[1400个Serum预设样本套装]Esential Music Productions Serum Electronic Music Bundle [WAV, MiDi, Synth Presets](3.76GB)

P2P | 15 February 2025 |  3.76 GB


1400 个预设旨在让您的曲目在创纪录的时间内听起来更专业

Serum Melodic Techno 预设库
170 个高品质 MELODIC TECHNO 预设旨在创造即时热门

您不需要另一个预设库来制作 Melodic Techno,您可以在这里找到一切:20 Arps、5 Atmos、40 Bass、5 Brass、10 Fx、35 Leads、15 Pads、30 Plucks、10 Synths。

在 Melodic Techno 中释放您的创造力。每种声音都经过设计,以将您的曲目提升到新的高度,为您提供塑造独特旋律景观的基本工具。

DEEP HOUSE Serum 200 个预设
预设的灵感来自 Tiesto、Meduza、Joel Corry、Kream 等艺术家!

您是 Deep House 音乐爱好者吗?准备好使用我们的 Serum 预设库将您的作品提升到一个新的水平。

有了这个 Serum 预设库,您就有了塑造定义 Deep House 流派的独特声音的终极工具。 (70 Bass、40 Synth、40 Plucks、30 Leads、10 Pads、2 Fx、4 Arps、4 Sub)。

PSYTRANCE Serum 125 个预设 
灵感来自 Vini Vici、Astrix、Liquid Soul、Infected Mushroom、Kshmr 等!

通过我们独家的 125 个 Serum 预设集合,让自己沉浸在 Psytrance 的声音狂喜中。从宇宙引线到脉动低音,获得完整的武器库,将您的工作室变成迷幻声音实验室。

有了这个 Serum 预设库,您就有了塑造定义 Psytrance 流派的独特声音的终极工具。 (25 Bass、24 Leads、20 Seq、15 Plucks、15 Fx、10 Acids、9 Pads、5 Atmos、2 Synth)。

80个高品质 TRANCE 预设旨在打造即时热门歌曲
使用我们独家的 80 个 Serum 预设集合改变您的 TRANCE 作品,这些预设经过精心设计,旨在捕捉该类型大师的精髓。

从史诗般的 Leads、最常用的低音预设、用于创建令人印象深刻的间奏的 Pad 等等。这个预设库为您的 Trance 作品提供了质量飞跃的关键。

TECHNO HOUSE Serum 100 个预设
预设灵感来自 Fisher、Dom Dolla、Chris Lake、Jax Jones 等艺术家!

使用我们的 Serum Techno House 预设库改变您的歌曲。创建令人印象深刻的低音线,每个预设都旨在将您的曲目提升到一个新的水平。

借助这组 Serum 预设,您将拥有塑造 Techno House 流派独特声音的终极工具。(40 个 Bass、20 个 Leads、15 个 Synths、10 个 Plucks、10 个 Fx、5 个 Chords)。

FUTURE BASS Serum 225 个预设
这些预设的灵感来自 San Holo、Marshmello、Flume、Mike Williams、Mesto 等艺术家!

使用我们的未来低音预设库为 Serum 改变您的作品。从富有情感的合成器、和弦到强劲的滴答声,每个元素都旨在提升您的音轨。

有了这个 Serum 预设库,您就有了塑造定义 Deep House 流派的独特声音的权威工具。(70 个低音、40 个合成器、40 个拨弦、30 个引线、10 个打击垫、2 个效果器、4 个琶音、4 个低音)。

SYNTHWAVE Serum 280 个预设
高级预设源自经典 Synthwave 声音

使用我们的 280 个 Serum 预设库让您的 Synthwave 音轨脱颖而出。从强劲的低音到迷人的引线,这个包是您获得真实声音的关键。

提升您的作品,每个音符都会与定义这一独特流派的复古未来主义魔力产生共鸣。 (55 个琶音、45 个低音、10 个和弦、25 个效果、20 个键、40 个引线、40 个打击垫、25 个拨弦、20 个合成器)

Serum Edm 预设库
200 个高品质 EDM 预设旨在打造即时热门歌曲

使用我们独家的 200 个 Serum 预设集合改变您的 EDM 作品,这些预设经过精心设计,旨在捕捉该类型大师的精髓。

从史诗般的引线和最常用的钢琴预设来制作 Edm,到强劲的低音和和弦。这个预设库为您提供了让您的曲目栩栩如生的关键,具有该类型伟人的真实性和创新性。“

有了这些 8 款产品,您的电子音乐歌曲质量将提高 10 倍

独家赠品 #1
MELODIC TECHNO One Shots Collection(550 个样本)

