 2 部分)

第 2 讲课程设置

第 3 部分:See Through 中“Undertow”的混音内部(第 3 部分)

第 3 讲聆听最终混音

第 4 部分:See Through 中“Undertow”的混音(第 4 部分)

第 4 讲底鼓和军鼓混音

第 5 部分:See Through 中“Undertow”的混音内部(第 5 部分)


第 6 节:See Through 中的“Undertow”混音(第 6 部分)

第 6 讲主要吉他(续)

第 7 部分:See Through 中“Undertow”的混音内部(第 7 部分)

第 7 讲 Main Guitars Wrap Up & Parallel Music Compression

第 8 节:See Through 中“Undertow”的混音内部(第 8 部分)


第 9 节:See Through 中“Undertow”的混音内部(第 9 部分)

第 9 课低音吉他(续)

第 10 部分:See Through 中“Undertow”的混音内部(第 10 部分)

第 10 讲 ALT 集团

第 11 节:See Through 中“Undertow”的混音内部(第 11 部分)

第 11 课主音吉他(干净和失真的音色)

第 12 部分:See Through 中“Undertow”的混音内部(第 12 部分)

第 12 讲剩余的鼓音轨

第 13 部分:See Through 中“Undertow”的混音内部(第 13 部分)

第 13 课主唱

第 14 节:See Through 中“Undertow”的混音内部(第 14 部分)


第 15 节:See Through 中“Undertow”的混音内部(第 15 部分)

第 15 讲 VCA 推子

第 16 部分:See Through 中“Undertow”的混音内部(第 16 部分)

第 16 讲混音总线

第 17 节:See Through 中“Undertow”的混音内部(第 17 部分)

第 17 讲客户评论

第 18 节:测验

今天我们从 See Through 深入了解“Undertow”的混音。 跟着我从头到尾混一首摇滚歌曲。 这个 3 小时以上的混音分解将带您了解策略、混音技巧和涉及会话设置的建议,以与您的客户一起审查您的混音。中级 DAW 知识

Published 4/2023
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 3.62 GB | Duration: 3h 27m

This 3+ hour mix breakdown walks you through mixing a rock song, applying intermediate to advanced mixing strategies.

What you’ll learn
Session Setup
Kick & Snare
Heavy (Main Guitars)
Lead Guitars
Bass Guitar
Alt Group Processing
Remaining Drum Tracks
Lead Vocals
Background Vocals
VCA Faders
The Mix Buss
Client Review

Basic to intermediate understanding of a digital audio workstation (DAW)

In this series, we go Inside The Mix of “Undertow” from the rock band, See This Through. This 3+ hour mix breakdown walks you through intermediate to advanced mixing strategies, taking you on a journey from session setup and staying organized to reviewing your mixes with your clients. Follow along as Shane mixes a modern rock song from start to finish inside Pro Tools.Note: while this course is completed in Pro Tools, the applied techniques and theories can be created in any digital audio workstation (DAW).About The AuthorWhat began as a part-time gig turned into a full-time passion for Producer/Mix Engineer Shane Grush, the founder of Grush Audio. It started as a boutique studio focused on writing and producing music and expanded to include voiceovers and recording music for nationally known bands, film, television, commercials, plus miscellaneous projects. Grush Audio does everything big music production studios do – with an added personal touch.Shane has a degree from Berklee College of Music and has worked in the music industry since 2001. He has learned from some of the industry’s top mixing engineers, such as Andy Wallace, Dave Pensado, and Grant Mohrman. As a full-time mixing engineer, producer, and songwriter, Shane has helped multiple artists get signed to major labels and tour stages across the globe. Shane also owns a music company called Grush Audio. Grush Audio supplies custom cues for the TV, Film, and advertising industries.

Section 1: Inside The Mix of “Undertow” from See This Through (Part 1)

Lecture 1 Introduction

Section 2: Inside The Mix of “Undertow” from See This Through (Part 2)

Lecture 2 Session Setup

Section 3: Inside The Mix of “Undertow” from See This Through (Part 3)

Lecture 3 Listen To The Final Mix

Section 4: Inside The Mix of “Undertow” from See This Through (Part 4)

Lecture 4 Kick & Snare Mixing

Section 5: Inside The Mix of “Undertow” from See This Through (Part 5)

Lecture 5 Main Guitars

Section 6: Inside The Mix of “Undertow” from See This Through (Part 6)

Lecture 6 Main Guitars (cont.)

Section 7: Inside The Mix of “Undertow” from See This Through (Part 7)

Lecture 7 Main Guitars Wrap Up & Parallel Music Compression

Section 8: Inside The Mix of “Undertow” from See This Through (Part 8)

Lecture 8 Bass Guitar

Section 9: Inside The Mix of “Undertow” from See This Through (Part 9)

Lecture 9 Bass Guitar (cont.)

Section 10: Inside The Mix of “Undertow” from See This Through (Part 10)

Lecture 10 The ALT Group

Section 11: Inside The Mix of “Undertow” from See This Through (Part 11)

Lecture 11 Lead Guitars (Clean & Distorted Tones)

Section 12: Inside The Mix of “Undertow” from See This Through (Part 12)

Lecture 12 Remaining Drum Tracks

Section 13: Inside The Mix of “Undertow” from See This Through (Part 13)

Lecture 13 Lead Vocals

Section 14: Inside The Mix of “Undertow” from See This Through (Part 14)

Lecture 14 Background Vocals

Section 15: Inside The Mix of “Undertow” from See This Through (Part 15)

Lecture 15 VCA Faders

Section 16: Inside The Mix of “Undertow” from See This Through (Part 16)

Lecture 16 The Mix Buss

Section 17: Inside The Mix of “Undertow” from See This Through (Part 17)

Lecture 17 Client Reviews

Section 18: Quiz

Today we go Inside The Mix of “Undertow” from See This Through. Follow along as I mix a rock song from start to finish. This 3+ hour mix breakdown walks you through strategies, mixing techniques, and suggestions touching on session setup to reviewing your mixes with your clients.,Intermediate DAW Knowledge

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