550 个 One Shots 样本专为旋律 Techno 音乐设计(贝司、合成器、拍手、小军鼓、底鼓、踩镲、打击乐)。


独家赠品 #2
270 个样本 DEEP HOUSE One Shots

创建打击乐节奏、低音线和旋律。我们已经采样了 270 个 One Shots,因此即使您不使用外部插件,也可以创作 Deep House。

Deep House One Shots 电子音乐合集库包括:50 Bass、30 Claps、20 Fx、40 Hi Hats、20 Kicks、30 Percussion、30 Snares、10 Stabs、20 Synths、10 Cymbals、11 Chords。

245 个样本 PSYTRANCE One Shots

创建打击乐节奏、低音线和旋律。我们已经采样了 245 个 One Shots,因此即使您不使用外部插件也可以创建 Psytrance。Psytrance

One Shots 电子音乐合集库包括:35 Acids、35 Bass、25 Hi Hats、20 Claps、20 Percussion、20 Snares、35 Stabs、18 Kicks、15 Synths、15 Zaps、8 Cymbals。


这个库不仅包含打击乐,还包含专为 Trance 制作设计的 Acids、Bass 和 one shots 合成器。

750种精心采样的声音,您可以在歌曲中获得真实的 Trance 声音,只需将样本拖放到项目中并享受制作音乐的乐趣。

175 个样本 TECHNO HOUSE One Shots

创建打击乐节奏和令人惊叹的低音线。我们已经采样了 175 个 One Shots,因此即使您不使用外部插件也可以创建 Techno House。Techno

House One Shots 电子收藏库包括:30 Bass、30 Synths、20 Claps、20 Hi Hats、20 Kicks、20 Percussion、10 Rides、10 Shakers、10 Snares 和 5 Cymbals。

1600 个样本 FUTURE BASS One Shots

创建打击乐节奏、低音线和旋律。我们已经采样了 1600 个 One Shots,因此即使不使用外部插件,您也可以创建 Future Bass。Future

Bass One Shots 电子合集库包括:140 Bass、70 808、200 Claps、40 Cymbals、240 Hi Hats、50 Kicks、225 Percussion、95 Rides、30 Snaps、260 Snares、125 Synths、100 Toms。

1000 个样本 Synthwave One Shots

使用我们的 1000 个样本库引发 Synthwave 革命。从深沉的低音到令人回味的合成器,每种声音都经过精心挑选,以将您的作品提升到一个新的水平。

我们的 1000 个 Synthwave 样本库与所有程序兼容,确保您可以轻松地将这些声音集成到您当前的工作流程中。 (100 个 Bass、100 个 Clap、50 个 Crash、7 个 Crash Reverse、150 个 Hi Hats Close、150 个 Hi Hats Open、50 个 Kicks、100 个 Percussion、200 个 Snares、50 个 Synth、100 个 Toms)

独家附赠 #8
Edm One Shots Collecion(140 个样本)

使用这 140 种打击乐提升您的 EDM 节拍。每种声音都经过精心制作以实现最大多功能性,为您提供完美的调色板来构建充满活力的节拍,与该类型顶级艺术家的曲目产生共鸣。

增加您的 EDM 作品的强度,包括:20 个 Clap、10 个 Cymbals、20 个 HI-Hats、25 个 Kicks、20 个 Percussion、10 个 Rides、10 个 Snaps、25 个 Snares。

独家奖励#8 包含不同流派的鼓点的声音库

8 KICKS 电子音乐合集 1100 Kicks
鼓点是电子音乐中最重要的乐器之一。我们编制了 1100 个鼓点,这样您的歌曲就永远不会缺少优质的鼓点。

KICKS 电子音乐合集包括: 150 Kicks Melodic Techno、100 Kicks PsyTrance、100 Kicks Deep House、100 Kicks Trance、100 Kicks Techno House、285 Kicks Future Bass、100 Kicks Edm、200 Kicks Synthwave

独家奖励#Midis Astrolis
Astrolis 2000 Midis 电子音乐

打破创意障碍,2000 Midis 专为制作电子音乐而设计,将 midis 拖放到项目中即可获得即时灵感。

风格包括:Trance、Melodic Techno、Future Bass、House、Edm、Dark Techno、Future House、Techno House、Future Rave、Deep House、Psytrance、Slap House 和 Synthwave。

独家附赠电子书 50 个混音秘诀
在这本 108 页的书中,您将了解最优秀音响工程师最常使用的 50 个混音秘诀。阅读电子书并应用它后,我向您保证,您的歌曲质量将提高 10 倍,并且您的混音速度将大大提高。

Get the sound that the best record labels are looking for!

1400 presets designed to make your tracks sound professional in record time

Serum Melodic Techno Presets Bank
170 High Quality MELODIC TECHNO Presets designed to create instant hits

You don’t need another bank of Presets to produce Melodic Techno, you find everything here: 20 Arps, 5 Atmos, 40 Bass, 5 Brass, 10 Fx, 35 Leads, 15 Pads, 30 Plucks, 10 Synths.

Unleash your creativity in Melodic Techno. Each sound has been designed to elevate your tracks to new heights, providing you with the essential tools to sculpt unique melodic landscapes.

DEEP HOUSE Serum 200 Presets
Presets inspired by artists like Tiesto, Meduza, Joel Corry, Kream, among others!

Are you a lover of Deep House music? Get ready to take your productions to the next level with our Serum Presets Library.

With this bank of presets for Serum you have the definitive tool to sculpt the distinctive sound that defines the Deep House genre. ( 70 Bass, 40 Synth, 40 Plucks, 30 Leads, 10 Pads, 2 Fx, 4 Arps, 4 Sub ).

PSYTRANCE Serum 125 Presets
Presets Inspired by Vini Vici, Astrix, Liquid Soul, Infected Mushroom, Kshmr among others!

Immerse yourself in the sonic ecstasy of Psytrance with our exclusive collection of 125 Serum presets. From cosmic leads to pulsating bass, get a complete arsenal to transform your studio into a psychedelic sound laboratory.

With this bank of presets for Serum you have the definitive tool to sculpt the distinctive sound that defines the Psytrance genre. ( 25 Bass, 24 Leads, 20 Seq, 15 Plucks, 15 Fx, 10 Acids, 9 Pads, 5 Atmos, 2 Synth ).

80 High Quality TRANCE Presets designed to create instant hits
Transform your TRANCE productions with our exclusive collection of 80 Serum presets, meticulously designed to capture the essence of the masters of the genre.

From epic Leads, the most used bass presets, Pads to create impressive breaks and much more. This bank of Presets offers you the key for your Trance productions to take a leap in quality.

TECHNO HOUSE Serum 100 Presets
Presets inspired by artists like Fisher, Dom Dolla, Chris Lake, Jax Jones, among others!

Transform your songs with our bank of Techno House presets for Serum. Create impressive bass lines, each Presets is designed to elevate your tracks to the next level.

With this bank of presets for Serum you have the definitive tool to sculpt the distinctive sound that defines the Techno House genre. ( 40 Bass, 20 Leads, 15 Synths, 10 Plucks, 10 Fx, 5 Chords ).

FUTURE BASS Serum 225 Presets
Presets inspired by artists like San Holo, Marshmello , Flume, Mike Williams, Mesto, among others!

Transform your productions with our Future Bass Presets Bank for Serum. From emotive synths, Chords to powerful drops, each element is designed to elevate your tracks.

With this bank of presets for Serum you have the definitive tool to sculpt the distinctive sound that defines the Deep House genre. ( 70 Bass, 40 Synth, 40 Plucks, 30 Leads, 10 Pads, 2 Fx, 4 Arps, 4 Sub ).

SYNTHWAVE Serum 280 Presets
High Level PRESETS Derived From Clasic Synthwave Sounds

Make your Synthwave tracks stand out with our Preset Bank of 280 Serum Presets. From powerful bass to captivating leads, this pack is your key to authentic sound.

Elevate your productions, each note will resonate with the retro-futuristic magic that defines this unique genre. ( 55 Arps, 45 Bass, 10 Chords, 25 Fx, 20 Keys, 40 Leads, 40 Pads, 25 Plucks, 20 Synths )

Serum Edm Presets Bank
200 High Quality EDM Presets designed to create instant hits

Transform your EDM productions with our exclusive collection of 200 Serum presets, meticulously designed to capture the essence of the masters of the genre.

From epic Leads and the most used Piano Presets to produce Edm, to powerful basses and chords. This bank of Presets offers you the key to bringing your tracks to life with the authenticity and innovation of the greats of the genre.”

With these 8 Products the quality of your electronic music songs will be Multiplied x10

Exclusive Bonus #1
MELODIC TECHNO One Shots Collecion ( 550 Samples )

550 One Shots Samples Designed For Melodic Techno Music ( Bass, Synths, Claps, Snares, Kicks, Hi Hats, Percussions ).

We ease your creative challenges by providing you with a diverse selection of sounds, making song creation easier, and letting you focus on having songwriting fun.

Exclusive Bonus #2

Create percussive rhythms, bass lines and melodies. We have sampled 270 One Shots so you can create Deep House even if you don’t use external plugins.

The Deep House One Shots Electronic Collection Library Includes: 50 Bass, 30 Claps, 20 Fx, 40 Hi Hats, 20 Kicks, 30 Percussions, 30 Snares, 10 Stabs, 20 Synths, 10 Cymbals, 11 Chords.

Exclusive Bonus #3

Create percussive rhythms, bass lines and melodies. We have sampled 245 One Shots so you can create Psytrance even if you don’t use external plugins.

The Psytrance One Shots Electronic Collection Library Includes: 35 Acids, 35 Bass, 25 Hi Hats, 20 Claps, 20 Percussion, 20 Snares, 35 Stabs, 18 Kicks, 15 Synths, 15 Zaps, 8 Cymbals.

Exclusive Bonus #4
TRANCE ONE SHOTS 750 Electronic Collection:

This library not only contains percussions, it contains Acids, Basses and one shots synths designed exclusively for Trance production.

750 carefully sampled sounds so you can get the authentic Trance sound in your songs, just drag and drop the samples to your project and have fun producing music.

Exclusive Bonus #5

Create percussive rhythms and awesome basslines. We have sampled 175 One Shots so you can create Techno House even if you don’t use external plugins.

The Techno House One Shots Electronic Collection Library Includes: 30 Bass, 30 Synths, 20 Claps, 20 Hi Hats, 20 Kicks, 20 Percussion, 10 Rides, 10 Shakers, 10 Snares &5 Cymbals.

Exclusive Bonus #6

Create percussive rhythms, basslines and melodies. We have sampled 1600 One Shots so you can create Future Bass even if you don’t use external plugins.

The Future Bass One Shots Electronic Collection Library Includes: 140 Bass, 70 808, 200 Claps, 40 Cymbals, 240 Hi Hats, 50 Kicks, 225 Percussions, 95 Rides, 30 Snaps, 260 Snares, 125 Synths, 100 Toms.

Exclusive Bonus #7
1000 SAMPLES Synthwave One Shots

Unleash the Synthwave revolution with our library of 1000 samples. From deep bass to evocative synths, each sound has been meticulously selected to take your productions to the next level.

Our library of 1000 Synthwave samples is compatible with all programs, ensuring you can easily integrate these sounds into your current workflow. ( 100 Bass, 100 Claps, 50 Crash, 7 Crash Reverse, 150 Hi Hats Close, 150 Hi Hats Open, 50 Kicks, 100 Percussions, 200 Snares, 50 Synths, 100 Toms )

Exclusive Bonus #8
Edm One Shots Collecion ( 140 Samples )

Elevate your EDM beats with these 140 percussions. Each sound has been expertly crafted for maximum versatility, providing you with the perfect palette to build energetic beats that resonate with tracks from the genre’s top artists.

Increase the intensity of your EDM productions, includes: 20 Claps, 10 Cymbals, 20 HI-Hats, 25 Kicks, 20 Percussions, 10 Rides, 10 Snaps, 25 Snares.

Exclusive Bonus #8 Sound Libraries with kicks from different genres

8 KICKS Electronic Collection 1100 Kicks
The Kick is one of the most important instruments in electronic music. We have compiled 1100 kicks so that you never lack a quality kick drum for your songs.

KICKS Electronic Collection includes: 150 Kicks Melodic Techno, 100 Kicks PsyTrance, 100 Kicks Deep House, 100 Kicks Trance, 100 Kicks Techno House, 285 Kicks Future Bass, 100 Kicks Edm, 200 Kicks Synthwave

Exclusive Bonus #Midis Astrolis
Astrolis 2000 Midis ELECTRONIC MUSIC

Break the creative block, 2000 Midis designed exclusively to produce Electronic Music, drag and drop the midis to the project and get immediate inspiration.

Styles includes: Trance, Melodic Techno, Future Bass, House, Edm, Dark Techno, Future House, Techno House, Future Rave, Deep House, Psytrance, Slap House & Synthwave.

In this 108 page book you will learn 50 of the mixing secrets that the best sound engineers use the most. After reading the ebook and applying it, I assure you that your songs will multiply their quality by X10 and you will mix much faster.

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